Papers by Jonathan Prousky
<b>Copyright information:</b>Taken from "The safety of over-the-counter niacin. ... more <b>Copyright information:</b>Taken from "The safety of over-the-counter niacin. A randomized placebo-controlled trial [ISRCTN18054903]"BMC Clinical Pharmacology 2003;3():4-4.Published online 13 Nov 2003PMCID:PMC280687.Copyright © 2003 Mills et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL.
The treatment of migraines and tension-type headaches with intravenous and oral niacin (nicotinic... more The treatment of migraines and tension-type headaches with intravenous and oral niacin (nicotinic acid): systematic review of the literature
Preface Out-Health Dilemmas Beyond the High-Tech Diet Toward a Natural Diet The Health Costs of t... more Preface Out-Health Dilemmas Beyond the High-Tech Diet Toward a Natural Diet The Health Costs of the High-Tech Diet The Junk Food Era Dietary Diseases Public Malnutrition The Health Benefits of a Naturopathic Diet Optimum Diet Optimal Absorption Naturopathic Healthcare Nutritional Therapy Nutrient Deficiencies Nutrient Dependencies Nutrient Supplements Vitamins Minerals Amino Acids Essential Fatty Acids Nutritional Therapy Case Studies Nutrient Content of Common Foods References.
Research article Information about ADRs explored by pharmacovigilance approaches: a qualitative r... more Research article Information about ADRs explored by pharmacovigilance approaches: a qualitative review of studies on antibiotics, SSRIs and
Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2010

Reduced glutathione or simply glutathione (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine; GSH) is found in the cytos... more Reduced glutathione or simply glutathione (g-glutamylcysteinylglycine; GSH) is found in the cytosol of most cells of the body. GSH in the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) of the lower respiratory tract is thought to be the first line of defense against oxidative stress. Inhalation (nebulized or aerosolized) is the only known method that increases GSH's levels in the ELF. A review of the literature was conducted to examine the clinical effectiveness of inhaled GSH as a treatment for various pulmonary diseases and respiratory-related conditions. This report also discusses clinical and theoretical indications for GSH inhalation, potential concerns with this treatment, its presumed mechanisms of action, optimal doses to be administered and other important details. Reasons for inhaled GSH's effectiveness include its role as a potent antioxidant, and possibly improved oxygenation and host defenses. Theoretical uses of this treatment include Farmer's lung, pre-and postexercise,...
<b>Copyright information:</b>Taken from "The safety of over-the-counter niacin. ... more <b>Copyright information:</b>Taken from "The safety of over-the-counter niacin. A randomized placebo-controlled trial [ISRCTN18054903]"BMC Clinical Pharmacology 2003;3():4-4.Published online 13 Nov 2003PMCID:PMC280687.Copyright © 2003 Mills et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL.

Introduction !e most commonly cited uses of vitamin B3 (niacin/nicotinic acid and niacinamide/nic... more Introduction !e most commonly cited uses of vitamin B3 (niacin/nicotinic acid and niacinamide/nicotinamide) are for the treatment of pellagra. Pellagra is a disease caused by a cellular deficiency of the nicotinamide coenzymes due to inadequate dietary supply of tryptophan and vitamin B3. Diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia characterize this deficiency disease. Although is it not usually fatal, when the 3 Ds are present death can occur. !e adult intake of vitamin B3 necessary to prevent pellagra is around 20 mg per day. !e body can manufacture approximately 1 mg of niacin equivalents from 60 mg of tryptophan obtained mostly from diAbstract While on parental leave during November 2009, my clinical shift was spearheaded by one of my colleagues who recommended fairly significant doses of inositol hexaniacinate to treat a patient’s depression. In January 2010, the patient returned for a visit on my clinical shift, and much to my surprise her long-standing depression had resolved. As a res...
Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 2018
The author puts forth the argument that the complementary and alternative medicine community shou... more The author puts forth the argument that the complementary and alternative medicine community should endorse specific aspects of the entire individualized homeopathic process, including its unique holistic consultation process, having dedicated lengths of time to enumerate the complete illness context, and the prescribing of homeopathic remedies, to reposition this modality as a psychotherapeutic technique. Moreover, placebo effects derived from homeopathic remedies could be used to further exploit favorable therapeutic effects that have accrued from the entirety of the homeopathic consultation process. The overall aim of this bold shift is to sustain the clinical practice of homeopathy from an ethical and clinically responsible (and plausible) framework that is properly evidence-informed.
Nutrition Journal, 2005
Background: Migraine and tension-type headaches impose a tremendous economic drain upon the healt... more Background: Migraine and tension-type headaches impose a tremendous economic drain upon the healthcare system. Intravenous and oral niacin has been employed in the treatment of acute and chronic migraine and tension-type headaches, but its use has not become part of contemporary medicine, nor have there been randomized controlled trials further assessing this novel treatment. We aimed to systematically review the evidence of using intravenous and/or oral niacin as a treatment for migraine headaches, tension-type headaches, and for headaches of other etiologic types. Methods: We searched English and non-English language articles in the following databases:
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Apr 29, 2014
Townsend Letter For Doctors and Patients, May 1, 2003
Townsend Letter For Doctors and Patients, Feb 1, 2005
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2014
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2002
Townsend Letter For Doctors and Patients, May 1, 2004

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2003
Migraine headaches (MH) impose a tremendous economic drain upon our health care system. Some 50 p... more Migraine headaches (MH) impose a tremendous economic drain upon our health care system. Some 50 percent of MH sufferers discontinue conventional treatment, in part, due to dissatisfaction with the conventional therapy they receive. Niacin (nicotinic acid) might be an alternative treatment for acute MH among individuals seeking a novel approach. Two case reports demonstrate that 500mg of oral niacin can abort acute MH. The therapeutic effectiveness of niacin appears to be related to the cutaneous flushing that occurs shortly after oral administration. The vasodilation causing the flush is due to the release of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in the skin and the subsequent increase of its metabolite in the plasma. The therapeutic benefits of niacin might also be related to the positive interactions between PGD2 and the calcitoningene related peptide (CGRP) found in trigeminal neurons and in platelets.

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
Anxiety disorders are extremely debilitating and are the most common psychiatric disorders in the... more Anxiety disorders are extremely debilitating and are the most common psychiatric disorders in the United States. Such patients have greater chances of developing other medical illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and hypertension. The underlying anxiety that exists in these patients also tends to prolong the course of any additional medical illnesses that they may develop. The conventional approach to severe anxiety involves pharmacotherapy with benzodiazepines, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or other medications such as buspirone, imipramine or trazodone. A case report demonstrated that the use of 2500mg of niacinamide (nicotinamide) per day ameliorated severe anxiety in a 34-year-old male patient. It appears that niacinamide has therapeutic properties similar to the benzodiazepines. However, the therapeutic effects of niacinamide likely have little to do with it acting as a ligand for the benzodiazepine receptor. Niacinamide might exert its effects through its modulation of neuro-transmitters that are commonly unbalanced in those areas of the brain associated with anxiety. Niacinamide might also reduce anxiety by shunting more tryptophan toward the production of serotonin and/or by simply correcting a vitamin B3 dependency. The use of niacinamide for extended periods of time appears to be safe, but megadoses can cause sedation, nausea and vomiting. More case reports, research and rigorous controlled trials are needed to properly evaluate niacinamide' s therapeutic effectiveness, safety and mechanisms of action for the treatment of anxiety.
Papers by Jonathan Prousky