Papers by Daniel Sauthier

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2022
Filaria lorenzo n. sp. is described in the Lesser Grison, Galictis cuja from northern Patagonia, ... more Filaria lorenzo n. sp. is described in the Lesser Grison, Galictis cuja from northern Patagonia, Argentina. The new species can be differentiated from the eight species of Filaria from the Old World by the shape of the sclerotized preesophageal ring. The four remaining species of the genus parasitize American Mephitidae and/or Mustelidae. Filaria carvalhoi from Brazil and F. texensis from USA lack a preesophageal ring, whereas F. taxideae from USA and F. conepati from Argentina share with our specimens a preesophageal ring mostly mushroom shaped. Our specimens differ from F. taxideae by lacking lateral alae, by a different ornamentation of the female tail and by the male lacking adcloacal papillae. The new species also differs from F. conepati by the shape of the preesophageal ring and by the shape of the eggs. The indirect examination of the types of F. conepati and F. carvalhoi, corroborated the existence of differences between these two species, allowing us to refute their synonymy, as proposed by some authors. Our results extend the taxonomy of Filaria to 13 species and comprise the fi rst report of a fi larioid nematode for an Argentinean mustelid, and the fi rst report for Patagonia.
Notas sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos, 2020
RESUMEN En esta contribución se reportan nuevas localidades de ocurrencia del chancho jabalí Sus ... more RESUMEN En esta contribución se reportan nuevas localidades de ocurrencia del chancho jabalí Sus scrofa (Linnaeus 1758) para el noreste del Chubut, Argentina. Estos registros incrementan en 135 km lineales hacia el sudeste la extensión geográf ca de esta especie en la Patagonia. Los nuevos registros fueron obtenidos a partir de evidencias directas, indirectas y reportes de pobladores. Asimismo, se discuten brevemente las amenazas para la conservación de los ecosistemas nativos y las actividades productivas que se desarrollan en la zona como consecuencia del ingreso del jabalí.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
Springer Earth System Sciences, 2017
Check List, 2010
We report the southernmost record for the marsh rats Holochilus brasiliensis 20 km S of Pedro Lur... more We report the southernmost record for the marsh rats Holochilus brasiliensis 20 km S of Pedro Luro on Hwy 3, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (39°41’31.13”S, 62°40’23.5”W) extending the range of the species ca. 110 km S. This represents the first contemporaneous record of H. brasiliensis in Patagonia, and also the only species of sigmodontine rodent with amphibious habits reported in Patagonia.
Mastozoologia Neotropical, Jun 1, 2014
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Artículo
Mastozoologia Neotropical, Jun 1, 2008
... En-tre estas últimas se encuentran el monte xerófilo y la selva en galería, las cuales están ... more ... En-tre estas últimas se encuentran el monte xerófilo y la selva en galería, las cuales están afectadas principalmente por la acción del ... jo; a UFJ Pardiñas, quien desde un principio aportó valiosos comentarios; a W. Udrizar Sauthier, A. Eggs y E. Etcheverry, quienes brindaron ...
Acta Theriologica, 2005
... in the eastern Argentinean pampas Agustín M. ABBA, Daniel E. UDRIZAR SAUTHIER and Sergio F. V... more ... in the eastern Argentinean pampas Agustín M. ABBA, Daniel E. UDRIZAR SAUTHIER and Sergio F. VIZCAÍNO* Abba AM, Udrizar Sauthier DE and Vizcaíno SF 2005. ... Many species of armadillos dig in search of food (Talmage and Buchanan 1954, Nowak 1991, Redford 1985). ...
Mastozoologia Neotropical, 2010
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Mammalia, 2016
The southern distribution of the small cavies
Mastozoologia Neotropical, 2008
Mastozoologia Neotropical, 2008
Mastozoologia Neotropical, Jun 1, 2014
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Check List, 2008
We documented terrestrial micromammal assemblages at five localities of southwestern Mendoza prov... more We documented terrestrial micromammal assemblages at five localities of southwestern Mendoza province, Argentina. We added new localities for several of the most uncommon small mammal species of this region (e.g. Loxodontomys micropus and Tympanoctomys barrerae). Two main groups of terrestrial non-volant micromammals are represented in southwestern province of Mendoza: one group is related to the South American arid diagonal, and includes species typically adapted to the xeric environments of the Monte Desert; a second group includes Patagonian and High Andean species. Some Patagonian species reached in the study area their northernmost distributional records (e.g. Abrothrix longipilis, A. olivaceus, Chelemys macronyx, Loxodontomys micropus).
Mastozoologia Neotropical
sp., Euneomys chinchilloides, Phyllotis xanthopygus y Reithrodon auritus) y un Ctenomyidae (Cteno... more sp., Euneomys chinchilloides, Phyllotis xanthopygus y Reithrodon auritus) y un Ctenomyidae (Ctenomys magellanicus).
Mastozoologia Neotropical
En este trabajo, N. Muzzachiodi presenta una lista de los mamíferos de Entre Ríos que viene a lle... more En este trabajo, N. Muzzachiodi presenta una lista de los mamíferos de Entre Ríos que viene a llenar un importante vacío de información para una pro-vincia cuya mastofauna es probablemente una de las menos conocidas de la Argentina. La contribu-ción representa un valioso ...

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015
Almost all large carnivorans (Carnivora; > 20 kg) that inhabited South America became extinct aro... more Almost all large carnivorans (Carnivora; > 20 kg) that inhabited South America became extinct around the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene transition. Two exceptions were species of coyote-sized Dusicyon, one insular (D. australis) and one continental (D. avus). The extinction of the former is a resolved matter, but that of D. avus, found in the Patagonian and Pampean regions, is still poorly understood. Using the Gaussian-Resampled Inverse-Weighted McInerny method we present new radiocarbon evidence indicating that its disappearance occurred in very recent times (about 324-496 years cal BP). We found no evidence to support a role for hybridization with domestic dogs in causing the extirpation of this fox. Climatic change may have reduced its distributional range, as has happened with other mammals, although not to the extent of explaining its extinction. Climatic change, however, coupled with increased anthropogenic impacts such as hunting, domestic dogs, and/or other aspects relating to the impact of European colonization in South America's southern cone, were the probable main drivers of the recent extinction of D. avus.
Papers by Daniel Sauthier