Book by Wei-chieh Tsai
Journal Paper by Wei-chieh Tsai
~ Roberte Hamayon, La chasse a l'ame: esquisse d '叩 t抵而e du chamanisme si 悦rien.

当代欧美蒙元史研究动态 * 蔡伟杰(深圳大学) 本文主要回顾自1998年至今二十年来的欧美蒙元史学界的研究 成果, 分为两大部分: 第 一 部分是简介欧美蒙元史研究的先行回顾 成果;第二部分则是... more 当代欧美蒙元史研究动态 * 蔡伟杰(深圳大学) 本文主要回顾自1998年至今二十年来的欧美蒙元史学界的研究 成果, 分为两大部分: 第 一 部分是简介欧美蒙元史研究的先行回顾 成果;第二部分则是针对当代欧美蒙元史中相关领域的动态来进行 简介, 分别是蒙元史史料译注、 马可·波罗来华相关争论的发展、 元朝是否为中国, 最后针对当代蒙元史对元朝江南士人的研究与可 能方向进行探讨。 _ 、 文献回顾 在中文学界中, 较早对欧美蒙古史概况进行系统性述评的专书, 最早可见千李治安与王晓欣合著的《元史学概说》 一 书。 在该书附 录中 , 曾为欧美各国的蒙元史著作依照政治、 典章制度、 经济等十 * 本文初稿曾在2016年3月千 " 中央研究院 " 历史语言研究所举行的 " 元代的江南士 人 " 系列工作坊上发表。 在此也要感谢日本明治大学樱井智美教授的邀请, 以及参与 工作坊的先进同人所给予的意见。 当然, 一切文责由笔者自负。 当代欧美蒙元史研究动态 445 余个主题编纂重要论著索引, 是中文学界中较早的相关内容汇编。 [l] 后来陈得芝在其主编的《中国通史》第8卷《中古时代· 元时期 (上)》甲编第七章中回顾了17世纪以来的外国蒙元史研究。 [2) 后来 他将该书甲编挑出, 经增补后独立成《蒙元史研究导论》 一 书 [ 3 ) ' 当 中对于西方学界的蒙元史研究动态从17世纪发端到21世纪初期的 研究成果, 依照国别进行概述, 为目前中文学界中较为全面的回顾。 在欧美学界, 较早进行此类工作的是爱尔森(Thomas T. Allsen ) 。 他曾经编写《蒙古在东亚, 12至14世纪: 西文书籍与论文的初步书 目汇编》, 并作为宋代研究辅助系列手册的第 一 册出版。 内容分为三 部分:1)背景: 蒙古帝国的兴起;2)蒙古统治中国;3)蒙古在东 亚。 虽然并不全面, 不过这算是欧美学界早期的蒙元史研究汇编。 [4] 另外爱尔森同时也有 一 篇专文探讨蒙古治下之东亚的苏联研究 回顾, 文中也提到了自 20 世纪60年代初期中苏交恶以来, 苏联与 中国学者对其历史遗产与评价也逐渐走向分歧 。1 962年成吉思汗诞 生800周年纪念则是重要的时间点。 韩儒林同年在《历史研究》发 表的《论成吉思汗》 一 文肯定了蒙古统 一 中国在历史上的积极作用。 而迈斯基Clvan M. Maisky)撰文批评成吉思汗的扩张战争为许多民 族带来了破坏与落后。 而 1970 年苏联科学院东方研究所编辑的《在 亚洲与欧洲的靴鞘蒙古人》 一 书则是顶点, 该书主编提赫文斯基(S. [ !]李治安、 王晓欣:《元史学概说》(附录.重要论著索引), 天津教育出版社1989年版。 [2] 陈得芝主编:《中古时代·元时期(上)》, 见白寿彝主编:《中国通史》第 8 卷, 上海 人民出版社1997年版。 [3] 陈得芝:《蒙元史研究导论》, 南京大学出版社2012年版, 第 7 章。 [ 4] Thomas T. Allsen, "The Mongols in East Asia, Twelfth-Fourteenth Century: A Preliminary Bibliography of Books and Articles in Western Languages", Sung Studies Research Aids, No. 1, Philadelphia: Sung Studies Newsletter, 1976.

Journal of History and Anthropology, 2017
Over the past twenty years, two approaches to the history of late imperial China have made especi... more Over the past twenty years, two approaches to the history of late imperial China have made especially notable contributions to the field and its general trends: the so-called “South China school” and “New Qing History.” In the academic imagination, generally speaking, the South China school is thought of as exploring issues of lineage, ritual practice, local society, regional difference, and the relationship between state and society through fieldwork with a focus on local sources. This approach emphasizes a bottom-up view of Chinese history, or one from the perspective of mid-level government actors. New Qing History works to place the Qing empire into Inner Asian perspective by considering the relationship between the state and its institutions, particularly as expressed in non-Chinese-language sources. This is in contrast to a traditional Sinocentric approach to Qing history. Although scholars in either of these “schools” have never assumed there were any particular barriers between them, nevertheless, they differ in terms of their conceptualization of problems, objects of study, use of sources, and methodological priorities. As a result, there has been little conscious effort to place the two subfields into dialogue. In terms of the field or discipline of Qing history, the time periods covered by either school overlap during the Qing empire (1636/44-1911), and so they share a number of common concerns. As the field has advanced over the past decade, the new generation of “South China” scholars have practiced research beyond their eponymous region, while the perspective of New Qing History has gradually expanded from imperial state to local society. The intersection or intermingling of these subfields has already begun to take place.
Xyilm,m OaUHbl oapaax A 1blH 'lUi?Jl:JJlYYo XYHT3H ,lI;AHHbI ,lI;APAAX AHY-LIH MOHfOJI Cy.n:JIAJI... more Xyilm,m OaUHbl oapaax A 1blH 'lUi?Jl:JJlYYo XYHT3H ,lI;AHHbI ,lI;APAAX AHY-LIH MOHfOJI Cy.n:JIAJIbIH 1JHrJI3JIYY,ll;l Wei-chieh Tsat* AHY-blH MOHrOJI cY)J;JIaJI r3)K lOy 83? A MePHKHllH MOHroJI CYMaa'l X3M33X H3pnllH ,lJ;Op mI3 6YPHllH cypfyym" 60JIOBCPOJITOll XYMYYCHiif OllJIfOX Hb 6Hll.
English version of the Chinese original (Translator unknown)

As the founder of the Qing dynasty, Hong Taiji was famous for introducing Chinese elements into t... more As the founder of the Qing dynasty, Hong Taiji was famous for introducing Chinese elements into the Manchu regime. However, he was cautious of balancing the old Manchu tradition and new Chinese institution. How should we understand his worry about sinicization of his Manchu subjects while adopting considerable Chinese practice? What was his legacy of this sinicization project for the Qing empire? This paper argues that under Hong Taiji’s rule, the Manchu-Chinese dual social and cultural structure began to take shape in the Qing empire. Seeing culture as a series of a binary structure of meaning, Marshall Sahlins argues that cultural logic influences social category and norm. In the formation of Manchu-Chinese dual cultural structure, imperial ideology and Hong Taiji’s intention played a decisive role. In this paper, I try to contextualize Hong Taiji’s sinicization project in the milieu of internal power struggle with other Manchu princes and external geopolitics among Korea, Mongols, and Ming China. By re-defining the meaning of the Manchu and Chinese way, Hong Taiji successfully created a dual symbolic structure of meaning which elevated Manchu military practice and frugality as the core of the dynasty and despised Chinese civil practice as superficiality. This Manchu-Chinese dual symbolic structure of meaning became an essential component of Qing imperial ideology until the end of the Qing dynasty.
Book Chapter by Wei-chieh Tsai
7 一般被歸入美國新清史的學者,包括了 Evelyn S. Rawski(羅友枝)、Edward J. M. Rhoads(路康樂)、Mark C. Elliott(歐立德)、Philippe ... more 7 一般被歸入美國新清史的學者,包括了 Evelyn S. Rawski(羅友枝)、Edward J. M. Rhoads(路康樂)、Mark C. Elliott(歐立德)、Philippe Forêt(傅雷)、Laura Hostetler、James A. Millward(米華健)、Peter C. Perdue (濮德培),與 Patricia Berger(白瑞霞)等人。Pamela Kyle Crossley(柯嬌燕)一般也被歸入這個陣營當中, 但她本人拒絕被貼上「新清史學者」的標籤。這份不完整的名單肯定也具有爭議性,並且依照不同的分類標準 會有所增刪。有關近期對美國新清史爭議的回應與述評,參見定宜莊、歐立德,〈21 世紀如何書寫中國歷史:
Book by Wei-chieh Tsai
Journal Paper by Wei-chieh Tsai
Book Chapter by Wei-chieh Tsai