The Celebrity Stillness Icon Challenge's Journal
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The Celebrity Stillness Icon Challenge's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
The Celebrity Stillness Icon Challenge

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CONTEST [22 Jan 2006|06:10pm]

[ mood | optimistic ]

Since we've had a lull in participation lately, I'd like to boost the numbers of people participating. Therefore, we are going to have a pimping challenge. Normal icon challenges will continue as regularly scheduled throughout the challenge.

Tell your friends/family/cat about the community, and send them to this post. After they've JOINED and watched the comm, they can comment here telling me who sent them. Everyone that gets 3 or more people to join gets something, but the top winner gets an extra something.
If your friends want to join and jump straight on the pimping wagon, great! They're eligible for prizes too.
DO NOT PIMP TO COMMUNITIES, unless you OWN it. I don't want grief about spam coming back to me. If I find out you've pimped in a non-pimping comm, you will be disqualified.

3 friends joined = 1 icon made by me, any fandom, any style.
WINNER = banner made by me, set of color codes for customizing your journal, matching icon (all for any fandom in any style), and Your Pick of The Next Actor/Actress, with an optional second week at a later date if you enjoy it.
(All art will be shareable. Sorry folks.)

Challenge will run until Feburary 5th: That's two weeks from today. Prizes will be posted within two weeks of that, with any luck. :P

So please you guys, pimp this out! I understand that everyone's busy, but don't let this comm die. I know contests aren't dead entirely yet.

*Rules subject to change or addendum.

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[29 Oct 2005|09:28am]

[ mood | disappointed ]

Ok, well seeing as there is not a SINGLE entry, I'm extending the challenge. :P

Challenge 23: Ioan Gruffudd

Come on, check it out guys! Challenge extended until Wednesday, pending entry. :-/

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[28 Oct 2005|12:04pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Ok, come on guys...I know there was a bit of a break there, but it's time to get things cooking again!! This is the 24 hour warning, and there are currently NO entries submitted!! :( :(

Be sure to get your entries in by... let's say, 11pmish tonight, East coast time. You can find the current challenge #23 Ioan Gruffudd HERE!

Also, pick up your banners for old challenges here and be sure to comment to let me know when you've got them!

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Challenge 23: Ioan Gruffudd [23 Oct 2005|01:09am]

[ mood | content ]

Sorry it's a little late, the dinner I was at went late and I got distracted by a movie on TV when I got back. :)

+ TWO icons TOTAL. Yes, I KNOW there are more than two pictures, that means pick two. One icon if you do a blend.
+ Only use the pictures given (no blends outside the pictures)
+ Must be LJ size and format: 100x100 or smaller; PNG, JPEG or GIF and below 40KB.
+ You have until next Friday to get your entries in.
Reminder: Things are currently running on US East Coast time.

Challenge 23: Ioan GruffuddCollapse )

Let's make this a great first week back guys! Be sure to pimp this to your friends! :D

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Banners for Challenges 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 [21 Oct 2005|11:24pm]

[ mood | busy ]

OK, banners! :D

Challenge 18Collapse )

Challenge 19Collapse )

Challenge 20Collapse )

Challenge 21Collapse )

Challenge 22Collapse )

Let me know right away if there are any mistakes so I can get those fixed right away.
Please comment as soon as you pick it up so I can delete the layers!

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Hiatus OVER [21 Oct 2005|03:57pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

Guess what??
We're back!!
My overly long hiatus has ended, no thanks to the scum that is the Best Buy warranty service. (Laptop still not fixed, after they had it for 57 days. NEVER buy anything from them. *cough*) But I am back!

First returning challenge will be posted tomorrow afternoon/night (depending on when I'm in) and will run until next Friday. Spread the word, celeb_stillness lives again!

Also, if you took your icon down but are still waiting for a banner, please comment here with the icon that won and what place you earned on what week. Thanks for making it easier! If I don't hear from you, I will assume you don't want one and we will start afresh this week. :) If your icon is still up I'll get started on those right away.

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[21 Jul 2005|07:24am]

[ mood | busy ]

Winners for Challenge 22: Alexis Bledel is now up.


by x_super_snail_x

2nd (TIE)

by ashlin_hahn


by x_super_snail_x


by harvesterj88

Mod's Choice-Jacklove

by lisaroquin

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[19 Jul 2005|07:31am]

[ mood | busy ]

Voting for Challenge 22: Alexis Bledel is now up! Please remember the rules:

[x] Anonymous votes will not be counted
[x] DO NOT vote for yourself. It will not be counted
[x] DO NOT get friends to vote for you, or advertise which icon is yours.
[x] Vote for your 3 favourite icons.
[x] You have until Thur at 7.30AM(AEST) to vote.

Did anyone get the new Harry Potter!?Collapse )

On another note, Celebrity Stillness will be going on a small hiatis. It will only be for a small amount of time. Your banners will come or you can say really bad things to me ;)

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[13 Jul 2005|08:00pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Winners for Challenge 21: Sean Bean is now up.


by faded_icons


by loopybunny


by faded_icons

Mod's Choice-Jacklove

by ashlin_hahn

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[11 Jul 2005|08:00pm]

[ mood | blah ]

Challenge 22: Alexis Bledel is now up! So please enter! Remember the rules:

[x] TWO icons TOTAL. One for each picture or you can blend them together which equels one icon.
[X] Only use the pictures given (no blends outside the pictures)
[X] Must be LJ size and format: 100x100 or smaller; PNG, JPEG or GIF and below 40KB.
[x] You have until Monday at 8pm (AEST) to enter.

da da!Collapse )

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[11 Jul 2005|08:00pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Voting for Challenge 21: Sean Bean. Please remember the rules before entering:

[x] Anonymous votes will not be counted
[x] DO NOT vote for yourself. It will not be counted
[x] DO NOT get friends to vote for you, or advertise which icon is yours.
[x] Vote for your 3 favourite icons.
[x] You have until Wed at 8PM(AEST) to vote.

I want sha la la...Collapse )

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[06 Jul 2005|08:57pm]

[ mood | awake ]

The winners for Challenge 20: Kate Bosworth is now up! The winners are:


by faded_icons


by ashlin_hahn


by faded_icons

Mod's Choice- Jacklove

by deedee26

If you want to know how many points you got, just ask. Also banners will come soon, I promise!

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[04 Jul 2005|08:17pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Now it's time for Challenge 21: Sean Bean! Rules:

[x] TWO icons TOTAL. One for each picture or you can blend them together which equels one icon.
[X] Only use the pictures given (no blends outside the pictures)
[X] Must be LJ size and format: 100x100 or smaller; PNG, JPEG or GIF and below 40KB.
[x] You have until Monday at 8pm (AEST) to enter.

WARNING: The pictures are kind of bigCollapse )

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[04 Jul 2005|08:04pm]

Voting time for Challenge 20: Kate Bosworth! We have nine entries!

[x] Anonymous votes will not be counted
[x] DO NOT vote for yourself. It will not be counted
[x] DO NOT get friends to vote for you, or advertise which icon is yours.
[x] Vote for your 3 favourite icons.
[x] You have until Wed at 8PM(AEST) to vote.

la di daCollapse )
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[01 Jul 2005|06:20pm]

[ mood | tired ]

The winner for Challenge 19: Jesse McCartney is:

by mhalachaiswords

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[27 Jun 2005|08:11pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Next challenge is now up! Challenge 20: Kate Bosworth

[x] TWO icons TOTAL. One for each picture or you can blend them together which equels one icon.
[X] Only use the pictures given (no blends outside the pictures)
[X] Must be LJ size and format: 100x100 or smaller; PNG, JPEG or GIF and below 40KB.
[x] You have until Monday at 8pm (AEST) to enter.

she and orlando are back together! wow!Collapse )

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[27 Jun 2005|07:59pm]

[ mood | sad ]

Only two entries in Challenge 19: Jesse McCartney. I wasn't sure if I should do this or not, but I guess I decided too. :(

[x] Anonymous votes will not be counted
[x] DO NOT vote for yourself. It will not be counted
[x] DO NOT get friends to vote for you, or advertise which icon is yours.
[x] Vote for your 1 favourite icons.
[x] You have until Friday at 7.45AM (AEST) to vote.

it's really sad :( oh well, there's always next challenge!Collapse )

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[20 Jun 2005|08:15pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

The Jesse McCartney Challenge will extend one week. Please get in your entries! We have none!

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[20 Jun 2005|11:40am]

[ mood | apathetic ]

Notice: there is 8 hours left in the Challenge 19: Jesse McCartney. So please get your entries in! We have none so far!

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[16 Jun 2005|10:18am]

[ mood | blah ]

The winner for Challenge 18: Avril Lavigne is:

by little_son

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