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"In a moment of transformation of media as a result of ongoing processes of digitalization and convergence, television broadcasters are increasingly betting on tools that allow the public to assume a more active role in the production of... more
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      Information TechnologyParticipatory CulturePublic Service Broadcasting
This article aims to analyze the dynamics of scientific production in communication sciences in universities from the Community of Madrid from 2007 to 2010. Based on a bibliometric analysis of the major Spanish communication journals,... more
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This article analyses public service broadcasting in Europe, looking at public broadcasters' role as promoters of participative processes. Computer-mediated communication and studies rooted in mediated human interactivity are used to... more
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      Public Service MediaPublic Service BroadcastingOnline JournalismAudience Participation
This article characterizes publication patterns of Spanish communication scholars in scientific journals. ifferent parameters are analyzed: institution of origin, number of authors, typology of collaborations and the number and target of... more
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      BibliometricsInternationalizationCommunication StudiesAcademic Journals
'Press X to pay respects' is an instruction in 'Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare' (Activision, 2014) and 'Batman: Arkham City' (Rocksteady Studios, 2011), a contextual action that seems to be included to give depth to the game events. But... more
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      EthicsGame studiesVideo Game DesignPolitics of Recognition
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Increasingly, audiences are invited to interact with television shows. Although television broadcasters have sought any kind of audience participation since the first days of the medium (be that, for instance, through getting members of... more
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De un tiempo a esta parte, diferentes procesos han caracterizado la evolución de la televisión en España. El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de dos de ellos para explorar con más detenimiento la participación de la audiencia en... more
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On May 24th 2015, the political party Ahora Madrid won the local elections in Madrid against odds. Ahora Madrid was founded just four months before the elections and its candidate, Manuela Carmena, a retired judge, wasn't a known... more
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      Political ParticipationAdvertisingPolitical Campaigns
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación comparativa sobre las invitaciones a la participación que las principales televisiones generalistas en España ofrecieron a la audiencia en 2010 y en 2014 durante su franja de... more
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      ParticipaciónTelevisión Digital
This article presents the results of comparative research into the participation invitations that the main general interest television channels in Spain made to their audiences in 2010 and in 2014 during prime time and at night. It is... more
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      TelevisionAudience Participation
Aquest article presenta els resultats d’una recerca comparativa sobre les invitacions a la participació que les principals televisions generalistes a Espanya van oferir a l’audiència el 2010 i el 2014 durant la seva franja de màxima... more
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      ParticipaciónTelevisión Digital
Este texto presenta las principales disciplinas y aproximaciones teóricas que estudian el engagement en medios y adopta una comprensión interdisciplinar del término. A través de una extensa revisión bibliográfica se trata de problematizar... more
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      Television StudiesAudience ParticipationEngagement
The social relevance that have acquired Podemos, especially after the European elections has shown that the use of mass media as the main tool for the transmission and popularization of certain political messages, can be very useful for... more
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El volumen analiza la producción de Ryan Murphy desde una perspectiva autorial. En él se plantea la narrativa, la estética y el significado cultural de su ficción televisiva.
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesFilm Aesthetics
This short article focuses on the interrelation of two seemingly invisible phenomena that have a growing influence on our daily lives: on the one hand, our intimate relationship with devices and practices mediated by technology, which... more
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      Media StudiesDigital CultureMedia technologyDigital Communication
Even if participation has been a key word in many research areas within Communication and Media Studies, there are still theoretical disagreements about its definition. The inevitable coexistence of different approaches to the concept has... more
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      Media StudiesParticipationMedia Theory
In line with recent research from political economy of communication that has dealt with alternatives to dominant corporations and power structures, this chapter approaches resistance in local cinema and presents the case study of... more
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      Political Economy of CommunicationSpanish cinema (Film Studies)Film and Media StudiesFilm Exhibition