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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating illness lacking consistent anatomic lesions and eluding conventional laboratory diagnosis. Demonstration of the utility of the blood for gene expression profiling and biomarker discovery... more
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      AlgorithmsChronic Fatigue SyndromeNucleic acid hybridizationMedical Physiology
Objectives. Polymorphisms in human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 have been shown to be related to geographic areas and are broadly classified as European (E), African (Af), Asian (As), or Asian-American (AA). Certain variants have been... more
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      Gynecologic OncologyBase SequenceCervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
A u t h o r P r o o f REVIEW -Vernon, Whistler, Aslakson, Rajeevan & Reeves 2 Pharmacogenomics (2006) 7(2) A u t h o r P r o o f
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      Chronic Fatigue SyndromeBiomarker discovery
Acute infection is known to perturb psycho-neuroendocrine-immune (PNI) gene expression. Oligonucleotide microarrays were used to examine PNI gene expression in the peripheral blood of 13 subjects with infectious mononucleosis (IM). Novel... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMuscle developmentInfectious mononucleosis
Before gene expression profiling with microarray technology can be transferred to the diagnostic setting, we must have alternative approaches for synthesizing probe from limited RNA samples, and we must understand the limits of... more
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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating illness lacking consistent anatomic lesions and eluding conventional laboratory diagnosis. Demonstration of the utility of the blood for gene expression profiling and biomarker discovery... more
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      AlgorithmsChronic Fatigue SyndromeNucleic acid hybridizationMedical Physiology
Objectives. Polymorphisms in human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 have been shown to be related to geographic areas and are broadly classified as European (E), African (Af), Asian (As), or Asian-American (AA). Certain variants have been... more
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      Gynecologic OncologyBase SequenceCervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
A u t h o r P r o o f REVIEW -Vernon, Whistler, Aslakson, Rajeevan & Reeves 2 Pharmacogenomics (2006) 7(2) A u t h o r P r o o f
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      Chronic Fatigue SyndromeBiomarker discovery
Acute infection is known to perturb psycho-neuroendocrine-immune (PNI) gene expression. Oligonucleotide microarrays were used to examine PNI gene expression in the peripheral blood of 13 subjects with infectious mononucleosis (IM). Novel... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMuscle developmentInfectious mononucleosis
Before gene expression profiling with microarray technology can be transferred to the diagnostic setting, we must have alternative approaches for synthesizing probe from limited RNA samples, and we must understand the limits of... more
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We have developed a procedure to amplify mRNA into sense RNA (sRNA) so as to create a regenerating biorepository representing the complex mRNA profile in the original sample. The procedure exploits the template-switching activity of... more
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      Information SystemsGeneticsSwitching ActivityIn Vitro Transcription
Molecular events occurring with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated dysplastic differentiation of cervical epithelial cells are largely unknown. This study used differential display PCR to identify expression changes between... more
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      Information SystemsGeneticsDifferential Display
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder of unknown etiology with no known lesions, diagnostic markers or therapeutic intervention. The pathophysiology of CFS remains elusive, although abnormalities in the central nervous... more
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      Chronic Fatigue SyndromeHPA axisChi Square DistributionDisability Evaluation
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      Differential DisplayOptimality Condition
Polymorphisms in human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) result in variants from the prototype sequence which can be designated according to geographic distribution and are broadly classified as European (E), African (Af), Asian (As), or... more
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      MicrobiologyJournal of Virological MethodsSpecies SpecificityBase Sequence
While infection with high-risk HPV is the most important risk factor for cervical cancer, HPV alone is insufficient. Our purpose was to identify viral and epidemiologic factors associated with cervical disease in HPV-16 DNA-positive women... more
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      Nucleic acid hybridizationCervical Intraepithelial NeoplasiaLogistic Models
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary but insufficient cause of cervical cancer. Factors influencing transcription, such as epigenetic silencing through viral DNA methylation, may impact neoplastic progression. Pyrosequencing... more
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      MicrobiologyJournal of Virological Methods
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      Chronic Fatigue SyndromeAllostatic LoadSex Factors
We used differential-display PCR of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to search for candidate biomarkers for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). PBMCs were collected from a subject with CFS and an age- and sex-matched control before... more
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      Chronic Fatigue SyndromeVery high throughputDifferential Display
A gene (inrpk1) encoding a putative receptor-like protein kinase was isolated from the Japanese morning glory, Ipomoea (Pharbitis) nil Roth. cv. Violet. The receptor-like portion of the largest derived polypeptide contains 26 direct... more
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      GeneticsPlant BiologyPlant Molecular BiologyOrnamental plants