[31 Mar 2008|11:12am] |
do sugars feed the cancer?
have you heard this thought. some say yes, some say no. its one of those things that some say its totally researched and proven while i heard the america cancer socity has no evidence. not sure who to believe here.
what do you think? since my last scan was clean, can i start having fruity pebbles for breakfast or should i just give it all up and eat wheaties the rest of my life just to be sure it doesnt come back
interested to hear your thoughts, postive or negative, about this topic.
[29 Jan 2008|02:33am] |
so, should one change to soy milk or something similiar for their morning cereal when considering a 'healthy' lifestyle?
of course, every other box of cereal i have is something sugary and sweet.. this week its wheaties, next week corn pops... anybody else do this? is it really counterproductive to eating healthy?
opinions would be appreciated!
[15 Aug 2007|11:03am] |
when you throw up the captains Crunch Berries, it comes out green.
believe me, i know.
[04 Jul 2007|01:45am] |
so, hows bout that Transformers movie?
well, forget the movie, hows bout seeing Optimus Prime? way cool.
(though i may have shed tears of joy when bumblebee first transformed..)
[28 Feb 2007|10:52am] |
WALL E - the new pixar film sounds excellent
[20 Sep 2006|11:55pm] |
history channel has this awesome documentary on cereal right now!
tony the tiger, elmo the elephant!! oh the history!
at my place. |
[09 Jul 2006|12:03am] |
THE WORLD CUP FINALE CEREAL JAM!! Im also making this a fundraising party. so im requesting a ten dollar donation at the door for Operation: Cockpunch the Cancer! all cereal/milk/ bowls will be provided! arrival begins around 945 for pregame news, NO EARLIER as i plan on sleeping until 937am. game kicks off at 1030!! this is a social gathering second, game watching party first!! only come if you care about watching some futbol (or making a donation!).. we have a grill and fireplace so we can continue the celebrations throughout the rest of the day.. please do the RSVP thing so i can get an accurate headcount. id hate for you to only have one bowl of lucky charms as im on my third. (my cancer, my dibs on cereal)
[03 Jul 2006|12:27am] |
saw this short flick on friday night at the Japanese Monster Movie Festival

the bot was cool.
[12 Mar 2006|01:52am] |
cookie crisp. 20 ounces. $2.50
rock on vons, rock on.
[11 Nov 2005|12:45pm] |
stereogum says:
Beck's "Hell Yes" Video: Where's It At?
Sony's QRIO robot can dance, react to people, and get up when it falls on its ass. Sony's goal: a personal entertainer. Beck's goal: the coolest music video ever. VH1 reports:
There are only four working QRIOs in the world. And all of them appear in the "Hell Yes" video ... Director Garth Jennings says, "They have such an unbelievably fluid range of motions, so Beck and I just had to work out an elaborately choreographed number for them. I think it took the programmers in Japan about three weeks to program the routine into each robot."
We haven't been able to track it down, but it's said to be already airing on MTVDeux. If you've got stream, send our way. Here's footage of the dance moves you can expect.
[04 Nov 2005|12:20am] |
i just wanted to mention that the new Target stores in my area have the best deals on cereal.
were not talking just the small 10-14 oz. boxes, everytime i go in, some great 20-24oz box of cereal that is overpriced in the grocery store is onsale for 3 bucks..
frosted mini-wheats, crunch berries, honey-nut cheerios. wheaties and so on...
just sayin.
ROBOpop |
[03 Nov 2005|03:56pm] |

casiobotic electropop about robots and video games!!