Papers by Patricia G. Lange
MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, IL, 2008

Journal of Pragmatics, 2014
Ranting is often conflated with flaming and hating, which are frequently interpreted as inappropr... more Ranting is often conflated with flaming and hating, which are frequently interpreted as inappropriate forms of online interaction. Scholars have categorized rants, which contain emotional criticisms of something or someone, as ''anti-social'' (Vrooman, 2002). However, scholars are moving away from universal interpretations of inappropriateness, and now engage in contextual analyses of online behavior. The present study examines a random sample of 330 text comments (drawn from a pool of 13,609 comments) that were posted across 35 rant videos on YouTube. Ranters describe numerous technical and social problems with the video-sharing site. But how are rant videos received on YouTube? Do commenters characterize them as inappropriate? Do rants stimulate productive discussion or do most commenters prefer to express emotional support for the ranter? Rather than displaying personal offense, numerous commenters discussed how problems with YouTube were being publicly revealed in video rants. Such issues are particularly relevant, as expectations about communicative norms are being proposed and contested in new media sites . This study argues that under the right circumstances, ranting helps construct an emotional public sphere ) that generates discussion among similarly concerned YouTube participants about their online communicative rights and privileges.
New Media & Society, 2010
The relational nature of feelings pointed in any number of directions, underscoring Whitehead... more The relational nature of feelings pointed in any number of directions, underscoring Whitehead's impatience with atomistic categories. This affective basis of experience sought satisfaction in ways directly connected to aesthetics and helps explain 'Whitehead's ...
Anthropology of Work Review, 2005, 2010
Mizuko Ito, Sonja Baumer, Matteo Bittanti et al. (30 November 2009). geek danah-boyd.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning Living an... more The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning Living and Learning with New Media Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project MizukoIto, Heather Horst, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Becky Herr-Stephenson, Patricia G ...

Discourses about media literacy often separate professional and amateur media makers into static,... more Discourses about media literacy often separate professional and amateur media makers into static, binary categories. These scholarly and popular discourses tend to idealize professionals and characterize amateurs as disinterested in form. Yet discourses of quality appear on video--sharing sites such as YouTube, as participants evaluate their own videos. Using discourse--based framings such as announcements, apologies, and accounts, uploaders point out aesthetic and technical flaws with regards to factors such as lighting, white balance, and camera angles. Uploaders use such framings to rhetoricize or persuade viewers that creators actually possess sets of knowledge and visual literacies that may not be apparent in a particular execution of a video. Such framings enable video uploaders to display identities of technical competence, and to attend to viewers' sensitivities and expectations. These rhetorical strategies challenge the notion that vernacular video making skills are forever frozen in time, rather than continually being evaluated and reconsidered by creators.
Annual Meeting of the International Communication …, Jan 1, 2007
This book is a synthesis of three years of collaborative, ethnographic work conducted through a p... more This book is a synthesis of three years of collaborative, ethnographic work conducted through a project funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation: "Kids' Informal Learning with Digital Media."
Discourse Studies, Jan 1, 2008
Abstract Many scholars characterize um as an involuntary emission that is devoid of meaning. Othe... more Abstract Many scholars characterize um as an involuntary emission that is devoid of meaning. Other scholars classify um as a non-linguistic signal that conveys certain messages or resolves a conversational problem, such as determining next speaker. Um is ...
Visual Communication, Jan 1, 2011
Abstract Certain binaries have dominated scholarly approaches to research on digital video creati... more Abstract Certain binaries have dominated scholarly approaches to research on digital video creation. The first is concerned with comparing videos made by professionals versus amateurs. The second is the binary contrasting the use of images for memory preservation ...
Games and Culture, Jan 1, 2011
Games have received increased scholarly attention due to the economic value they generate. Yet, s... more Games have received increased scholarly attention due to the economic value they generate. Yet, some studies still conceptualize games as ‘‘virtual’’ realms that are theoretically distinct from ‘‘real world’’ experiences. Based on an ethnographic investigation of two online, text-based gaming environments, this study analyzes dynamics such as technical acculturation, access to technical knowledge, and opportunities for self-expression by studying social

NAPA Bulletin, Jan 1, 2008
I analyze ethnographic practices in a distributed, on-line research project. Through selfreflexiv... more I analyze ethnographic practices in a distributed, on-line research project. Through selfreflexive investigation of interactions with family and interviewees, I discuss challenges that I faced when doing distributed work from home and I problematize assumed benefits of "multitasking" and "flexible" home-based work. By examining remote work (such as interviewing people on-line), I show that "multitasking" inaccurately describes certain work processes which are not actually executed simultaneously. I propose the term intertasking to describe activities that are interleaved in short intervals to satisfy multiple and often-conflicting work demands. I explore whether multitasking and intertasking are gendered or smuggle in moralistic judgments and conclude that multitasking and intertasking may be effaced or judged differently by people with different work styles. I reveal these dynamics so that members of distributed projects and teams can design processes, tasks, and tools that accommodate different dispositions with regard to doing several things in a short amount of time. Keywords: reflexivity, distributed work, multitasking, on-line field sites, gender This article analyzes ethnographic practices in a distributed on-line research project that began when I was a Ph.D. student in anthropology and continues today. 1 The analysis focuses on distributed work experiences that occurred while I investigated two on-line communities that I call Mining MUD and Learning World. 2 This analysis begins with a discussion of some of the challenges I faced when doing distributed work conducted from home. It highlights specific issues related to the difficulty of sharing home workspace with family, and it problematizes common assumptions about automatic benefits of "flexible" homecentric work environments and "multitasking." Through self-reflexive investigation of interactions with family and with interviewees, I explore the meanings and ramifications of "interruptions" on work.
Human Organization, Jan 1, 2009
... Contextual Hostility and Flame Claims Scholars of morality contend that it is a negotiable, c... more ... Contextual Hostility and Flame Claims Scholars of morality contend that it is a negotiable, contextual concept. Indeed within the same conversation involving Max and Alexander, Max argues that conversational channel ethics are unevenly applied. ...
Proceedings of the Southwestern Anthropological …, Jan 1, 2008
Ito et al., xxxviii. Hanging Out, Jan 1, 2010
Handbook of research on computer mediated …, Jan 1, 2008
AbstrAct Many conceptssuch as computer mediated versus face-to-face interaction,virtual versu... more AbstrAct Many conceptssuch as computer mediated versus face-to-face interaction,virtual versus real,flaming, and anonymitythat scholars have used for decades have led to theoretical misunderstandings about online and offline ...
First Monday, Jan 1, 2006
Abstract Flaming studies often argue that the assumed paucity of social cues in online environmen... more Abstract Flaming studies often argue that the assumed paucity of social cues in online environments leads to disinhibition and increased flaming online. Other studies empirically challenge the idea that flaming behaviors are an inevitable byâproduct of computerâ ...
Papers by Patricia G. Lange