In Cyber-Physical Production Systems, smart production resources (e.g., augmented operators, mach... more In Cyber-Physical Production Systems, smart production resources (e.g., augmented operators, machines, products) can collaborate according to innovative, adaptive, and autonomous ways. This context offers new methods and tools to deal with disturbances and operational risks effectively and efficiently. In such environments, resilience engineering aims to improve the systems' abilities and capabilities to face disturbances and operational risks, and to be restored to safe behaviors, acceptable levels of performance and quality of service. Despite an increasing interest in operational resilience, and despite the importance of this topic in both research and industrial practice, there is no literature review and analysis to synthesize works and to identify the main issues encountered in this field. This article fills in this gap and shows that there are six main research streams in operational resilience.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 18, 2021
The urban public transport system in Casablanca, one of the major Moroccan cities, offers differe... more The urban public transport system in Casablanca, one of the major Moroccan cities, offers different alternatives. But the system is not efficient enough. Transportation options are rather frustrating, time-consuming, and sometimes risky. Many residents experience long and expensive commutes in often uncomfortable and unsafe vehicles through heavy traffic. In such a context, simulation can help to support urban mobility decision-makers in the task of shaping transportation initiatives. In this paper, we focus on improving the urban mobility system using an agent-based model. It offers the ability to capture and reproduce the mobility behavior of commuters. We create an initial scenario that represents the actual urban situation in Casablanca city. It is developed by creating synthetic populations and gathering other necessary data before integrating them into MATSim and running the simulation. This scenario will serve as a baseline to implement and design new models in our area of study.
Dans cet article, nous presentons un modele de programmation lineaire mixte pour le probleme stra... more Dans cet article, nous presentons un modele de programmation lineaire mixte pour le probleme strategique de conception de reseaux logistiques. Ce modele est generique. Il permet de determiner l'etat des sites, leur ouverture, leur fermeture, les capacites disponibles, les investissements, les desinvestissements, les quantites a produire dans les sites ainsi que les flux de matiere entre les differentes entites du reseau logistique et ce pour les differentes periodes de temps considerees dans le planning. L'ensemble des decisions est pris afin de maximiser le profit de l'entreprise, de satisfaire la demande et de respecter les capacites au niveau de l'approvisionnement, de la production et de la distribution. Pour resoudre le programme mathematique, nous avons utilise la procedure de separation et d'evaluation implementee dans un solveur commercial. Nous presentons les resultats numeriques obtenus pour un reseau logistique s'inspirant d'un cas industriel.
L'objectif de cet article est d'illustrer la complementarite des methodes de resolution d... more L'objectif de cet article est d'illustrer la complementarite des methodes de resolution de problemes de prise de decision. Plus precisement, ce travail concerne l'apport de la simulation aux techniques d'optimisation pour l'elaboration de solutions robustes dans le domaine de la planification strategique du reseau logistique d'une entreprise multisite. Celle que nous etudions dans cet article est presente sur un vaste marche et se pose notamment des questions relatives a la configuration de son reseau logistique et ce, afin de servir au mieux ses clients. La demarche que nous proposons, devrait guider cette entreprise dans ses reflexions.
We are working on the integration of the human resources' preferences in the construction and... more We are working on the integration of the human resources' preferences in the construction and the evaluation of schedulings of activities. More precisely, we present in this paper a contribution in healthcare management on the optimization of operating theatre's scheduling. This unit is indeed considered as one of the most resources consuming in a hospital and its management is of primary interest since efficient plannings can reduce financial and human working costs. We propose a mixed integer programming to model the operating theatre problem by emphasizing human resources availabilities by among others allowing resources like nurses or anaesthetists to leave an operation in progress. This mathematical approach combines planning and scheduling phases and is heuristically solved by application of a genetic algorithm procedure.
La transformation progressive des exigences imposees au secteur hospitalier et l'apparition d... more La transformation progressive des exigences imposees au secteur hospitalier et l'apparition de nouvelles pressions, notamment financieres mais aussi des exigences de confort des patients poussent les systemes de soins de sante a se reorganiser. La prise en compte de l'impact de ces transformations sur le circuit du patient devant suivre des examens a justifie l'etude en cours sur le pilotage par la performance dont est tiree cette communication. Celle-ci etablit le modele mathematique qui decrit le parcours des patients entre les differents services pratiquant les examens medicaux, dans le but d'optimiser l'ordonnancement des rendez-vous des patients aux differents examens. Les modeles qui decoulent de ce systeme sont NP-hard et sont repris dans la litterature sous le terme generique de probleme d'ordonnancement de type "Dag-shop". De plus, les pistes que nous proposons pour ameliorer le systeme des prises de rendez-vous doivent disposer d'outils pour donner les heures d'arrivee aux patients, nous proposons trois outils et nous analysons leur performance par rapport a trois indicateurs: le nombre de patients que le systeme peut prendre en charge dans une meme journee, et deux autres criteres qui integrent le confort du patient. Finalement, les outils d'optimisation globale proposes sont testes et analyses.
Cycle de Séminaires Ecole Centrale Casablanca. La mutualisation des ressources dans les supply ch... more Cycle de Séminaires Ecole Centrale Casablanca. La mutualisation des ressources dans les supply chains. Partie 1: La mutualisation des ressources pour la gestion de la logistique urbaine. Partie 2: Optimisation des tournées de véhicules et gestion intégrée des stocks partagé
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
This paper addresses a relevant practical approach of collaboration in supply chains including re... more This paper addresses a relevant practical approach of collaboration in supply chains including reverse flows of materials. The objective is to simulate a two-stage closed loop supply chains in which two producers use reusable pallets to distribute their finished products to the same retailers. The producers supply raw materials and new pallets they need from suppliers. For each producer, the flows of raw material, loaded/empty pallets and finished products are triggered by information flows. Two simulation models are considered. In the first model, supply chains are non-collaborative. Each producer manages his own pool of pallets. After receiving replenishment orders, trucks deliver loaded pallets and simultaneously pickup empty ones from retailers to be returned to the producer. In the second model, the two producers share their pool of empty pallets. The results show that collaboration can lead to economies of scale and costs reduction. They also highlight the need for a third party to manage the entire system to promise mutual benefits for the concerned parties.
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future, 2021
Industry 4.0 communication and data management technologies enable the development of distributed... more Industry 4.0 communication and data management technologies enable the development of distributed, product driven control architectures, where intelligent products can play active roles in manufacturing control processes. Although simulation is a widespread practice to test, evaluate, compare and validate different design alternatives, there is still a lack of papers that assess and discuss the capabilities of available simulation software to meet and implement the requirements of such distribution as a design alternative. This paper provides an analysis of distributed, product driven control requirements and benchmarks them against the capabilities of two commercially available simulation software, namely FlexSim and AnyLogic. A comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of each software is provided through a case study.
In this paper, we present a heuristic approach for the supply chain design problem in the case of... more In this paper, we present a heuristic approach for the supply chain design problem in the case of multi-site enterprises. The proposed approach decomposes the problem into subproblems and solves these ones with various techniques like neighbourhood search and simplex algorithm. At each iteration, our algorithm sets the state of production and distribution centres for each time period, distributes the necessary capacity amongst the opened facilities and determine the material flows in and between the entities belonging to the supply chain. We apply the heuristic approach to several supply chain design problem. The obtained numerical results show that the algorithm finds a "good" feasible solution in a reasonable amount of computation time.
Les enjeux financiers et plus particulierement ceux de la tresorerie sont au cœur des preoccupati... more Les enjeux financiers et plus particulierement ceux de la tresorerie sont au cœur des preoccupations de toute entreprise. Les difficultes a cet egard sont particulierement aggravees en matiere d'illiquidites, du retard de paiement, ainsi que des conditions des credits commerciaux. Ces difficultes risquent de mettre en peril une entreprise, voire toute une filiere. Ces risques peuvent avoir de graves incidences sur la situation de la tresorerie d'une entreprise sachant que la concurrence et la nature des activites de la chaine logistique peut amplifier ces risques. L'objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment les questions relatives a cette problematique ont ete abordees dans litterature et de proposer une grille de lecture permettant de caracteriser les problemes, categoriser les approches et discuter les solutions proposees les auteurs.
This study deals with a two-stage closed-loop supply chain where returnable transport items (RTIs... more This study deals with a two-stage closed-loop supply chain where returnable transport items (RTIs) are used to protect and ship products from a supplier to a set of customers. Simultaneously, loaded RTIs are delivered and empty RTIs are picked-up from customers to be returned to the supplier. We develop a new RTIs management approach in which a tracking system like RFID is used to give accurate information about position and inventory levels of RTIs at each customer location. The idea is to systematically launch additional pickup visits to sidestep causes that may lead to a stockout of empty RTIs necessary for the next productions and as an alternative to other approaches consisting of the rent and/ or supply of new RTIs. We develop a mixed integer linear program for this specific pickup and delivery inventory routing problem. Numerical results are presented, and promising insights are highlighted.
More and more enterprises use returnable transport and handling items (RTI) such as pallets, crat... more More and more enterprises use returnable transport and handling items (RTI) such as pallets, crates and roll containers, for cost and environmental reasons. These items flow in closed-loop within a supply chain. The management of the RTI influences the performance of all the chain. In this paper, we take an interest in the impact of delivery cost and delay of empty RTI. To solve this problem, we propose a mathematical model and different scenarios are tested to analyze the cost impact. We apply this model to a test problem based on a real life application.
De plus en plus d’entreprises utilisent des ressources reutilisables pour le transport et la manu... more De plus en plus d’entreprises utilisent des ressources reutilisables pour le transport et la manutention de marchandises (RTI : Returnable Transport Item) comme les palettes, les containers pour des raisons economiques et environnementales. Ces ressources circulent au sein d’une chaine logistique en boucle et leur gestion influence la performance sur l’ensemble de la chaine. Dans cet article, nous nous interesserons particulierement au probleme d’optimisation de tournee de vehicules avec gestion de stock (IRP). Pour une chaine logistique qui fonctionne en boucle ce probleme consiste a determiner les circuits de distribution et de retours en optimisant conjointement les couts de transport et de stockage. Afin de resoudre ce probleme, nous proposons un modele mathematique. Ce modele est utilise pour analyser l’impact de differents parametres sur le cout total et le cout de transport.
The optimization of the supply chain of blood products is a challenge for managers of blood banks... more The optimization of the supply chain of blood products is a challenge for managers of blood banks who seek to ensure the right product in the right quantity at the right time. In this paper, we focus on the simultaneous optimization of the storage and distribution of blood products. We will address this problem by introducing two literature reviews, the first one is about the researches concerning the blood products inventory and distribution processes and the second one relates to various works dealing with IRP problems. After that we develop a mathematical model which describes several constraints related to our problem. With this work, we aim to determine for each period of the day, the routing to be performed by each vehicle as well as the quantities of products to be delivered in order to minimize costs for transport and storage without shortage. This study will focus on the Belgian supply chain.
In health care systems, the operating theatre plays an important part in the creation of care, no... more In health care systems, the operating theatre plays an important part in the creation of care, notably in terms of generated income and cost. Its management, and in particular its scheduling, is thus a critical activity, and has been the subject of many studies. However, the stochasticity of the operating theatre environment is rarely considered while it has considerable impact on the actual working of a surgical unit. In this paper, we propose a complete analytical modelling of the operating theatre, aiming at giving insights on how to consider its stochastic reality, and based on the Markov theory. We consider various sources of randomness: stochastic operating times, unpredictable emergencies arrivals, and blocking due to recovery beds. From our model, various performance measures can be computed: the emergency disruption rate, the waiting time for an emergency, the probability of blocking, etc.
Written press has been, and still in Morocco, an important mean to communicate news and knowledge... more Written press has been, and still in Morocco, an important mean to communicate news and knowledge. Press releases still have their advantages and devoted fanatics. Nevertheless, a general decline may be noticed worldwide due to digital substitution and general reading decrease. Moroccan press undergo additional hard time as its management systems struggle to cope with a fast-paced industrial development and network modernization.This paper is an inception study. It throws reflections and insights about Moroccan press distribution systems and suggests tailored solution accordingly. Based mainly on sales analysis, we will be discussing sale points clustering and sales forecast modeling. Hopefully, it will help understand this industry's complications and puzzle out distribution and marketing possibilities.
In Cyber-Physical Production Systems, smart production resources (e.g., augmented operators, mach... more In Cyber-Physical Production Systems, smart production resources (e.g., augmented operators, machines, products) can collaborate according to innovative, adaptive, and autonomous ways. This context offers new methods and tools to deal with disturbances and operational risks effectively and efficiently. In such environments, resilience engineering aims to improve the systems' abilities and capabilities to face disturbances and operational risks, and to be restored to safe behaviors, acceptable levels of performance and quality of service. Despite an increasing interest in operational resilience, and despite the importance of this topic in both research and industrial practice, there is no literature review and analysis to synthesize works and to identify the main issues encountered in this field. This article fills in this gap and shows that there are six main research streams in operational resilience.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 18, 2021
The urban public transport system in Casablanca, one of the major Moroccan cities, offers differe... more The urban public transport system in Casablanca, one of the major Moroccan cities, offers different alternatives. But the system is not efficient enough. Transportation options are rather frustrating, time-consuming, and sometimes risky. Many residents experience long and expensive commutes in often uncomfortable and unsafe vehicles through heavy traffic. In such a context, simulation can help to support urban mobility decision-makers in the task of shaping transportation initiatives. In this paper, we focus on improving the urban mobility system using an agent-based model. It offers the ability to capture and reproduce the mobility behavior of commuters. We create an initial scenario that represents the actual urban situation in Casablanca city. It is developed by creating synthetic populations and gathering other necessary data before integrating them into MATSim and running the simulation. This scenario will serve as a baseline to implement and design new models in our area of study.
Dans cet article, nous presentons un modele de programmation lineaire mixte pour le probleme stra... more Dans cet article, nous presentons un modele de programmation lineaire mixte pour le probleme strategique de conception de reseaux logistiques. Ce modele est generique. Il permet de determiner l'etat des sites, leur ouverture, leur fermeture, les capacites disponibles, les investissements, les desinvestissements, les quantites a produire dans les sites ainsi que les flux de matiere entre les differentes entites du reseau logistique et ce pour les differentes periodes de temps considerees dans le planning. L'ensemble des decisions est pris afin de maximiser le profit de l'entreprise, de satisfaire la demande et de respecter les capacites au niveau de l'approvisionnement, de la production et de la distribution. Pour resoudre le programme mathematique, nous avons utilise la procedure de separation et d'evaluation implementee dans un solveur commercial. Nous presentons les resultats numeriques obtenus pour un reseau logistique s'inspirant d'un cas industriel.
L'objectif de cet article est d'illustrer la complementarite des methodes de resolution d... more L'objectif de cet article est d'illustrer la complementarite des methodes de resolution de problemes de prise de decision. Plus precisement, ce travail concerne l'apport de la simulation aux techniques d'optimisation pour l'elaboration de solutions robustes dans le domaine de la planification strategique du reseau logistique d'une entreprise multisite. Celle que nous etudions dans cet article est presente sur un vaste marche et se pose notamment des questions relatives a la configuration de son reseau logistique et ce, afin de servir au mieux ses clients. La demarche que nous proposons, devrait guider cette entreprise dans ses reflexions.
We are working on the integration of the human resources' preferences in the construction and... more We are working on the integration of the human resources' preferences in the construction and the evaluation of schedulings of activities. More precisely, we present in this paper a contribution in healthcare management on the optimization of operating theatre's scheduling. This unit is indeed considered as one of the most resources consuming in a hospital and its management is of primary interest since efficient plannings can reduce financial and human working costs. We propose a mixed integer programming to model the operating theatre problem by emphasizing human resources availabilities by among others allowing resources like nurses or anaesthetists to leave an operation in progress. This mathematical approach combines planning and scheduling phases and is heuristically solved by application of a genetic algorithm procedure.
La transformation progressive des exigences imposees au secteur hospitalier et l'apparition d... more La transformation progressive des exigences imposees au secteur hospitalier et l'apparition de nouvelles pressions, notamment financieres mais aussi des exigences de confort des patients poussent les systemes de soins de sante a se reorganiser. La prise en compte de l'impact de ces transformations sur le circuit du patient devant suivre des examens a justifie l'etude en cours sur le pilotage par la performance dont est tiree cette communication. Celle-ci etablit le modele mathematique qui decrit le parcours des patients entre les differents services pratiquant les examens medicaux, dans le but d'optimiser l'ordonnancement des rendez-vous des patients aux differents examens. Les modeles qui decoulent de ce systeme sont NP-hard et sont repris dans la litterature sous le terme generique de probleme d'ordonnancement de type "Dag-shop". De plus, les pistes que nous proposons pour ameliorer le systeme des prises de rendez-vous doivent disposer d'outils pour donner les heures d'arrivee aux patients, nous proposons trois outils et nous analysons leur performance par rapport a trois indicateurs: le nombre de patients que le systeme peut prendre en charge dans une meme journee, et deux autres criteres qui integrent le confort du patient. Finalement, les outils d'optimisation globale proposes sont testes et analyses.
Cycle de Séminaires Ecole Centrale Casablanca. La mutualisation des ressources dans les supply ch... more Cycle de Séminaires Ecole Centrale Casablanca. La mutualisation des ressources dans les supply chains. Partie 1: La mutualisation des ressources pour la gestion de la logistique urbaine. Partie 2: Optimisation des tournées de véhicules et gestion intégrée des stocks partagé
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
This paper addresses a relevant practical approach of collaboration in supply chains including re... more This paper addresses a relevant practical approach of collaboration in supply chains including reverse flows of materials. The objective is to simulate a two-stage closed loop supply chains in which two producers use reusable pallets to distribute their finished products to the same retailers. The producers supply raw materials and new pallets they need from suppliers. For each producer, the flows of raw material, loaded/empty pallets and finished products are triggered by information flows. Two simulation models are considered. In the first model, supply chains are non-collaborative. Each producer manages his own pool of pallets. After receiving replenishment orders, trucks deliver loaded pallets and simultaneously pickup empty ones from retailers to be returned to the producer. In the second model, the two producers share their pool of empty pallets. The results show that collaboration can lead to economies of scale and costs reduction. They also highlight the need for a third party to manage the entire system to promise mutual benefits for the concerned parties.
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future, 2021
Industry 4.0 communication and data management technologies enable the development of distributed... more Industry 4.0 communication and data management technologies enable the development of distributed, product driven control architectures, where intelligent products can play active roles in manufacturing control processes. Although simulation is a widespread practice to test, evaluate, compare and validate different design alternatives, there is still a lack of papers that assess and discuss the capabilities of available simulation software to meet and implement the requirements of such distribution as a design alternative. This paper provides an analysis of distributed, product driven control requirements and benchmarks them against the capabilities of two commercially available simulation software, namely FlexSim and AnyLogic. A comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of each software is provided through a case study.
In this paper, we present a heuristic approach for the supply chain design problem in the case of... more In this paper, we present a heuristic approach for the supply chain design problem in the case of multi-site enterprises. The proposed approach decomposes the problem into subproblems and solves these ones with various techniques like neighbourhood search and simplex algorithm. At each iteration, our algorithm sets the state of production and distribution centres for each time period, distributes the necessary capacity amongst the opened facilities and determine the material flows in and between the entities belonging to the supply chain. We apply the heuristic approach to several supply chain design problem. The obtained numerical results show that the algorithm finds a "good" feasible solution in a reasonable amount of computation time.
Les enjeux financiers et plus particulierement ceux de la tresorerie sont au cœur des preoccupati... more Les enjeux financiers et plus particulierement ceux de la tresorerie sont au cœur des preoccupations de toute entreprise. Les difficultes a cet egard sont particulierement aggravees en matiere d'illiquidites, du retard de paiement, ainsi que des conditions des credits commerciaux. Ces difficultes risquent de mettre en peril une entreprise, voire toute une filiere. Ces risques peuvent avoir de graves incidences sur la situation de la tresorerie d'une entreprise sachant que la concurrence et la nature des activites de la chaine logistique peut amplifier ces risques. L'objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment les questions relatives a cette problematique ont ete abordees dans litterature et de proposer une grille de lecture permettant de caracteriser les problemes, categoriser les approches et discuter les solutions proposees les auteurs.
This study deals with a two-stage closed-loop supply chain where returnable transport items (RTIs... more This study deals with a two-stage closed-loop supply chain where returnable transport items (RTIs) are used to protect and ship products from a supplier to a set of customers. Simultaneously, loaded RTIs are delivered and empty RTIs are picked-up from customers to be returned to the supplier. We develop a new RTIs management approach in which a tracking system like RFID is used to give accurate information about position and inventory levels of RTIs at each customer location. The idea is to systematically launch additional pickup visits to sidestep causes that may lead to a stockout of empty RTIs necessary for the next productions and as an alternative to other approaches consisting of the rent and/ or supply of new RTIs. We develop a mixed integer linear program for this specific pickup and delivery inventory routing problem. Numerical results are presented, and promising insights are highlighted.
More and more enterprises use returnable transport and handling items (RTI) such as pallets, crat... more More and more enterprises use returnable transport and handling items (RTI) such as pallets, crates and roll containers, for cost and environmental reasons. These items flow in closed-loop within a supply chain. The management of the RTI influences the performance of all the chain. In this paper, we take an interest in the impact of delivery cost and delay of empty RTI. To solve this problem, we propose a mathematical model and different scenarios are tested to analyze the cost impact. We apply this model to a test problem based on a real life application.
De plus en plus d’entreprises utilisent des ressources reutilisables pour le transport et la manu... more De plus en plus d’entreprises utilisent des ressources reutilisables pour le transport et la manutention de marchandises (RTI : Returnable Transport Item) comme les palettes, les containers pour des raisons economiques et environnementales. Ces ressources circulent au sein d’une chaine logistique en boucle et leur gestion influence la performance sur l’ensemble de la chaine. Dans cet article, nous nous interesserons particulierement au probleme d’optimisation de tournee de vehicules avec gestion de stock (IRP). Pour une chaine logistique qui fonctionne en boucle ce probleme consiste a determiner les circuits de distribution et de retours en optimisant conjointement les couts de transport et de stockage. Afin de resoudre ce probleme, nous proposons un modele mathematique. Ce modele est utilise pour analyser l’impact de differents parametres sur le cout total et le cout de transport.
The optimization of the supply chain of blood products is a challenge for managers of blood banks... more The optimization of the supply chain of blood products is a challenge for managers of blood banks who seek to ensure the right product in the right quantity at the right time. In this paper, we focus on the simultaneous optimization of the storage and distribution of blood products. We will address this problem by introducing two literature reviews, the first one is about the researches concerning the blood products inventory and distribution processes and the second one relates to various works dealing with IRP problems. After that we develop a mathematical model which describes several constraints related to our problem. With this work, we aim to determine for each period of the day, the routing to be performed by each vehicle as well as the quantities of products to be delivered in order to minimize costs for transport and storage without shortage. This study will focus on the Belgian supply chain.
In health care systems, the operating theatre plays an important part in the creation of care, no... more In health care systems, the operating theatre plays an important part in the creation of care, notably in terms of generated income and cost. Its management, and in particular its scheduling, is thus a critical activity, and has been the subject of many studies. However, the stochasticity of the operating theatre environment is rarely considered while it has considerable impact on the actual working of a surgical unit. In this paper, we propose a complete analytical modelling of the operating theatre, aiming at giving insights on how to consider its stochastic reality, and based on the Markov theory. We consider various sources of randomness: stochastic operating times, unpredictable emergencies arrivals, and blocking due to recovery beds. From our model, various performance measures can be computed: the emergency disruption rate, the waiting time for an emergency, the probability of blocking, etc.
Written press has been, and still in Morocco, an important mean to communicate news and knowledge... more Written press has been, and still in Morocco, an important mean to communicate news and knowledge. Press releases still have their advantages and devoted fanatics. Nevertheless, a general decline may be noticed worldwide due to digital substitution and general reading decrease. Moroccan press undergo additional hard time as its management systems struggle to cope with a fast-paced industrial development and network modernization.This paper is an inception study. It throws reflections and insights about Moroccan press distribution systems and suggests tailored solution accordingly. Based mainly on sales analysis, we will be discussing sale points clustering and sales forecast modeling. Hopefully, it will help understand this industry's complications and puzzle out distribution and marketing possibilities.
Papers by Fouad Riane