Papers by Khagendra Prasai

Human Geography
The Belt and Road Initiative is emerging as a global phenomenon with a potential of bearing on al... more The Belt and Road Initiative is emerging as a global phenomenon with a potential of bearing on almost all nations on Earth in different ways. In this context, this article, generally, is an attempt to demonstrate that impacts and implications of the BRI in Nepal will be governed by important national (Chinese) and international factors. Specifically, it argues that factors that have high developmental potential for Nepal include China's persistent rise and concomitant creation of the multipolar world, China's upholding of its international polices and the BRI principles, reproduction of the BRI experiences of other countries in Nepal, China's continuous pursuit of its socialism-aspiring path of development, its potential embarkment on a predominantly socialist path in the future. It argues that China’s future embarkment on a predominantly capitalist path can have ambivalent impacts ranging from highly appropriative to highly supportive. Likewise, the US–China conflict ca...

Institute of Indian Studies, Nov 1, 2020
federalism is no exception to this. In the absence of clarity and concretization of autonomy, fed... more federalism is no exception to this. In the absence of clarity and concretization of autonomy, federalism and concurrence of power, cooperative federalism will be inoperative by inviting insurmountable conflicts. To me, the most effective way to overcome this situation, is that cooperation as normative ideal and as enshrined in the Constitution of Nepal can and ought to be consolidated by instituting constitutional and legal provisions which require higher federal units to have consultation and discussion with the lower units before legislating and implementing programs and policies having a bearing on and to be implemented by the latter. These provisions can contribute to cooperatizing cooperative federalism by requiring higher body to behave as a coordinator or a leader in cooperative relations. Furthermore, there are practical problems that are largely attributable, among others, to elitist and undemocratic political culture rampant in political parties manifested in inter-party as well as intra-party relations; and lack of constitutional provisions necessary for maintaining a balance between federalism and autonomy. In addition, absence of national programs in Nepal, which, otherwise, would have decidedly compelled, induced and driven all units to work together in the true spirit of cooperation, constitutes a barrier to the effective practice of cooperative federalism.

Seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt spielen Nepals linke Parteien eine wichtige Rolle im politischen Be... more Seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt spielen Nepals linke Parteien eine wichtige Rolle im politischen Betrieb. Stets hätte es für linke Mehrheiten gereicht. Aber die Parteien waren zerstritten und bekämpften sich gegenseitig. Nun haben die beiden größten Konkurrenten-die Marxisten-Leninisten und die Maoisten-ihre Differenzen überwunden und sich vereinigt. Doch Kritiker*innen beklagen, dass der Einigungsprozess schlecht vorbereitet und über die Köpfe der Basis hinweg vollzogen wurde. KHAGENDRA PRASAI EINHEITSPARTEI AUS MACHTKALKÜL DER ZUSAMMENSCHLUSS VON NEPALS KOMMUNISTEN FAND OHNE BETEILIGUNG DER BASIS STAT T Der 3. Oktober 2017 war ein historischer Tag in der Geschichte der kommunistischen Bewegung Nepals: Zum ersten Mal hatten drei linke Parteien-die Kommunistische Partei Nepals (Vereinigte Marxisten-Leninisten), abgekürzt CPN (UML), die Kommunistische Partei Nepals (Maoistisches Zentrum), abgekürzt CPN (MC), und die Partei Naya Shakti (sinngemäß: Neue Kraft) 1-ihr Zusammengehen in einer Wahlallianz für die anstehenden Parlamentswahlen auf nationaler und regionaler Ebene bekannt gegeben. Obwohl sich Naya Shakti nach zwei Wochen wieder aus dem Bündnis zurückzog, hielten Marxisten-Leninisten und Maoisten an dem Plan fest und errangen wenig später einen überwältigenden Erfolg bei den Wahlen. Das führte am 17. Mai 2018 dazu, dass die beiden größten linken Parteien des Landes erklärten, sich zu einer neuen Partei zusammenschließen zu wollen-zur Nepalesischen Kommunistischen Partei (Nepal Communist Party, NCP).
Against popular misconception, I argue that self is a material entity. In addition, self is not a... more Against popular misconception, I argue that self is a material entity. In addition, self is not an independent and individual but a social entity—constructed socially. Such notion of self has profound moral and political implication. Morally, it makes human beings moral being in a true making them their own creator. Politically, it renders individualism and liberalism untenable and points towards a society, which we can broadly call socialism, not only as a natural and organic order but also morally desirable.
For more than a decade, left parties in Nepal have played an important role in politics. Moreover... more For more than a decade, left parties in Nepal have played an important role in politics. Moreover, there has always been a left majority. But the parties have often been bitter politic adversaries and in conflict with each other. Now the two biggest competitors-the Marxist-Leninists and Maoists-have overcome their differences and united into a single party. Critics, however, complain that the unification process was badly prepared and happened without involving supporters and party cadres.

federalism is no exception to this. In the absence of clarity and concretization of autonomy, fed... more federalism is no exception to this. In the absence of clarity and concretization of autonomy, federalism and concurrence of power, cooperative federalism will be inoperative by inviting insurmountable conflicts. To me, the most effective way to overcome this situation, is that cooperation as normative ideal and as enshrined in the Constitution of Nepal can and ought to be consolidated by instituting constitutional and legal provisions which require higher federal units to have consultation and discussion with the lower units before legislating and implementing programs and policies having a bearing on and to be implemented by the latter. These provisions can contribute to cooperatizing cooperative federalism by requiring higher body to behave as a coordinator or a leader in cooperative relations. Furthermore, there are practical problems that are largely attributable, among others, to elitist and undemocratic political culture rampant in political parties manifested in inter-party as well as intra-party relations; and lack of constitutional provisions necessary for maintaining a balance between federalism and autonomy. In addition, absence of national programs in Nepal, which, otherwise, would have decidedly compelled, induced and driven all units to work together in the true spirit of cooperation, constitutes a barrier to the effective practice of cooperative federalism.
Journal of Political Science
Foucault dismisses ideology as an object of investigation in understanding power relations for th... more Foucault dismisses ideology as an object of investigation in understanding power relations for three important reasons bearing on his rejection of true-false distinction, dismissal of reference to subject and trivialization of ideology. This paper argues against Foucault's claim and shows that investigation of ideology constitutes an important task in understanding relation of domination—which is substantiated by demonstrating firstly that the true-false distinction is not only ontologically real but also morally warranted; and secondly that ideology is not merely a passive effect of infrastructure of an oppressive social system but is in reciprocal relation with it and therefore plays an indispensably important role in maintaining the system in general and the present-day capitalism in particular.
Molung Educational Frontier
Politics has become a frustrating social activity for many young people. However, there is no esc... more Politics has become a frustrating social activity for many young people. However, there is no escape from it: the only choice in democratic society is between ―good‖ politics and ―bad‖ politics. The performance of ―independent‖ media, our cultural and social norms, some constitutionals provisions, liberalism and cynicism are among those principal factors that are responsible for the alienation of you from politics. Federal structure, in the meantime, has encouraged the youth to engage in politics. In a federal-democratic society, youth needs to possess critical and deliberative mind to make politics meaningful and productive. This paper explores the roles youth can play in strengthening federal democracy in Nepal.
Papers by Khagendra Prasai