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Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Subject:Carphax Files @ Convergence16
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:4:35 pm.

Good afternoon Bits and Bots c here with a bit more information about our performance at Convergence.

We will be Playing Sunday night and sharing the evening with some awesome DJ's the line up is as such 
8-8:45 - David Industrial
8:45 - 9:30 - Rev23 
9:30 - 11 - DJ Fluffs McKenzie 
11-12 - Carphax Files 
12-1 - David Industrial 
1-2 Rev23

We also have a limited number of our Cd's both Vengeance and Dirt on hand for purchase.(IIRC 10 each) and as a special treat we will also be showcasing a number of our lablemates (COP) offerings at our merch table.

Look for Cd's from 
Hocico - memoria
s atras
Reaper - Hell Starts with an H
Soman -re:up, Mask 
C-lekktor - The Silence Procession
FGFC820 - Urban Audio Warfare, Law and Ordnance
DYM - The Invilid
Soil and Eclipse - The Mirror
Life Cried - Banished Psalms
and the When Angels Die Compilation which proceeds go towards fighting breast cancer.

As we only have a limited supply these will probably go pretty quickly.

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Monday, May 24th, 2010

Subject:Carphax Files @ Dark Arts
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:12:22 pm.
Carphax Files will be performing at the Dark Arts Festival in Salt lake City, Utah Saturday June 12th. We will be taking the stage around 9:30 and you wont want to miss this one ;)
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Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Subject:Carphax Files Video - No body - NEEDS VOLUNTEERS!
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:5:01 pm.
Okay kids - I love you all... and I'm sending this out so that you are aware that we want you with us on this adventure. 

What we need:

5 Dancers that are confident enough to do a choreographed routine. I've had a couple of responses, but I need some commitment.

15 or so people to stand around and be club goers that are standing around and dancing to music being played in the club.

One girl to play a "drunken Ex" who stumbles about spilling her drink on her new boyfriend.. we also need the boyfriend.

One girl to pull me into the bathroom and have a saucy "make out" scene (No kissing is required or anything like that... but there has to be some element of activity there... pulling and tearing at clothing and so on.

I will be posting an mp3 of the track for you all to listen to within the next 24 hours (working on it now).

We will be shooting this soon - next week soon. 

I have make up artist and people for wardrobe. If you're interested in being a dancer, I'll need the following sizes: pants, waist, bra. (Marie is nice enough to bring clothing from her studio in LA and allow us to use it.)

Extra Club peeps... Wear whatever you want or don't want... we just want peoples to stand around and dance and have a good time.

Shooting will take place at Area 51 before they open. Plan on Saturday or Sunday (March 6th or 7th) in the afternoon.

Make up artists that are interested please contact me, I have Marie doing make up, but if we achieve the goal of multiple people, I don't want her to be doing ALL the make up. SO please give me a call (if you have my number) or send me an email. 

More people the better. So if you just want to stand around and look cool in a music video... CONTACT ME! 


Any questions, contact me. 

Let's get this going!

Rock and Roll boys and girls!

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Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Subject:Come see us play :)
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:10:32 am.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Subject:An Update of sorts...
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:9:24 am.

--- Update ---

WRESTLING WARLORD!!!® has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

LOL......I am so Fucking Happy with this, thank God..........Now only if REDUMPTION, TRAGIC CRAP, DIGITAL LUV & QSTANDS FOR Q will dissapear along with you........LOL...........
.....Jasin MUNDANE you and your band are a joke and once again this proves everything I have stated about the Shitty SLC Scene......LOL...........
.......Oh your Unemployed again.........Boo Fucking Hoo!!!



therion has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

This is extremely sad...I love your music...even my kids love your music. Everytime we get in the car...and I say "what dya wanna listen to?" it's either Carphax Files or Mindless Self Indulgence...every single time.

I can understand why you're doing what you need to do though....and I will always be a fan. I plan on being at your final concert..hell, I'll even bring my kids..they would absolutely love it.


Genocide to go [T!CK!T ♥] has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead


Jasin, will you teach me music? honest to god.
I want to be able to make good noises with knobs tand buttons
ya tho i would really really like to.

*stomp stomp stomp*


Shelley has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

well babe...I'm sorry things have to come this, i know exactly how ya feel though. When it becomes a labor and not one of love it's no fun anymore. I know you'll make more music, you have to, it's in your veins... I just hope your next endeavor is a more peaceful and fulfilling one. Ever want to come to San Diego and work with a cute female opera goth (me) let me know! :) love and hugs!


tin_0men has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

You'll be missed, but I understand. Good luck with future endeavors!


Rob has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

Loved it while it lasted will miss it no its gone, change isn't always bad just sometimes hard to get used to. Thanks for the fun memories, look forward to new directions.



vem has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

The music will live on even if the project is dead.


Bullet has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead


Sorry to hear it...Carphax Files was an asset to SLC as an entity....


WRESTLING WARLORD!!!® has posted a comment on your blog post: CF is dead

In Honor of you and Chad and the rest of your joke of a band, check ,my new Blog...........LOL

 Oh Fuck Yeah,

    I just read the greatest Blog that I have read to date on the Shitty Salt Lake City Scene.  A self professed band, that spoke of REVOLUTION......LOL............Shut the Fuck Up Jasin Mundane.......Here is the Blog in it's entirety........




The shitty Salt Lake City Scene, won't even support their own local acts.........ah what a fucking shame...LOL  Now I hope the next Shitty SLC Band that follows suit is the shitty, MISFIT Wannabe, Talentless TRAGIC CRAP.............Now this would really make my Year............LOL.......Yes after all the Bullshit I have had to deal with when I was promoting with arrogant, self absorbed, talentless piece of Shit local acts.....I do get great enjoyment from this.  Read the part in the BLOG about not filling what was promised to fans that were dumb enough to believe if they donated money Jasin Mundane would actually send them merchandise.  Oh and I think I remember that this time 2 years ago Jasin was also unemployed, Jasin maybe you should go to Vocational Rehab to get trained in another career, or better yet go work at Burger King........LOL............WARLORD!!! hates the Shitty SLC Scene and I hope other bands also dissapear into the sunset like Carphax Files, heres just a few that I hope leave also Tragic Crap, Domniana, QSTANDS FORQ, REDUMPTION oh the list goes on and on...............What a FUCKING FANTASTIC DAY....;)

LEGAL DISCLAIMER:  The above Blog is that of the WARLORD!!!'S Opinion based on individuals, situations and assholes that the WARLORD!!! has had to deal with in real life.  If you don't like it then go take a DUMP on Arsenic Fashions Floor!!!


Wrestling Warlord as you can see is our biggest supporter.


Well folks. Here's the deal. I have a lot of things to get straight with my life. I didn't think I could do it anymore. But with comments and email and phone conversations with many people including COP, I'm not walking away from this yet. I won't go into detail about what was said as some of these things were very personal and very very VERY touching and tough to hear.


What's going to happen to CF? Does this mean I am flip flopping like a politician? No. I don't know what's going to happen to CF. What I am going to do instead of completely killing it off is take a long break from music and get my life and shit together.


As Wrestling Warlord so gracefully boo hoos, I am unemployed, on unemployment. And it is hard to deal with when you are trying to organize promotions as well as keep promises and so on. But with a little help I will be tying up loose ends really soon. Bottom line is I've put practice, writing, composing and all my art ahead of myself in the sense that I've placed myself in a place where I knew I would struggle and I can't just suddenly pop out of it. My debt is incredible and outrageous and during this break I plan to get back on top of things in my life.


Certain members of the band may not stand with me anymore, and I don't blame them. Having the rub yanked out from underneath you isn't ever fun. All I can say is that I'm not perfect, and unfortunately, if I wanted to walk away from this project I HAVE to kill it because I started it and wrote the material. I don't have the luxury of just saying, "Sorry guys, I can't do this anymore. Good luck with the band". When I walk away, the project walks away with me. This is a BIG reason as to why this decision has been so hard on me. Because I know and knew how it would affect my closest friends (the members of CF).


So! I'm taking a break from music completely, organizing my life and getting it all together, and then if I still feel the way I do about music at this time I will bury it and leave alone.

Yes, it is in my veins, yes I want to create and explore as man roads as possible musically and grow from it. Yes there are things that I want to release and after a long conversation with COP yesterday, I found out these things possibly can and will be released. And as they are already composed and finished, they will be released very soon. It's a matter of finalizing some things and sending the material to COP.


As for Wrestling Warlord and his comments, I don't know what to say. You feel the way you feel about things. Until last year, I thought you and I were good friends and you had no problems with me. If I've done anything to you personally, I apologize. I can only speak for myself and no one else. I hope that one day you feel better and less angry about whatever it is you're angry about. Anger has led me to make some bad decisions, and I've seen anger lead others to bad decisions. I've come to realize lately that if anger and frustration isn't properly channeled you end up with more anxiety and sorrow in your life than you do happiness.


But I support you and thank you for your honest words. Its appreciated and follows my philosophy perfectly. You have a right to have your opinion and say what you want without prejudice. And though I may be at the end of your comment, I accept you for who you are. And I admire that. Good on you.


And here we are. Admiral Monday is taking a vacation from this place and stepping into a world of self sufficiency and responsibility. Its been fun, but the damage is more than obvious. I'm sure I will return to CF and yes, there will be a third album regardless of what happens, and yes there will be releases to come in the not so distant future. Keep an eye out for that.


To everyone that wrote letters and shared stories of how Cf's music touched them and got them through hard times. To everyone that wrote me and asked me to reconsider this decision, thank you. To everyone that supported me and understood, thank you. To the COP family, my close personal friends that called to talk to me about it, and my band mates that thought enough to be up front and honest with me about how they felt, THANK YOU!


I'm an artist, I am moody, volatile and irrational, because I am passionate, charismatic and deep. My personal opinion is that I should be on some kind of medication most of the time, but then I fear losing the ability to see the world the way I see it. And frankly I like the world with all the chaos and stupidity more. It gives me something to think about and say. It also gives me something to stand for. If I were null and void, sitting in the corner with prozac drool spewing from my lips, I don't think I would be as happy.


Spencer (S. Fulmer) Told me last night as he and C. Painter were speaking on the matter, "We were talking about how this may not be permanent, and what happens when the republicans rig the elections again this year and it pisses him off enough to bring it back?"


And its true. Even without rigged elections there's plenty to write about and say. Just ask Wrestling Warlord.



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Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Subject:This is it.
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:10:14 am.
Mood: sad.
I got into music because I had no choice. It was calling me and making me do things against the norm. It was a polite suggestion that gave me strength, motivation and honor. A sense of pride and modesty for I had a lot to learn and I wanted it, so I asked for a guitar for my 13th birthday and started a band. I got into music because it was where I fit. It was where I gained most of my confidence as the “individual” I am.

Carphax Files is hard and it is no more as of today. We have issues you see. We can’t get it together. Everyone is everywhere and we have only small times where we really come together and shine. In the two years that we’ve ALL been together only one or two tracks has come of it as a band. TWO fucking years!

A band takes money, a lot of money to get off the ground for equipment, merchandise, promotion. A band also takes dedication and unity. It also takes time, patience, and should never have an agenda. I don’t believe I’ve ever joined a band to make it own, but rather a collective of ideas of many people that fit side by side as though it were the perfect chain of events that created a masterpiece.

The music is the easy part. The music is there within us and gives us something to live for. The music is what made us want to start this thing to begin with. The music is important, but a band requires as much as a lover would.

After a huge struggle with myself and many many MANY thoughts I have decided to let it go. I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t play the game of high school popularity. I can’t play the political game anymore. I really don’t care if people like or don’t like what I do. I’ve always done music for me and only me. And what I’ve allowed to happen to this project wasn’t what I intended. There are songs I wanted to release that weren’t accepted by the label. There were times I wanted to do things that weren’t allowed. There were things that I truly didn’t want to happen, but I did them so others would be happy. I understand there’s a give and take to everything we do in this life, but when someone has a vision, I believe they should follow it through and through, without changing it for anyone other than themselves. And as selfish as it may sound, I’m the only one that started CF when it began. It is mine – but doesn’t feel that way anymore.

I’ve given nearly ten years of my life to this, and I’ve disappointed fans, people within the project, friends and family all along the way. And it continues to be this way, and I don’t want that anymore. I don’t have the stomach for it, and here I sit unemployed without a dime STILL, to mail things to people I made promises to over two years ago. Its completely lost its integrity, and the message I so gracefully wanted to send to the world ends up being a pile of bullshit, and I can’t take that, knowing I’m responsible for it.

Orders will filled in the coming weeks as it is coming out of my unemployment checks. I will send donators that have not received their materials the materials they wanted plus more to make up for the fact we lost the financial battle and I know that I owe it to them.

If the label will return my phone calls, I will ask to release the last album of my contract, and I will record it with the members that wish to be included in its release. If I’m not able to do this, I will send recordings to those that wish to have them.

As for music itself, I plan to take a different direction without limitation to genre or style. I have other projects that I’ve wanting to work with, but haven’t taken the time, because I focused everything on CF.

To everyone that gave a shit about this project: COP, friends, fans, family, members of the project, you know who you are – Thank you. Your support, words of advice and guidance, your countless hours of helping with what you could – being there for the neurosis and other elements that made this project shine are more than appreciated. Please don’t try to talk me out of it, I’ve made up my mind this time and while there is anger and frustration in your thoughts right now, I hope to have your support in my future projects and artistic ventures.

We want to do one last show. An all ages show, and booked in the beginning of next year. January of February to be specific, a show to say goodbye to all those that want to say goodbye, and for those that couldn’t make it to the above 21 shows. I hope to get this set up as soon as possible. Any SLC promoters that want to assist with making this happen, contact me ASAP.


Jasin Monday
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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Subject:Hey everyone come wish Jasin a Happy Birthday.
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:1:40 am.
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Monday, June 9th, 2008

Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:12:42 pm.
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Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Subject:We will have copies of our NEW release for sale
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:2:46 pm.

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Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Subject:01 Apr 08 Tuesday
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:9:00 am.

CF NUMBER SIX on CMJ Report/RPM TOP 10- TOMMY T- 3/31/08

CMJ Report/RPM TOP 10- TOMMY T- 3/31/08


2- ANGELS ON ACID -eyes behind the curtain - DSBP


4- HOCICO -memorias atras -COP INT’L


6- CARPHAX FILES - revolutions vol.1:dirt -COP INT’L

7- TEMPOSHARK - the invisible line -PAPER & GLUE

8- MATINEE CLUB - the modern lp -NINTHWAVE

9- CARL CRAIG - sessions -!K7

10- DEAD JUMP - scare mix -ADVOXYA

_________MACHINES AGAINST HUNGER NEWS!_________________

Click the above link to order Machines Against Hunger Compilation (Featuring Carphax Files’ Guns and Violins. Where all proceeds go to fight hunger... That’s right 100% of all proceeds will go toward the fight against hunger.

You want to do something for the world? Feed it.

That’s all for now. Thanks always for your support and most importantly, thank you for listening.

Admiral Monday

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Friday, March 21st, 2008

Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:12:40 pm.
:CARPHAX FILES STALKER APPLICATION: (TM) Copyright Carphax Files Corp 2008

Religious affiliation:

1.Which member of CFC would you stalk and why?

2.Are you willing to sit awake overnight with high powered binoculars for the purpose of observing the subject of stalking?

3.Have you read the stalker book?

4.Will you leave dead plants on our doorsteps?

5.Are you good at surveillance?

6.If you were arrested for stalking and then set free, would you obey the restraining order?

7.Is there any limit to your insanity?

8.Are you willing to send pictures of yourself to make us fall in love with you?

9. Do you want pieces of our clothing, flesh, hair... etc.? (if so... which one(s) and why?)

10.Finally, is there anything you won't do?

Screened to Protect the Crazies :)
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Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:12:33 pm.
:CARPHAX FILES GROUPIE APPLICATION: (copyright carphax files corp 2008)

Religious affiliation:

1.Are you male or female?

2.What's your favorite Carphax Files composition?

3.Your favorite member of CFC and why?

4. Please explain in detail how far you are willing to go to get into the show if you happen to be under age.

5.Please explain what you are willing to do for a signed CD?

6.What is your favorite book?

7.Would you be a slave for a day for a member of CFC? Who? How far would you go for your master?

8 If God and CFC were at war, who would win?

9 What would you wear to a CFC performance?

10.If you could be trapped on an island with a book and a member of CFC, which book and member would it be?

stay tune for CFC stalker application

All replies screened for our protection ;)
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Friday, February 29th, 2008

Subject:This is the time and this is the place.
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:9:46 am.

This is NOT a show, it is a listening party with a DJ set by Mr Jasin Monday himself!

Standard Area 51 covers apply as Area 51 is a private club for members. So be a winner and a member.
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Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:10:19 am.

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Thursday, January 31st, 2008

Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:9:10 am.
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Monday, January 21st, 2008

Subject:Interview with Vampirefreaks Magazine
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:1:16 am.

Interview with Carphax Files

By DeathWish 

Looking back upon the history of music one is very quick to remember legends such as Ministry, Skinny Puppy, amongst others to whom the term "revolution" was not simply another gimmick but the very essence of life and foundation for their writings. Unfortunately in these times, at a glance, would seem as though very few artists are willing to take a chance in helping to carry the torch and challenge their audience to think, leaving true music fans with a simple question "who has the balls to stand for something real?" Well your prayers have been answered by one Jasin Monday and his band of Salt Lake City revolutionaries known as Carphax Files, declaring with their mission statement "We stand for the revolution of the mind, body, and spirit." 

The very heart of revolution lies in change and progression, and in this spirit Carphax Files is prepared to march on with new line up additions, their second release Revolutions Vol. 1: Dirt, ventures into the world of video, and a slew of live performances, just to skim the rapidly expanding surface. So without further delay, open your minds and hearts as we delve into the chemistry of this formula with its main catalyst, ladies and gents I am proud to introduce you to Jasin Monday. 

DeathWish: I hope you are not too offended by being termed as "revolutionaries?" Perhaps the readers would be served well from your own explanation of what the word "revolution" means to you and what roll do you see CF playing in it?

Jasin Monday: I'm not offended. After all, its not my title to place. Revolution to me it's the progress of the body, mind and spirit. As we grow in out time here, we evolve, and reach understandings that help us know ourselves and our surroundings better. This, in my opinion, will ultimately lead to a chain reaction that will eventually change the world.

DW: It would appear you have added a few comrades to the line up, how about introducing them to all of us? Have they been instituted into the new album?

JM: A. Harmon on guitar, bass, and keys. Jackie O on synths. S. Fullmer (aka Super Spence) on drums. C and I are happy to have such wonderful people working with us. Most of the music for the new album was written before they arrived, so with the exception of A Harmon's guitar talents on Laser Beams, they have not been implemented as of yet.

DW: Would you say that they have already added to CF's mentality and direction, and if so, how? 

JM: Totally. Their spiritual energy alone is quite inspiring, and their talents take CF to a entirely different level. How? That's like explaining why the ocean is so hypnotizing.

DW: Congratulations on the new album, Revolutions Vol. 1: Dirt, but I must inquire; why mark it "Vol. 1?" Is there a book of sorts in the works? Also, what significance does the title "Dirt" hold?

JM: Vol 1: because there will be a Vol 2. Dirt is my hero. It's the ever change organism that never dies. It swallows the decaying death, and revolves it into life. Dirt is amazing.

DW: The new album is not the only frontier being tracked by CF, you just released your first music video "God 3.0", via MySpace. How did the process go in the transformation to video?  Have your fans responded to it well, and will there be more available soon?

JM: There will be more soon. We're working on our first DVD as well. The transformation was fairly easy. Shooting video always turns into an interesting adventure. There's a lot of archived footage that would probably scare most people. The fan response has been amazing. They like it. That's why we're doing more!

DW: Your live shows have been the key to exposing others to your message until this point? do you plan on uniting the visual representation with the concerts, perhaps a DVD of sorts?

JM: The DVD will include live performance.

DW: I'm certainly hoping that footage of CF's first appearance in San Francisco will be shown on it. Any chance that it might be featured on there?

JM: 21st Century Visual Noise taped some of the performance and offered us royalty usage. So more than likely, depending on when they release that material, it will be on there as well.

DW: What are your plans to tour looking like this year? Are there plans for playing the European front?

JM: We're not releasing Rev 1 until later this year, and we're planning on pulling all of our resources together to do a tour in spring of 08. I would love to tour Europe. So many beautiful places to see. (editors note at the time of posting the CD will be Released Feb, 29, 2008)

DW: Between live shows, videos, merchandise, and other significant changes within the CF camp; I can see the need to centralize everything via a central medium, such as a main homepage, are there any steps being taken to make this happen?

JM: Well has images, video, CFC TV, information about CF, upcoming news and events, merchandise for sale, silliness in pants, and about everything we need. What I would like to do is implement a mailing list of sorts.

DW: I remember seeing a side venture you had with a fellow CF member C Painter, called Borderline. How does that project differ from that of Carphax? Are you two still pursuing this project?

JM: It became a distraction of sorts, along with several other things in my life. Its still around though. In our hearts and souls, and it will come back once we've calmed things down on the CF front.

DW: Quick change of direction, you decided to pick one of the oddest classics to cover in the Bee-Gee's "Staying Alive". What the hell made you decide to cover disco? How did your audience take it?

JM: Everyone seems to love it. We're releasing it on our virtual EP later this year; along with several remixes of songs on the new album. This will be released on iTunes. I was at a friends house, and a good friend of mine Eric recommended that a CF friend t3hFlaxor and I cover it. So we did. 

DW: For our readers who might not reside in SLC, that single got a bit of air play on a Utah radio station. How did this come to pass and how did you find out? 

JM: A fan sent in the track to station here that supports local music. I was informed of this via myspace comment.

DW: One could only imagine the sense of achievement that could instill, I mean, there you are, your song is on the radio! What emotions did it spark in you?

JM: It feels good to have the support. Joy. I smiled.

DW: While browsing through CF's MySpace page, I noticed your involvement with Sigsaly Transmissions Media's charity double CD Machines Against Hunger. What exactly is this compilation working to support? Also, how did you get involved with it, and how can we pick up a copy?

JM: It's a comp where 100% of the profit from the sales of this compilation will be donated to the international aid organization:


Its one of the benefits of being on COP. We, like the other bands on the label were offered a spot on the comp. It should be released later in this year, stay tuned to CF news and follow the links from our home and myspace page to obtain the purchase information.

DW: Lets back track a bit. I read that you didn't actually initiate CF in SLC, but not how it was started? Where did you begin the blueprints for this project? Any material you're thinking of bringing back, and what urged you to move it to Utah?

JM: I moved to Utah to be with a girl. That didn't work out, but the success of the project there kept me from moving away. Plus its good to be close to COP. The blueprints began in 1999 on a road trip around the U.S. I recording my first material in 2000 at On Location Studios in Miami where I was living at the time. 

DW: Many would be shocked of the move, due to SLC's stigma of being the Mormon capitol of the world. Within the city of SLC, there are so many social and moral limits set in the laws that govern EVERYONE, believers and non-believers, according to the church's views. Has living in such a restrictive environment helped to shape Carphax's message and resolve?

JM: No. It takes more than a few liquor laws and a temple to oppress me. I think these issues are throughout the world. There's always some form of oppression in every city that rivals freedom. 

DW: With that mentality you have succeeded in delivering raw, energy driven shows that capture the viewers. Any crazy accidents or on stage incidents you want to get off your chest?

JM: I've cracked three ribs by banging my mic stand against my body. I've killed 2 SM58s and multiple midi controllers that flaked out on me. One show I stepped on the power strip that all the gear was connected too. I had to monologue for about 15 minutes while systems rebooted. Not fun.

DW: You have always delivered good advice and insight to your fans, transmitted through your "This Just In" daily bulletins on MySpace. What observations could you offer your audience, both old and new, that are reading this interview?

JM: Find your own way, and follow your values and morals until you feel you don?t need them anymore. Be a winner.

DW: What political/social changes would you like to spark within your listeners?

JM: I think people need to be more conscious of the fact that they are not the only people on earth.

DW: Call it curiosity (which kills journalists as easily as cats), but how close would you say Homeland Security monitors you because of this project?

JM: I've not attempted to buy a plane ticket in the past couple of years. I guess we'll find out then. For those of you who don't know. There is a no fly list that is passed around. You, yes you, could be labeled a terrorist. Be a winner.

Now go check out their VampireFreaks page at Carphax Files

HTML and content Edited by C. Painter

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Friday, January 11th, 2008

Subject:News from our fearless leader
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:3:52 pm.
Carphax Files' new album Revolutions Vol 1: Dirt will be released February 29th, 2008.

Carphax Files will be featured in Zillo Magazine's March 2008 issue.

Also. If you're in town or if you live here. COME TO THIS!

More to come...
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Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:10:33 am.
For those of you who didn't know we were nominated for best Dark Wave industrial Act in Salt Lake City.

You will be able to vote here and I am pretty sure you will be able to cast your vote at the show as well.

Carphax Files will be performing with Domiana and Q stands for Q at Area51 (a private club) this Saturday the 12th

The cover is only 5 bucks and its 18 and over so get yourselves on down there and have a great time.

Rumor has it you will also get to hear some older material from us so don't you dare miss it :)
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Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Subject:lets try this again
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:8:31 am.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Subject:Come out come out whereever you are
Posted by:chromeangel.
Time:3:03 pm.
Comments: Add Your Own.

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