Papers by Cankat Kaplan
Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 6, 2024
Interpretership of Tadhkirat al-‐awliya in the Ottoman Realm: A Dream of a Qutb of ... more Interpretership of Tadhkirat al-‐awliya in the Ottoman Realm: A Dream of a Qutb of the World in the Üsküdar İskele Mosque

This thesis is an attempt to rethink the term heresy in the context of the sixteenth- century Ma... more This thesis is an attempt to rethink the term heresy in the context of the sixteenth- century Mamluk and Ottoman mindset. From a theoretical perspective, it tries to go beyond the supposed dichotomy between heresy and orthodoxy that informs many studies of Islamic history. It argues that in the sixteenth-century Damascus, Cairo, Aleppo, and Istanbul heresy was not a universal term, but a context-bound one. In many studies, heresy is the synonym for heterodoxy and heretical ideas are generally understood as ideas that do not suit the sharia and sunna. The problem with this dichotomy is that scholars approach it as timeless and universal. However, as I show in this thesis, the controversial Sufi shaykh Ibn Arabi (d. 1240) was accepted as a true saint in the Ottoman realm while his veracity was highly debated in the Mamluk lands. Furthermore, even in the Mamluk lands, being an Ibn Arabi supporter was seen as appropriate at certain points in time, but in a later period it could be the grounds for the execution.
In this thesis, I have attempted to contextualize two polemical, anti-Ibn Arabi works by Ibrahim al-Halabi (d. 1549), Nimat al-Dharia fi Nusrat al-Sharia and Tasfih al-Ghabi fi Tanzih Ibn Arabi, in the changing social, political and religious dynamics of the early modern Islamic eastern Mediterranean. Examining the debate about Ibn Arabi in the sixteenth- century Ottoman state, I have argued that Ibrahim al-Halabi had a great influence on the new, more critical stance of the Ottoman ulema vis-à-vis Ibn Arabi starting after the Ottoman conquest of the Mamluk lands.
The sixteenth century was an age of change for the Ottomans. The period also witnessed important developments in the evolution of Ottoman Sunnism. Recent scholarship has interpreted this change as a result of the conflict between the Ottomans and their rival to the east, the Safavids, and the Ottomans’ pursuit of legitimacy in this context. However, the role of the Ottoman conquest of the Mamluk Sultanate has not attracted the attention it deserves. This thesis concetrates on this overlooked aspect of early moderm Islamic history and explores the Mamluk scholars’ perception of the Ottomans as newcomers to the Sunni tradition. According to them, the Ottomans were not “Sunni enough” and they were exceeding the limits of the sharia and sunna. At least, according to al-Halabi, the doctrine of the Oneness of Being (wahdat al-wujud) of Ibn Arabi that was widely accepted in the Ottoman lands by sultans and the chief jurisprudents was definitely out of the limit.

Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, Cilt 16, Sayı 31-32, 103-131, 2018
Bu makalede Zeyniyye tarikatı üzerine yazılmış akademik metinlerin bir değerlendirmesi yapılmı... more Bu makalede Zeyniyye tarikatı üzerine yazılmış akademik metinlerin bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, 4 kitap, 3 tez ve 15 makale incelenmiştir. Makale, Zeyniyye tarikatı üzerine şimdiye kadar yazılmış eserleri eleştirel bir süzgeçten geçirerek, Zeyniyye tarikatı özelinde ve daha genel olarak tasavvuf tarihi çalışmalarında üç probleme dikkat çekmek amacındadır. Zeyniyye tarikatı özelinde dikkat çekmek istediği problem, halen daha Zeyniyye tarikatının diğer tarikatlar ve siyasi aktörler ile ilişkisini sosyal ve politik çerçeve içerisinde ortaya koyan tafsilatlı bir eserin yazılmamış olduğudur. Buna bağlı olarak Zeyniyye tarikatı üzerine yazılmış eserlerin çoğunun problemi olan tarikatın 15. yüzyıldan sonra niçin tesirini hızla kaybettiği sorusu da tam anlamıyla cevaplandırılmış değildir. Makale, tasavvuf tarihi çalışmalarında genel çerçevede şu iki probleme dikkat çekmektedir: Artık heterodoksi-ortodoksi dikotomisinin kullanımından vaz geçilmesi gerektiği ve içerisinde bir argüman barındırmayan betimleyici çalışmalardan uzaklaşılması gerektiği.

Osmanlı’da İlm-i Tasavvuf, İSAR Yayınları, 2018
Makalede, Horasan’dan İstanbul’a nispeten geniş bir coğrafyada faaliyet gös- teren Zeyniyye t... more Makalede, Horasan’dan İstanbul’a nispeten geniş bir coğrafyada faaliyet gös- teren Zeyniyye tarikatının öne çıkan üç ismi Zeynüddin el-Hâfî (ö. 838/1435), Abdüllatîf el-Kudsî (ö. 856/1452) ve Şeyh Vefâ’nın (ö. 896/1491) İbnü’l-Arabî’ye ilişkin benimsedikleri tavırdaki değişim incelenecektir. Giriş bölümünde, ko- nuya ilişkin temel iddialar ve bu iddiaların dayandırılıdığı argümanlara yer verilecektir. Bu bağlamda, temel iddiaların daha geniş bir perspektifte, tasav- vuf tarihi yazımı açısından sahip olduğu düşünülen değerine de temas edile- cektir. Girişte daha sonra kısaca makalede kullanılan temel kaynaklar tanıtı- lacak; sonrasında ise Zeyniyye’nin tarihine ve Anadolu’da yaygınlık kazanma sürecine değinilecektir. Makalenin ilk bölümünde, İbnü’l-Arabî karşıtı bir tavır sergileyen Hâfî ve Kudsî’nin İbnü’l-Arabî’ye ve vahdet-i vücûda dönük eleştirileri üzerinde durulacaktır. İkinci bölümde ise, Sâz-ı İrfân metni ışığında Şeyh Vefâ’nın tarikatta pîri olan Hâfî’ye ve şeyhi olan Kudsî’ye, İbnü’l-Arabî ve vahdet-i vücûd hususlarında karşı çıktığı noktalar değerlendirmeye konu edilecektir. Sonuç kısmında, Zeyniyye tarikatı mensuplarında meydana gelen söz konusu değişimin siyasal ve sosyal sebepleri hususunda bazı tahminlerde bulunmaya gayret gösterilecektir.
6. Sayı Ekoeleştiri, Sürdürülebilirlik ve Edebiyat by Cankat Kaplan
Papers by Cankat Kaplan
In this thesis, I have attempted to contextualize two polemical, anti-Ibn Arabi works by Ibrahim al-Halabi (d. 1549), Nimat al-Dharia fi Nusrat al-Sharia and Tasfih al-Ghabi fi Tanzih Ibn Arabi, in the changing social, political and religious dynamics of the early modern Islamic eastern Mediterranean. Examining the debate about Ibn Arabi in the sixteenth- century Ottoman state, I have argued that Ibrahim al-Halabi had a great influence on the new, more critical stance of the Ottoman ulema vis-à-vis Ibn Arabi starting after the Ottoman conquest of the Mamluk lands.
The sixteenth century was an age of change for the Ottomans. The period also witnessed important developments in the evolution of Ottoman Sunnism. Recent scholarship has interpreted this change as a result of the conflict between the Ottomans and their rival to the east, the Safavids, and the Ottomans’ pursuit of legitimacy in this context. However, the role of the Ottoman conquest of the Mamluk Sultanate has not attracted the attention it deserves. This thesis concetrates on this overlooked aspect of early moderm Islamic history and explores the Mamluk scholars’ perception of the Ottomans as newcomers to the Sunni tradition. According to them, the Ottomans were not “Sunni enough” and they were exceeding the limits of the sharia and sunna. At least, according to al-Halabi, the doctrine of the Oneness of Being (wahdat al-wujud) of Ibn Arabi that was widely accepted in the Ottoman lands by sultans and the chief jurisprudents was definitely out of the limit.
6. Sayı Ekoeleştiri, Sürdürülebilirlik ve Edebiyat by Cankat Kaplan
In this thesis, I have attempted to contextualize two polemical, anti-Ibn Arabi works by Ibrahim al-Halabi (d. 1549), Nimat al-Dharia fi Nusrat al-Sharia and Tasfih al-Ghabi fi Tanzih Ibn Arabi, in the changing social, political and religious dynamics of the early modern Islamic eastern Mediterranean. Examining the debate about Ibn Arabi in the sixteenth- century Ottoman state, I have argued that Ibrahim al-Halabi had a great influence on the new, more critical stance of the Ottoman ulema vis-à-vis Ibn Arabi starting after the Ottoman conquest of the Mamluk lands.
The sixteenth century was an age of change for the Ottomans. The period also witnessed important developments in the evolution of Ottoman Sunnism. Recent scholarship has interpreted this change as a result of the conflict between the Ottomans and their rival to the east, the Safavids, and the Ottomans’ pursuit of legitimacy in this context. However, the role of the Ottoman conquest of the Mamluk Sultanate has not attracted the attention it deserves. This thesis concetrates on this overlooked aspect of early moderm Islamic history and explores the Mamluk scholars’ perception of the Ottomans as newcomers to the Sunni tradition. According to them, the Ottomans were not “Sunni enough” and they were exceeding the limits of the sharia and sunna. At least, according to al-Halabi, the doctrine of the Oneness of Being (wahdat al-wujud) of Ibn Arabi that was widely accepted in the Ottoman lands by sultans and the chief jurisprudents was definitely out of the limit.