Cologne Business School
International Business
Online grocery retailers are currently facing challenges due to COVID-19 pandemic. As previous research suggests, the e-grocery industry in Germany has been confronted with logistical problems and reluctant consumers even before the... more
A field study was conducted at an Agricultural Research station, Azad University, Khorasgan, Isfahan, Iran, during 2006-2007 to evaluate the effect of irrigation regimes on grain yield components and grain yield of two wheat cultivars. In... more
Lack of collateral and access to credit has been one of the reasons why the traditional banking institutions do not extend credit to the poor. This has led to the increment in the poverty level of these individuals. For this reason, MFIs... more
Imagine a world without the internet!!! Transportation, communication, awareness of world events, production of goods and services, socialization, education, payment systems, etc. have been made easy and more convenient for people leading... more
The Startup Way is a business development model created by Eric Ries the founder and pioneer of Lean Startup. The idea of The Startup Way is to introduce a better suitable tool in which an organization both startups and existing... more
Readers would be wondering by now what this article is trying to communicate. Well I want to discuss one of the greatest innovators of our century and how much he is contributing to mankind. I have been fascinated by Elon for over 3 years... more
This article seeks to outline the importance of Mars Exploration and why humans want to be a multiplanetary specie.