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Many watersheds experience scarcity of water for agricultural and domestic use for most part of the year. Ur river watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, India, falls under a drought prone region of India. Water allocation and... more
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      Remote sensing and GISIntegrated Water Resources ManagementHydrological Modeling
Many watersheds experience scarcity of water for agricultural and domestic use for most part of the year. Ur river watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, India, falls under a drought prone region of India. Water allocation and... more
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Flood impact is one of the most significant disasters in the world. More than half of global flood damages occur in Asia. Causes of floods are due to natural factors such as heavy rainfall, high floods and high tides, etc., and human... more
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More than half of the world's natural disasters are floods, affecting millions of people every year. In fact, more than 3 billion people have been affected by floods over the last century, i.e. half of the current world population! Urban... more
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Flood risks are the most frequent natural risks in the world. Their consequences are particularly serious when they affect technical systems in urban areas. Experience feedbacks on guided transport systems show that they are urban... more
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Flooding is one of the most destructive natural hazards, accounting for over a third of all disaster damage worldwide. In particular in less developed countries (LDCs) this is typically attributed to poor planning, lack of warning systems... more
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The effects of climate change on low-lying communities discouraged cities to reclaim seas for urban expansion. The storm surge that has occurred during the onslaught of Typhoon Haiyan in some parts of the Visayas in the Philippines... more
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Over the last decade, neural network-based flood forecasts systems have been increasingly used in hydrological research. Usually, input data of the network are composed by past measurements of flows and rainfalls, without providing a... more
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Please cite this article as: Agilan, V., Umamahesh, N.V., Detection and attribution of non-stationarity in intensity and frequency of daily and 4-hour extreme rainfall of Hyderabad, India, Journal of Hydrology (2015), doi: dx.
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The infrastructure design is primarily based on rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves, and the existing IDF curves are based on the concept of stationary extreme value theory (EVT) (i.e. the occurrence probability of extreme... more
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Low impact development (LID) is a land development approach that seeks to mimic a site's predevelopment hydrology. This study is a case study that assessed flood reduction capabilities of largescale adoption of LID practices in an urban... more
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In order to mitigate urban flooding, an integrated assessment has been proposed to identify the optimum drainage solution which implements the potential green infrastructure with the existing conventional gray infrastructure. The... more
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Climate change Detection and attribution Fingerprint method Extreme precipitation over India s u m m a r y Climate change is expected to influence extreme precipitation which in turn might affect risks of pluvial flooding. Recent studies... more
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The availability of high-resolution topographic data enables the modeling of urban floods with a high level of accuracy. However, such a modelling has a poor computational efficiency. Subgrid models enable to decrease the computational... more
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Risk assessments of flooding in urban areas during extreme precipitation for use in, for example, decision-making regarding climate adaptation, are surrounded by great uncertainties stemming from climate model projections, methods of... more
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In the present paper, a multi objective optimization approach based in Genetic Algorithm, Design Of Experiments and Response Surface Method strategies, is applied in order to predict the optimal CFD model parameters, allowing to model... more
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