Papers by Kumar N A R A Y A N Shrestha

Contemporary Research: An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal, 2023
The literature on reading pedagogy has recognized the pivotal role of pre-reading activities in p... more The literature on reading pedagogy has recognized the pivotal role of pre-reading activities in preparing students as readers for the actual act of reading. In this regard, the current paper aimed to investigate University ESL/EFL teachers' use of pre-reading activities in teaching B.Ed. English major reading courses at a constituent campus of Tribhuvan University. To this end, a case study design was adopted comprising classroom observation and semi-structured interview methods to collect data from four purposively selected English teachers. The findings show personalization of the topic, contextualization of the topic, digging into the title, pre-teaching key vocabulary items, and knowing the author as the most frequently used pre-reading activities. Despite this, students were found to be inadequately engaged in the pre-reading stage for want of variety in pre-reading activities and students' poor participation. Moreover, coursebook pre-reading activities did not form part of reading lessons for several reasons. Finally, implications are considered for the integration of pre-reading activities for effective reading pedagogy.

NELTA Gandaki, 2023
The role of extensive reading in the formation of students' lifelong reading habits and their ove... more The role of extensive reading in the formation of students' lifelong reading habits and their overall academic achievement has been well established in ESL/EFL scholarship. Despite this, studies reveal that extensive reading is being either trivialized or ignored in reading instruction. In this regard, the current paper aims to explore the factors responsible for the trivialization of extensive reading in university reading instruction. To this end, the study adopted a single case study design that comprised four university ESL/EFL teachers and eight students as participants. The data were collected through three qualitative methods: non-participatory semi-structured classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussion. The analysis of the data revealed four major factors preventing university students from reading widely and extensively: students' poor reading habits, students' increased use of social media, teachers' lack of extensive reading and failure to motivate students, and an unsupportive institutional environment. The findings imply that extensive reading cannot be promoted unless it is integrated into every day reading lessons and practised under the guidance of teachers in a resourceful environment.
Nepal Academy, 2013
Nepal Academy, 2013
It is a story by Sant Regmi- Pigeon, Existence and Rally (परेवा, अस्तित्व र जुलुस). It is transla... more It is a story by Sant Regmi- Pigeon, Existence and Rally (परेवा, अस्तित्व र जुलुस). It is translated by Kumar Narayan Shrestha
Nepali Academy, 2011
It is a story by Poshan Pandey. Translation is done by Kumar Narayan Shrestha.
Nepali Academy, 2070
It is a translation.
Third Eye Journal of Education
Annual Educational Journal, 2016

Third Eye Journal of Education , 2018
Teaching young learners is very challenging as the techniques used in teaching young learners are... more Teaching young learners is very challenging as the techniques used in teaching young learners are different from techniques used in teaching adult learners. Thus, teachers of Young English Language Learners (YELLs) needs to be sensitive, selective and aware while teaching them because these YELLs lack the concept of abstractions. Therefore, the teachers of YELLs need to use reception based on child-centered techniques. This article reports on a study carried out among the teachers of community based schools of Nepal following quantitative descriptive method and purposive sampling. The study attempted to excavate the role of age in language learning, training period of the teachers and techniques used by the teachers to teach young learners. The findings showed that there is relationship between age and language learning, most of the teachers are trained and experienced and they are mostly using child-centered techniques.
NELTA ELT Forum, 2017
Language planning is a sensitive issue. This article presents the demographic overview of the eth... more Language planning is a sensitive issue. This article presents the demographic overview of the ethnicity of Nepal in consonance with language planning methodology and its practice in Nepal. The introductory parts incorporates demographic synopsis on the basis of last census (2011). As the theoretical back up, introductory notes of language planning and method of language planning by Cooper (1989) has been incorporated. Finally, the article concludes with the practices of language planning in Nepal.
NELTA ELT Forum, 2018
Literature review lays the foundation stone of a research study. It helps to determine the signif... more Literature review lays the foundation stone of a research study. It helps to determine the significance of the study and the limits the topic of the study. It develops a concrete concept on the topic, presents relevant theories and synopsizes the related researches. On this ground, it locates research gap(s) and paves the way for the research in the question. This paper begins with the general introduction of the literature review. As a crux of the article, it presents clear tentative steps of the literature review: conceptual review, theoretical review and empirical review. Moreover, the article backs up the theme comprising purposes, contents and sources of literature review.
NELTA, 2017
The history of English in Nepal was first recorded in the seventeenth century. Although English w... more The history of English in Nepal was first recorded in the seventeenth century. Although English was adopted as a foreign language in Nepal in the past, it has gained multi-dimensional status such as an additional language, second language and even primary language. At present English language is indispensable part of Nepalese life as it has impinged on all the spheres of their lives. Currently a number of scholars have argued that a distinctive variety of English has grown in Nepal with its own unique features at all language levels because of its long tradition and wider use. This paper begins with demographic information of languages spoken in Nepal and subsumes different historical eras of English in Nepal.
NELTA, 2016
Since language and culture have muscle and bone relationship, the existence of one in the
absence... more Since language and culture have muscle and bone relationship, the existence of one in the
absence of another in unthinkable. But in practice, English language teaching has paid less
attention to the local culture. It is commonly believed that the insertion of foreign cultural
values is not in line with local cultural values. The insertion of local culture plays vital role in
promotion of nationalism, different local cultures and local cultural wisdom. Similarly, it
provides cultural identity and meaningful context for learning. Therefore, the main purpose
of this article is to shed light on the importance of local culture in the English language
classroom. In doing so, it aims at defining culture, language, shows relationship between them
and puts forth some pedagogical guidelines.
Reading is the main means of exposure for English as a second or foreign language learner. The pr... more Reading is the main means of exposure for English as a second or foreign language learner. The present study aimed at finding out the reading comprehension ability (RCA) of the master level students, majoring in English at Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal in relation to IELTS academic reading test. Administering a sample testand analyzing its data, it was found that the RCA of the master level students is not adequate in terms of IELTS standard since their RCA is 41% and the IELTS score is 3.70 band. This shows that they are at 'Extremely Limited User' level for the admission policies in IELTS recognised countries and not eligible to get the admission in the IELTS recognised Universities. The implication of the study is that there is a need for reading skills development programme incorporating the enhancement of inferential, predictive and interpretive skills.
Conference Presentations by Kumar N A R A Y A N Shrestha
Papers by Kumar N A R A Y A N Shrestha
absence of another in unthinkable. But in practice, English language teaching has paid less
attention to the local culture. It is commonly believed that the insertion of foreign cultural
values is not in line with local cultural values. The insertion of local culture plays vital role in
promotion of nationalism, different local cultures and local cultural wisdom. Similarly, it
provides cultural identity and meaningful context for learning. Therefore, the main purpose
of this article is to shed light on the importance of local culture in the English language
classroom. In doing so, it aims at defining culture, language, shows relationship between them
and puts forth some pedagogical guidelines.
Conference Presentations by Kumar N A R A Y A N Shrestha
absence of another in unthinkable. But in practice, English language teaching has paid less
attention to the local culture. It is commonly believed that the insertion of foreign cultural
values is not in line with local cultural values. The insertion of local culture plays vital role in
promotion of nationalism, different local cultures and local cultural wisdom. Similarly, it
provides cultural identity and meaningful context for learning. Therefore, the main purpose
of this article is to shed light on the importance of local culture in the English language
classroom. In doing so, it aims at defining culture, language, shows relationship between them
and puts forth some pedagogical guidelines.