Papers by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.

This abstract, synopsis & excerpts elucidates Dr. Anthony K. Offu's Library & academic works, inc... more This abstract, synopsis & excerpts elucidates Dr. Anthony K. Offu's Library & academic works, including but not limited to predominantly subjects area curriculum of contemporary global community affairs; indicative of published body intellectual works such as Books, Articles, Periodical-Journals/Magazines, Internet & governments & non-governmental documentaries.
It further elicits authors's research conceptual analytical mechanism of the discussed issues in question.
Part of the researched works are sometimes tertiary denotations of author's most current "Curriculum Vitae/Resume", it also encompasses a hloistic dynamic concpet formative of his directive, administrative, managerial & supervisory experiences within a protracted period of time prior to his retirement as a "Social Work Consultant, in the Newyork City contract ACS-Administration For Children Services For fitfteen (15) years, serving the people of Newyork City & New york State, which his attentive, loyalty, devoted efforts, diligence, dedication was genuinely applauded by the Late Hon. Nicholas Scopetta-Former ACS Commissioner & later, NYC Fire Dept Commissioner, prior to his passing away; in the March 24th, 2016 was greatly appreciated post transparency meetings, when he was ACS boss.
The article theme, goal, objective, conceptual analytical model espouses & ascribes tends to elic... more The article theme, goal, objective, conceptual analytical model espouses & ascribes tends to elicits & elucidates the Article "Live Biography" of the known global scholar "Dr. Anthony K. Offu. PhD. The biographical abstract, excerpts, synopsis includes, but not limited to Dr. Anthony Offu, PhD as an author, prolific journal, periodical & internet writer. It incepted & imperatively provided critical analysis of Anthony Offu's early life, extended family & education respectively. Second, provided impetus to Dr. Offu's career, contemporary personal life, live achievement award, Bibliographies; which included his accomplished two (2) intellectual educational/textbooks publications. From a protracted period of Sept,1986-to Jan, 2013.References & External Links. Last dated, March 31st, 2016.

The theme of this abstract, synopsis & excerpts article "PROPOSAL/OUTLINE & CONTENTS" elicits & e... more The theme of this abstract, synopsis & excerpts article "PROPOSAL/OUTLINE & CONTENTS" elicits & elucidates the aforementioned. The "PhD & post contd research"; post graduate articulated, prolific, intellectually well scholarly written procurement, resonance of an empirical research investigative studies, why the five (5) African regional countries were selected as case studies for this indicated topical abstract-proposal of African five (5) countries economic & political volatility of holistic historical antecedents predominantly, in the subject areas of political economy, political science, global history, international relations, African development, organizational science-theories/models of Leadership & Management skills, provided studies on the backwardness, surge, absence of globalization, alienation from the international free market systems, inability to use the modernity in media competitive edge technology, multinational corporations enterprises interdependent global world order to enhancing their economic & avoid unstable lack of democratization in the political process will provide egalitarianism in the socioeconomic class structure, strata & stratification, appropriate use of modern methodological approach toward developmental steps would have abrogated, alleviated corruptions by indicting & apprehension; with high placed elected/appointed officials of the governments, appropriated. loots populace economic windfalls of the most African economies, thereby incessantly admissible pre-& post existence of the graft/corruption adamantly endemic & mono-cultural methodologies of the leadership looting the governance treasury, purportedly & primarily intended for the national development, advancement, progressives of the African economic sectors. The use of consistent mainstay of feudalism & traditional economic approaches toward developments in few African countries, used for case studies derided, negates & embraces the usual traditional avenues; encouragement of dictatorial regimes via seizure of power via military coups- by the military leadership ensures slow & delayed developmental process. In authors mind perspective, if the pragmatic approach towards realistic democracy was used will enable economic sustainable growth, surplus, maximized profits & tantamount to windfall economy; more especially in the agricultural sectors would have provided a generous total country's governmental revenue output capacity annually. The scholar defendants postulates of the African dependent development; argued that the African "poverty & impoverishment" stemmed from the evolutionary historical antecedents over thirteenth (13) century ago, insisted they had natural resources of Jewels; gold, silver, diamonds; agricultural sectors, cocoa, rubber, palm trees which produces kernel used for cooking oil, palm wine used for wine advanced drinking in the contemporary world; sorghum-rice, beans, vegetarian creeks; crude oil, gas & minerals was all found in crude nature but was looted, expropriated by the advanced /developed countries-during native interior slavery, external slave trade, trans Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, industrial revolution of Europe; used the African crude economic product as metaphor for development of European economies & their economies; thereby enriching the prior & impoverishing the later sectors. The Europeans perils of Greece, Roman empires were responsible for the initial economic down tone/descended on the African countries, especially upon Berlin conference of 1884-85, entitled the partitioning of Africa/polarization of African political economies which were stable prior to the penetration of Europeans in the early 16th century looted, expropriated, African natural resources, most rivalries have different motivations, as the Chairman of the Berlin conference headed by the Otho-von Bismach of Germany was offered the pick the first draft & later other European countries preyed on the African countries.
In the conclusion the Author elicts the "pros & cons" of the topic in question, with both consequential & inconsequential referenced reliable resources & provided a well balanced conclusive reality on both sides of the scholarly arguments with refutations & counter-refutations; with adequate resonance citations/footnotes, it could be recalled however that the major components of my concluding this unbiased, unprejudiced & undivided arguments was a result of historical, political & economic facts. Thank you! Looking forward for the the three (3) part article series 1-to-3.
Note: See the " Article "PROPOSAL/OUTLINE" Attachment" of the aforementioned title.
Faithfully Yours,
Dr. Anthony Offu. MA, PhD & Author/International Relations, Management & Leadership Expert; currently Social Work Consultant. Rtd.
Soviet Union in the World Affairs by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.
Dr. Anthony Offu contemporary CV/Resume & cover report letter, dated 12/26/2017 for the directori... more Dr. Anthony Offu contemporary CV/Resume & cover report letter, dated 12/26/2017 for the directorial, administrative, managerial & supervisory position for the US-Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) agency-US based think tank in New york City & Wasshington, D.C.
Dr. Offu, had extensive educational, skills & work experience in the US-tink tank instituions for example, brooking institute @ Washington, D.C., foreign policy, diplomacy, international relations, international political economy, political science, globalization, international development & international organizations, such as United Nations, EU, European Union, NATO-North Atlantic treaty treaty organizations etc.
A critical empirical & investigative studies in the awarded advanced degree/Master's Degree in international relations in Sept, 1986 at "The City College of New York {CUNY} proved this assertive factual reality.
Books by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.
Research interest already tagged with prior Curriculum Vitae.
Dr. Anthony Offu.(PhD) curriculum viate or resume of his body of intellectual work, espouses & el... more Dr. Anthony Offu.(PhD) curriculum viate or resume of his body of intellectual work, espouses & elucidates respectively, his scholar professional employment/work experience, within a protracted period of time in the prior years, until today.
In addendum, "see his other side" ATTACHMENT of his professional cover report letter, ascribing Dr. Offu's intellectualism in the Research Degree Awarded description of his professional brief report letter, where his expression of his managerial, directive, administrative & supervisory position connotes.
Drafts by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.

This research article paper work (Intended For Future Development of Book Manuscript) large scope... more This research article paper work (Intended For Future Development of Book Manuscript) large scope-updated for a Book thesis (of no less than one hundred & fifty (150) pages is intended to 'explore & examine' in its holistic sense & better understanding of the aspect of the 'political economy' of the African Continental States, circumstances pervading the abysmal reasons "Why Africa's Economic Development were Delayed" at the broader asymetrical dialectical residue, posed a latitudinal quest & concern "Why Few African Regions Are Poor".
It enhances the original/or prior published researched paperwork which in its lack of completion addresses & elicits respectively, as the entitled, subject article elucidates-"Why Africa Is Poor" with redefined "PROPOSAL & OUTLINE" as sufficed.
The contemporary abstract, excerpts & synopsis will continue in unabated contextual, conceptual & broader framework the outline with latitudinal discourse, differently entitled but explains the aforementioned abstract, the writer's/author's intent to discussing the why the entire Africans regional continents were impoverished. Paradoxically, greater emphasis were taken into consideration regarding the original theme, premise, causes, the methodological/analytical frame work & practicality in the current African States (Economic Dependency & Underdevelopment) Political Economy; can inevitably catch-up or following the patterns, styles of the other under-developed & developing continental nation-states, in the global perspectives of the commonly referred as the "third world/or South"; precisely from the other continental states of Latin (South) America) Asia; in the contemporary new economic & political world order.

• Lack of incentive to contemporary agricultural economy, before British rule in Nigeria, prior i... more • Lack of incentive to contemporary agricultural economy, before British rule in Nigeria, prior independence of October 1 st , 1960; resonates to the oil wealth boom of the 1975. • Nigeria's farmers/peasantry economy denigrated, decimated, denied avalanche loan applications, underfunded by Nigeria agricultural commercial Banks, refusal & turned down qualified prospective agricultural investors who in their best interest willing to empower the forefront farmers, ready for the regenerating what was the concept of the British colonial masters legacy " multinational trading commercial company of the " United Africa Company " (U.A.C) responsible then as the blocking trading agricultural monopoly multinational Co., amongst other European rivalry justling to compete & polarize the agricultural surpluses, profit derivations & maximizations, in the British Nigerian colonial economic windfall of agricultural based economy, predominantly, aimed at fostering egalitarian measures toward cocoa prizing, penalizing companies via sanctioning or suspending companies not paling by the rules & negligibly competition, which invariably will usher efficiency & mass production in latitudinal scale; embracing inequality (upward advantage from the corporate elite companies) discouraging price manipulation & market price exploitation in the example of such classical/ancient merchant based companies were the " WAACB & WAAPB " were created in the 1940 & 1942 respectively. • A Lagos Nigerian British appointed colonial Lawyer, from the colonial office in the England, & all the trading polices were promulgated & initiated called was handed & took over by the Barrister Adeniyi Jones. He immediately cited inequality from few foreign companies & called on the Nigerian middlemen/middle class, to launch boycott & strikes specifically on the trading cocoa monopoly business. It was not on the
Papers by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.
It further elicits authors's research conceptual analytical mechanism of the discussed issues in question.
Part of the researched works are sometimes tertiary denotations of author's most current "Curriculum Vitae/Resume", it also encompasses a hloistic dynamic concpet formative of his directive, administrative, managerial & supervisory experiences within a protracted period of time prior to his retirement as a "Social Work Consultant, in the Newyork City contract ACS-Administration For Children Services For fitfteen (15) years, serving the people of Newyork City & New york State, which his attentive, loyalty, devoted efforts, diligence, dedication was genuinely applauded by the Late Hon. Nicholas Scopetta-Former ACS Commissioner & later, NYC Fire Dept Commissioner, prior to his passing away; in the March 24th, 2016 was greatly appreciated post transparency meetings, when he was ACS boss.
In the conclusion the Author elicts the "pros & cons" of the topic in question, with both consequential & inconsequential referenced reliable resources & provided a well balanced conclusive reality on both sides of the scholarly arguments with refutations & counter-refutations; with adequate resonance citations/footnotes, it could be recalled however that the major components of my concluding this unbiased, unprejudiced & undivided arguments was a result of historical, political & economic facts. Thank you! Looking forward for the the three (3) part article series 1-to-3.
Note: See the " Article "PROPOSAL/OUTLINE" Attachment" of the aforementioned title.
Faithfully Yours,
Dr. Anthony Offu. MA, PhD & Author/International Relations, Management & Leadership Expert; currently Social Work Consultant. Rtd.
Soviet Union in the World Affairs by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.
Dr. Offu, had extensive educational, skills & work experience in the US-tink tank instituions for example, brooking institute @ Washington, D.C., foreign policy, diplomacy, international relations, international political economy, political science, globalization, international development & international organizations, such as United Nations, EU, European Union, NATO-North Atlantic treaty treaty organizations etc.
A critical empirical & investigative studies in the awarded advanced degree/Master's Degree in international relations in Sept, 1986 at "The City College of New York {CUNY} proved this assertive factual reality.
Books by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.
In addendum, "see his other side" ATTACHMENT of his professional cover report letter, ascribing Dr. Offu's intellectualism in the Research Degree Awarded description of his professional brief report letter, where his expression of his managerial, directive, administrative & supervisory position connotes.
Drafts by Dr. Anthony K Offu. PhD.
It enhances the original/or prior published researched paperwork which in its lack of completion addresses & elicits respectively, as the entitled, subject article elucidates-"Why Africa Is Poor" with redefined "PROPOSAL & OUTLINE" as sufficed.
The contemporary abstract, excerpts & synopsis will continue in unabated contextual, conceptual & broader framework the outline with latitudinal discourse, differently entitled but explains the aforementioned abstract, the writer's/author's intent to discussing the why the entire Africans regional continents were impoverished. Paradoxically, greater emphasis were taken into consideration regarding the original theme, premise, causes, the methodological/analytical frame work & practicality in the current African States (Economic Dependency & Underdevelopment) Political Economy; can inevitably catch-up or following the patterns, styles of the other under-developed & developing continental nation-states, in the global perspectives of the commonly referred as the "third world/or South"; precisely from the other continental states of Latin (South) America) Asia; in the contemporary new economic & political world order.
It further elicits authors's research conceptual analytical mechanism of the discussed issues in question.
Part of the researched works are sometimes tertiary denotations of author's most current "Curriculum Vitae/Resume", it also encompasses a hloistic dynamic concpet formative of his directive, administrative, managerial & supervisory experiences within a protracted period of time prior to his retirement as a "Social Work Consultant, in the Newyork City contract ACS-Administration For Children Services For fitfteen (15) years, serving the people of Newyork City & New york State, which his attentive, loyalty, devoted efforts, diligence, dedication was genuinely applauded by the Late Hon. Nicholas Scopetta-Former ACS Commissioner & later, NYC Fire Dept Commissioner, prior to his passing away; in the March 24th, 2016 was greatly appreciated post transparency meetings, when he was ACS boss.
In the conclusion the Author elicts the "pros & cons" of the topic in question, with both consequential & inconsequential referenced reliable resources & provided a well balanced conclusive reality on both sides of the scholarly arguments with refutations & counter-refutations; with adequate resonance citations/footnotes, it could be recalled however that the major components of my concluding this unbiased, unprejudiced & undivided arguments was a result of historical, political & economic facts. Thank you! Looking forward for the the three (3) part article series 1-to-3.
Note: See the " Article "PROPOSAL/OUTLINE" Attachment" of the aforementioned title.
Faithfully Yours,
Dr. Anthony Offu. MA, PhD & Author/International Relations, Management & Leadership Expert; currently Social Work Consultant. Rtd.
Dr. Offu, had extensive educational, skills & work experience in the US-tink tank instituions for example, brooking institute @ Washington, D.C., foreign policy, diplomacy, international relations, international political economy, political science, globalization, international development & international organizations, such as United Nations, EU, European Union, NATO-North Atlantic treaty treaty organizations etc.
A critical empirical & investigative studies in the awarded advanced degree/Master's Degree in international relations in Sept, 1986 at "The City College of New York {CUNY} proved this assertive factual reality.
In addendum, "see his other side" ATTACHMENT of his professional cover report letter, ascribing Dr. Offu's intellectualism in the Research Degree Awarded description of his professional brief report letter, where his expression of his managerial, directive, administrative & supervisory position connotes.
It enhances the original/or prior published researched paperwork which in its lack of completion addresses & elicits respectively, as the entitled, subject article elucidates-"Why Africa Is Poor" with redefined "PROPOSAL & OUTLINE" as sufficed.
The contemporary abstract, excerpts & synopsis will continue in unabated contextual, conceptual & broader framework the outline with latitudinal discourse, differently entitled but explains the aforementioned abstract, the writer's/author's intent to discussing the why the entire Africans regional continents were impoverished. Paradoxically, greater emphasis were taken into consideration regarding the original theme, premise, causes, the methodological/analytical frame work & practicality in the current African States (Economic Dependency & Underdevelopment) Political Economy; can inevitably catch-up or following the patterns, styles of the other under-developed & developing continental nation-states, in the global perspectives of the commonly referred as the "third world/or South"; precisely from the other continental states of Latin (South) America) Asia; in the contemporary new economic & political world order.