Papers by Mohammad N Uddin

The study attempted to explore the effectiveness of leadership behavior among academicians. A cro... more The study attempted to explore the effectiveness of leadership behavior among academicians. A cross-sectional study was conducted among the teachers and students of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) and data were collected through face-to-face interview. The methodological triangulation (both qualitative & quantitative method) has been used to investigate the research question. Qualitative data has been analyzed by applying cyclical process of qualitative data analysis and quantitative data (univariate and bivariate analysis) has been done by using statistical software SPSS. The results showed that absence of value free attitude of teachers and their affiliation in politics; absence of digitized teachers' offices; lack of training and research; lack of communication and transport facilities; lack of library facilities; large teacher-student ratio etc. are the obstacles ahead of ensuring quality higher education at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. Leadership ...

Children of developing countries, by and large, have been working in different kinds of economic ... more Children of developing countries, by and large, have been working in different kinds of economic activities either on territorial (urban/rural) distribution or on sectoral (formal / lnformal and / or organized / unorganized) allocation basis. They used to work in manufacturing plants, small factories, metal and construction works. The inductive study is based on social suryey aiming at unveiling the physical and mental discomforts of children involved in hazardous formal and/or informal economic sectors. Decisive examination of both primary and secondary data was made for in-depth analysis. Around 90% children under survey were suffering fror. different psycho-physical diseases while above half of them availed Medicaid and care from locally self-trained physicians who possessed no recognized knowledge of medical care. ln addition, child workers are less-paid than those of adults. The study concluded that working at an early age causes problems of health and safety; and thereby get i...
Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 2021
Independent judiciaiy is the sine qua non of a democratic government for-ensuring rule of law. Si... more Independent judiciaiy is the sine qua non of a democratic government for-ensuring rule of law. Since the beginning of the British colonial rule, the question of separation of judiciaty from the executive has been a continuing debate. Even crfter thirty-six years of independence, Bangladesh experiences the separation of the judiciary fiom the executive since November 1, 2007. This paper attempts to explore to what extent the initiatives have been taken and what the challenges are ahead to implement these initiatives in this regard. It nlso discusses briefly the conceptual issue, theory relating to tlie study and finally concludes with some recommendations so that policy of separation of jtcdiciaiy .from the executive would be effective and helpjul for the policy makers. The paper is prepared based on secondaiy sources of infomiation.

Greener Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 2014
Better segments of mass people in developing countries are still unable to elect their representa... more Better segments of mass people in developing countries are still unable to elect their representatives due to deficient political commitment of leaders and political unawareness. The present study aspires to explore political dynamics influencing leadership choice, and political instruments in influencing electorates in relation to activities of local political elites. National commitment to provide minimum democratic rights to secure their mandate has not yet been reflected in successive government's activities during election period. One decisive determinant of local election is the accessibility of choosing prospective leaders and barriers to manipulation of mandate that may develop because of location, monetary necessities, bureaucratic practices, use of various modes and technologies to attract voters, socioeconomic distances between people & political parties and the gender biasness. The article argues that to enhance accessibility in selecting local statesmanship, fundamental changes are required not only in people's consciousness but also in the structure of election procedure.

E-Governance and development are interrelated and interdependent issue in the process of developm... more E-Governance and development are interrelated and interdependent issue in the process of development administration. The necessity of e-governance is recognised at every step of human life in administration and it works to make socio-economic development in the country. This article is an attempt to discuss on e-Governance and development in the process of administrative works in Bangladesh. In the study a framework has been presented to discuss the e-Governance and development and how it is related to development administration of Bangladesh. Different factors of development are considered as tools in analysing e-Governance and development administration.. The factors are explained based on concepts of e-Governance in the context of development administration of Bangladesh. The final part of the study highlights various problems of e-Governance in Bangladesh relating to development administration and makes a concluding remark on overall concepts.

Better health depends on the level of access to the health care facilities. Since good health is ... more Better health depends on the level of access to the health care facilities. Since good health is part and parcel for better human resources, there should be proper access to the health care system. The indigenous peoples of any country are usually deprived of their due share. They remain at a vulnerable stage and this is equally true for indigenous peoples of Chittagong Hill Tracts. They have less access to all types of services due to different circumstances. But it is the right of any citizen of the country to have equal access to all facilities and opportunities provided by the state. In order to explore the accessibility of different indigenous peoples to the health care facilities, the study is conducted on the basis of secondary data which were collected from different sources, reports, journals, and published literature. Though the study explored some Government and NGOs initiatives on health, the access of indigenous peoples to this facility is not at the satisfactory level.
Abstract: The Philosophical study of social research is an important dimension of social science ... more Abstract: The Philosophical study of social research is an important dimension of social science which has been placed to analyze the problems of social science description and its relationship. It describes the social phenomena within natural science as well as is ...

Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 2013
The study essentially aims to assess the public-private partnership (PPP) as a thriving strategy ... more The study essentially aims to assess the public-private partnership (PPP) as a thriving strategy in natural resources maintenance that largely is dependent on stakeholders’ participation forest bio-diversity and green management. In an age of climate change and global warming, as a threat due to unavoidable consequences of human activities, natural resource management is now one of the prime concern around the developed and developing countries in terms of creating responsible attitude towards green maintenance. Governments have, by and large, agreed on sustainable employ and conservation of forests in several international forums during the last three decades. In fact, public sector has already proved its inefficiency and ineffective mode to protect natural resources due to lack of skills, human and material resources, and rampant corruption which have encouraged the government to introduce the strategy of PPP. The study was conducted at Lawachhara national park through a sample su...

The study aims at sketching the framework of an effective administrative system by making a thoro... more The study aims at sketching the framework of an effective administrative system by making a thorough comparison between the notion of general system of administration and Islamic system of administration. With this point of view, the article explores the conceptual linkage and comparison between the two administrations and argues a simplified and broad based administrative system for humankind, which has also been implemented by prophet (pbuh) and his caliphs. In this study, information has been collected from secondary sources like books, journals, newspapers, article and Internets etc. It has clearly identified the nature and characteristics of an effective administration from general and Islamic perspective of administrative system in the context of civil and military, economic and financial, and religious perspective. The paper suggested that the rudimentary feature of an administration which would be more effective and fruitful. Since the Islamic system of administration is muc...

This study aims at examining women’s participation in workplace and its impact on their fertility... more This study aims at examining women’s participation in workplace and its impact on their fertility behaviour. The study utilizes data collected from various workplaces in Sylhet city, Bangladesh through a stratified random sampling. The size of the total population was 267 and total sample size was 120 that covered 45% of the population. Here univariate and bivariate (cross-tabulation) analyses are used. This study analysed data collected from a total of 120 respondents. Among them 53 (44.2%) were high school teachers, 39 (32.5%) were bankers and 28 (23.3%) were college teachers. Most of them (75.9%) expected 2 children and 10% expected only 1 child. 88.3% respondents participated in family planning practices. Most of them (95.0%) could take part in decision-making regarding child taking. In bivariate analyses, it was found that number of children was significantly associated with their level of education, type of occupation and amount of income. Also this revealed that respondents’ ...

Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2014
Children of developing countries, by and large, have been working in different kinds of economic ... more Children of developing countries, by and large, have been working in different kinds of economic activities either on territorial (urban/rural) distribution or on sectoral (formal / informal and / or organized / unorganized) allocation basis. They used to work in manufacturing plants, small factories, metal and construction works. The inductive study is based on social survey aiming at unveiling the physical and mental discomforts of children involved in hazardous formal and/or informal economic sectors. Decisive examination of both primary and secondary data was made for in-depth analysis. Around 90% children under survey were suffering from different psycho-physical diseases while above half of them availed Medicaid and care from locally selftrained physicians who possessed no recognized knowledge of medical care. In addition, child workers are less-paid than those of adults. The study concluded that working at an early age causes problems of health and safety; and thereby get impeded their intellectual development and natural growth which causes severe negative consequences on economic potentials.
Independent judiciary is the sin qua non-of a democratic government for ensuring rule of law. Sin... more Independent judiciary is the sin qua non-of a democratic government for ensuring rule of law. Since the beginning of the British colonial rule, the question of separation of judiciary from the executive has been a continuing debate. Even after thirty six years of independence, Bangladesh experiences the separation of judiciary from the executive since November 1, 2007. This paper attempts to explore to what extent the initiatives have been taken and what are the challenges ahead to implement these initiatives in this regard. It also discusses briefly the conceptual issue, theory relating to the study and finally concludes with some recommendations so that policy of separation of judiciary from the executive would be effective and helpful for the policy makers. The paper is prepared based on secondary sources of information.

Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, 2013
Rapid increase of size and demands of the urban population are causing manifold challenges for ur... more Rapid increase of size and demands of the urban population are causing manifold challenges for urban local governance in Bangladesh whereas Japan has successfully tackled similar challenges during last half century by adopting various policy measures at considerable cost. Among those, Bangladesh might easily consider several for her urban governance and development. This paper attempted to find out some policy options that Bangladesh could adopt from Japanese practices and experiences. Accordingly, an explanatory-descriptive design has been employed for content analysis in order to draw logical arguments regarding local autonomy, city governance, local assembly, financial autonomy, environmental and disaster management. Finally, the study concludes that lesson learning is essential but is neither sufficient nor indicative of an exact path to follow.

Better segments of mass people in developing countries are still unable to elect their representa... more Better segments of mass people in developing countries are still unable to elect their representatives due to deficient political commitment of leaders and political unawareness. The present study aspires to explore political dynamics influencing leadership choice, and political instruments in influencing electorates in relation to activities of local political elites. National commitment to provide minimum democratic rights to secure their mandate has not yet been reflected in successive government’s activities during election period. One decisive determinant of local election is the accessibility of choosing prospective leaders and barriers to manipulation of mandate that may develop because of location, monetary necessities, bureaucratic practices, use of various modes and technologies to attract voters, socio-economic distances between people & political parties and the gender biasness. The article argues that to enhance accessibility in selecting local statesmanship, fundamenta...

This paper identified various factors relating to quality higher education both at public and pri... more This paper identified various factors relating to quality higher education both at public and private universities in Bangladesh. A search for different windows of opportunities to meet the increasing demand was accomplished. The study includes empirical observation of quality attributes and explanation based on those factors needed for ensuring quality higher education. The study is explanatory-descriptive as well as evaluation in nature. It emphasizes on qualitative one with some quantitative interpretation of data and information. It also used methodological triangulation including participant observation, case study, and survey through interview with the help of structured questionnaire having both open and close-ended questions. Population and sample included officials and students of selected universities; from whom respondents were selected purposively. Secondary data sources comprised relevant documents and publications of government agencies, different NGOs, archive, library, education and research institutions. Results found a significant difference in education system between those universities. The private universities offered specific disciplines having job prospect in the existing job market. Public universities were renowned for their contribution to the education sector. Quality higher education referred to quality faculty, educational environment, curricula, benefits to students and teachers (stipend, scholarships, opportunities of higher education home and abroad etc).

In this ariicle atlempts has been made to show rhe achicvemenr ofMDc goal 4 in Bangladesh rnd rha... more In this ariicle atlempts has been made to show rhe achicvemenr ofMDc goal 4 in Bangladesh rnd rhal is reducrion ol child mortat;ty rare. Child motality refers to the death ol irrfants and child.en under the age of five. About 25.000 young.hild.en die cvery dry. mrinly lrom prevenlable causes. In developing countrics, one child in cveryt0 dies beforc its fiftb birthday, compared to.l in every 143 in high income counrr;es. According to an estimare by Lr].UCEF, one miltion child deaths coutd be prevented annudly at a cost ol $US I billion per year. Reduction ofchild mo.tality is the fou h of the United Narions' Millennium Devetopnenl Goals. The objective of the study is to know how far Bangladesh could achi€ve "MDG Goal 4" of reducing under-five morraliry by exa'nining different variables affecting child mortality. The study has done on the basis of secondary data which were collected from differenr data sources. reporls, joumals and published lirerarure. So far Bangladesh could ach;eve fte rate more tban the expecred target. For rhis reason. Bangladesh has 10 conrinue this pace towards reducing rhe chitd mortali!y.
… Research Working Paper …, 2009
All rights reserved. Text and graphics may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for ... more All rights reserved. Text and graphics may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes, provided that credit is given to the source. Reproductions for commercial purposes are forbidden. The Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC) disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues in Bangladesh. Our main objective is to disseminate findings and ideas quickly, so we compromise to some degree on quality. The papers are signed by the author(s) and should be cited and referred accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author(s). They do not necessarily represent the view of the BDRC.
Papers by Mohammad N Uddin