Instrument: Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)


The Drug Abuse Screen Test (DAST-10) was designed to provide a brief, self-report instrument for population screening, clinical case finding and treatment evaluation research. It can be used with adults and older youth.

The DAST-10 yields a quantitative index of the degree of consequences related to drug abuse. The instrument takes approximately 5 minutes to administer and may be given in either a self-report or interview format. The DAST may be used in a variety of settings to provide a quick index of drug abuse problems.

The DAST-10 is a 10-item self-report instrument that has been condensed from the 28-item DAST. It was copyrighted in 1982 by Harvey Skinner, PhD and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada.

Instrument Usage: 
Clinical Research
Electronic Health Record
Skinner HA (1982). The Drug Abuse Screening Test. Addict Behav 7(4):363-371. Yudko E, Lozhkina O, Fouts A (2007). A comprehensive review of the psychometric properties of the Drug Abuse Screening Test. J Subst Abuse Treatment 32:189-198.

To use this tool, please contact Dr. Harvey Skinner at [email protected]
Sample Form: 
PDF icon Drug Abuse Screening Test - 24Mar201433.67 KB
ModuleModule ID
Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)3923506
DAST-10 Score4281116