Papers by paola iturralde
PubMed, Jun 1, 2011
Background: Heterotopic pregnancy has increased in frequency due to the increasing number of assi... more Background: Heterotopic pregnancy has increased in frequency due to the increasing number of assisted reproductive procedures. The diagnosis is difficult even with ultrasonography. Objective: To report the case of a patient with heterotopic pregnancy without a history of in vitro fertilization or fertility treatment. Conclusions: Heterotopic pregnancy is a rarity that requires a high diagnostic suspicion, specialized desk studies and early surgical care to ensure a favorable outcome to the embryo.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
SynopsisThe following is an official statement by the leadership of the Mexican Federation of Col... more SynopsisThe following is an official statement by the leadership of the Mexican Federation of Colleges of Obstetricians and Gynecologists regarding migrant care in Mexico, given the current context of Central and South America.

Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2017
Trombosis venosa cerebral en una paciente puérpera con preeclampsia con datos de severidad Resume... more Trombosis venosa cerebral en una paciente puérpera con preeclampsia con datos de severidad Resumen ANTECEDENTES: la trombosis venosa cerebral es infrecuente, pero con mayor incidencia durante la gestación y el puerperio. OBJETIVO: revisar la bibliografía más reciente y proponer una opción de tratamiento de la paciente con trombosis venosa cerebral durante el puerperio. CASO CLÍNICO: paciente de 30 años de edad, con antecedente de dos embarazos y dos cesáreas. En el séptimo día de puerperio tuvo edema de miembros inferiores, cifras tensionales elevadas, cefalea y alteraciones visuales. Con el tratamiento antihipertensivo con nifedipino y neuroprotección con sulfato de magnesio se logró el control de la hipertensión, aunque persistieron la cefalea y los síntomas de visión borrosa y diplopía. La resonancia magnética reportó: trombosis venosa de seno transverso lateral izquierdo. Con el tratamiento anticoagulante hubo disminución importante de los síntomas neurológicos. CONCLUSIONES: puesto que la preeclampsia y la eclampsia pueden ocultar los síntomas de la trombosis venosa cerebral, es importante tener siempre en mente ambos padecimientos para el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de uno y otro.

Women's Health Science Journal
Overview Breast cancer is the most common pathology in women of reproductive age; approximately 7... more Overview Breast cancer is the most common pathology in women of reproductive age; approximately 7% of breast carcinomas are diagnosed in women less than 40 years of age, corresponding to more than 40% of all malignant diseases diagnosed in this group. Genetic factors play a fundamental role in the genesis of the breast cancer in young patients. However, it is not easy to analyze them because their clinical usefulness is limited and there are multiple factors that must be considered. We conducted a retrospective study in which we included female patients of ages 40 years old or less, diagnosed with breast cancer at a private medical center during the period of January 2010 to July 2014. The protocol of the study included a complete clinical study, radiological reports as mammography and/or ultrasound image, histopathological and immunohistochemistry reports. The study included 46 patients with an average age of presentation of 37.1 years, a standard deviation (SD) of ±3.02 years and ...

Journal of Cancer Treatment and Research
Sentinel lymph node biopsy has been one of the most important advances in oncologic surgery, espe... more Sentinel lymph node biopsy has been one of the most important advances in oncologic surgery, especially in breast cancer, since it decreases the high morbidity associated with radical axillary dissection, and allows treatment personalization. The staging of axillary nodes in breast cancer is fundamental as it is a prognostic indicator and determines the need for adjuvant therapy. Sentinel lymph node is detected by injecting a radioisotope and dye through the periareolar area that consequently travels through mammary glands to axillary lymph nodes. We conducted a retrospective study that included 57 women with a histopathological diagnosis of breast cancer, and underwent sentinel node biopsy. Transoperative pathology analysis reported metastases in 24% of the patients, requiring radical axillary dissection. Sensitivity was 97%, and specificity was 85%, reflecting high efficacy of the sentinel lymph node biopsy, and thus benefitting patients by decreasing morbidity. Sentinel node biopsy is the standard procedure for correct staging of patients with early breast cancer, and no clinical evidence of lymph node involvement. Further, it decreases morbidity in these patients by preventing radical axillary dissection, a previously standard approach, without compromising the diagnosis and hence, the prognosis of the patients. We demonstrated that with the correct technique for sentinel lymph node biopsy, the prognosis for patients is much better than for those patients that undergo radical axillary dissection.
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2002
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2002

Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria, 2018
Resumen La enfermedad de Rosai-Dorfman es una entidad rara que afecta al tejido linfático. Hasta ... more Resumen La enfermedad de Rosai-Dorfman es una entidad rara que afecta al tejido linfático. Hasta un 43% de los casos pueden tener afección extranodal. La etiología se desconoce; se ha propuesto que es una disfunción inmune. Se caracteriza por la dilatación de los sinusoides linfáticos, ocasionada por un aumento en el número de histiocitos, que van acompañados por múltiples células plasmáticas. En el citoplasma de los histiocitos se encuentran células inflamatorias: fenómeno conocido como «emperipolesis». Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón, quien acude por tumoración en mama derecha. Los estudios confirmaron la enfermedad de Rosai-Dorfman. Se realizó el diagnóstico por biopsia y estudio de anatomía patológica. Se concluyó que esta afección puede confundirse con cáncer de mama. El interés que tiene la presentación de este caso es debido a la escasa frecuencia de esta enfermedad en tejido mamario de pacientes masculinos.

Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria, 2020
Resumen El objetivo de esta revision es exponer los conceptos mas actualizados sobre el linfoma a... more Resumen El objetivo de esta revision es exponer los conceptos mas actualizados sobre el linfoma anaplasico de celulas grandes asociado a implantes mamarios, debido a que es una condicion poco conocida, descrita recientemente, en 1997, y apenas reconocida en 2016 por la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud como una nueva entidad patologica. Se realizo una busqueda en Pubmed y Medline de todos los articulos en ingles y espanol entre los anos 2009 y 2019 que incluyeran las palabras clave. Hasta el 6 de junio del 2019 la FDA habia recibido 573 reportes de casos con linfoma anaplasico de celulas grandes asociado a implantes mamarios (LACG-AIM). En 2016 la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud reconocio el LACG-AIM como una forma unica de linfoma anaplasico de celulas grandes. El LACG-AIM se caracteriza por presentar un crecimiento anormal de las celulas T (linfocitos T), asi como la expresion del receptor de membrana CD30. El desarrollo del LACG-AIM es un proceso complejo que involucra muchos factores de riesgo, incluyendo crecimiento de biofilm bacteriano, la superficie de implantes texturizados, la respuesta inmune y aspectos geneticos del paciente. La presentacion clinica mas frecuente es un seroma periprotesico tardio. Lo importante en el tratamiento del LACG-AIM es el diagnostico oportuno y la exeresis quirurgica completa de las lesiones, lo cual se relaciona con un excelente pronostico y supervivencia a largo plazo.

Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal, 2019
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) is a breast non-systemic and chronic inflammatory disease... more Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) is a breast non-systemic and chronic inflammatory disease that mimics abscesses, mastitis or breast cancer of low incidence, with much controversy on its diagnosis and successful treatment. The aim of this study is to retrospectively associate in an integral manner, the clinical characteristics, and the radiologic findings in order to develop an algorithm to make diagnosis and treatment of this entity easy. A retrospective analysis was performed with 16 patients for whom histologically IGM diagnoses were confirmed and were treated in our center between January 2011 and December 2016. Clinical characteristics, radiological, and histological reports, as well as treatment regime and outcome were included in the analysis. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis is a breast-limited entity, with a chronic and generally benign course, with unknown etiology; but if not treated correctly there is a possibility of recurrence. Radiologic protocols are not sufficiently precise to establish a differential diagnosis, and while histopathological diagnosis is obligatory. Clinical treatment guides must be developed for which we strongly recommend the following diagnosis and treatment algorithm for patients with granulomatous mastitis.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Perinatal outcome in patients with meconial amniotic fluid in labor]](
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2002
To evaluate the perinatal morbidity and mortality with the presence of meconial amniotic fluid. R... more To evaluate the perinatal morbidity and mortality with the presence of meconial amniotic fluid. Retrospective study of case review, performed from 1st of June 1995 to May 1997. The patients included were at delivery, with a pregnancy of 32 weeks or older and had meconial amniotic fluid. The variables analyzed were: motherhood age, pre-existing associated illness, resolution of the pregnancy, PSS interpretation, fetal weight, Apgar and final destiny of the product. Of the 432 patients the motherhood aged varied from 13 to 43 years old, mean 27.4; with a number of pregnancies from 1 to 10, mean 2.25. The gestational age went from 32.2 to 42.4 weeks. The fetal weight varied form 1025 to 5080 g. The Apgar grade mean was 7 at the first minute and 8 at the fifth. The pregnancy was interrupted by cesarean in 52.5%. Although there was not a significant difference with the arterial gas, the density of the amniotic fluid did determine the final destiny of the product. There is a relation betw...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Emergency cerclage]](
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2002
To evaluate the maternal and fetal morbility as well as the odds and conditions of pregnancy when... more To evaluate the maternal and fetal morbility as well as the odds and conditions of pregnancy when performing an emergency cerclage. We performed a transversal, prospective and descriptive study of all the patients to which an emergency cerclage was performed in the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1996 having all the inclusion criteria. At such time 261 cerclages were performed in our Institute upon unique pregnancies being only 22 considered as emergency cerclages. We performed studies of their obstetrics background, their incidental as per their age group, complications during the inclusion for the technique used as well as restitution of fetal membranes, complications before, during and after surgery: as well as the time elapsed as from the inclusion of the cerclage to birth and the data of the new born. 21 patients had previous pregnancies and only one of them was her first one; only 6 of their children were alive. The average age was ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Maternal morbidity in adolescent pregnancy]](
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2002
To evaluate the maternal morbidity in < or = 16 year old pregnant teenagers. A prospective stu... more To evaluate the maternal morbidity in < or = 16 year old pregnant teenagers. A prospective study of the reviewed cases was carried out from June 1998 to May 1999. All pregnant teenagers which attended the Coordination for the Attention of the Teenage Patient and whose pregnancy came to term during the study period were included. The following variables were analyzed: maternal age, preexisting related diseases, number of pregnancies, number of prenatal control medical visits and the time at which these were started, and maternal morbidity secondary to pregnancy. Two hundred and ninety six of 330 case were included. The average maternal age was 15.1 years old (10-16 range); 68.9% had finished middle school; 82.2% were housekeepers, and 61.4% were single. Prenatal control was initiated in the 2nd trimester by 50.7% of them, while 39.5% started it in the 3rd trimester and the remaining 9.8% in the 1st trimester. The most frequent previous pathologies were: bronchial asthma (2.5%), dr...
Ginecol Obstet …, 2011
... Miguel Ángel Mancera Reséndiz,* Raúl Rodrigo Arredondo Merino,** Francisco Javier Gómezpedros... more ... Miguel Ángel Mancera Reséndiz,* Raúl Rodrigo Arredondo Merino,** Francisco Javier Gómezpedroso Rea*** Patricia Rivera Rodríguez ... Correspondencia: Dr. Francisco Javier Gómezpedroso R. Correo electrónico: [email protected] Recibido: 11 de enero ...
Ginecol. Obstet. …, 2002
página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, ADOLEC, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Id: 331088. Autor: Pereira,Lui... more página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, ADOLEC, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Id: 331088. Autor: Pereira,Luis Simon; Plascencia, Josefina Lira; Ahued, Roberto Ahued; García Benítez, Carlos Quesnel; Priego, Paola Iturralde Rosas; Gómez, Cristina Arteaga. ...
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, Jul 1, 2019
Papers by paola iturralde