Posted by
supernaut70s on 2007.01.08 at 05:50
Current Mood:
Happy New Year and good luck to all of you for the 2007 show season! I hope that everyone has enjoyed the past Festive Season and are looking forward to the new year .... it won't be long now, will it, before the shows swing into action once again? Anyway, just thought I would pop in and say "G'day" as this community has been very quiet for a long time ..... 'bye for now, S70s
Posted by
supernaut70s on 2006.09.25 at 01:06
Current Location: In front of monitor
Current Mood:
My congratulations to the Northern Rivers Cat Club Crew for the show on Saturday - we had a good day out and just wanted to say what a great day it was. Caught up with
saavikcats and it was great to see you again, S ... the fur-kids all seemed pretty happy with their day out too. LOL It was a hot day granted, but everyone seemed quite happy with the show and there were smiles aplenty. Anyway, just wanted to post here to say my bit and how we had a good time ... it was nice to bring out a "certain little lady" who has had a "mum-break" from the show scene and see how she did - quite well actually. Anyway, we were happy with how the day turned out ... once again, congrats to all and congrats to the winners!
ciao for now,
Posted by
supernaut70s on 2006.09.03 at 21:44
Current Mood:
Congratulations to the members and show committee of Tamworth & District Cat Club Inc for the wonderful day out yesterday. It may have been a smaller number this year but there was quality aplenty and a good day was had by all. My congratulations to all the winners and yes, I also had a very good day with a certain little "someone" doing very well indeed for himself. *grins*
Have also learnt on the grapevine that a certain little "Chicken" did very well today "up north" too .... purrs and headbutts to you too, little mate.
Sounds like it has been a good weekend for a few members, doesn't it? *VVVVVBG*
Posted by
supernaut70s on 2006.08.01 at 23:43
Current Mood:
after the weekend!
Current Music: We Are The Champions - Queen
I have just had the most amazing weekend in Brisbane and just wished to note here that my sincere congrats go to Club 23's show committee and workers for a job well done with their show on Sunday. Thank you, folks, for an enjoyable day!!!
Haven't been up north for a long time but will be going again, f'sure ... can't complain as I did quite well (and the cats did even better) - it was an excellent weekend and thanks so much,
saavikcats, for your wonderful hospitality. It was great, wasn't it? :))) Won't brag but all the kids gained placings in Top 10 which was wonderful, including a certain little blue point Siamese boy who I just didn't imagine going that far ... LOL. It was worth it for the trip and the show and catching up with friends too .... yes, I had a wonderful time!!!!
Posted by
supernaut70s on 2006.07.14 at 21:26
Current Mood:
Good luck to those of you who are going to the National in Sydney this weekend ... also safe travelling and let's hope that the weather behaves itself for Sunday too. Should be a good one for all :)
Posted by
saavikcats on 2006.07.04 at 07:25
Current Mood:
Current Music: the uniform and I'll just play along, and so it goes, go
From the website
Fear is What I Feel which deals with Londoners' reactions to the bombings -
( Behind cut, for size and languageCollapse )
Posted by
saavikcats on 2006.06.26 at 22:45
Current Location: Fantasyland
Current Mood:
Current Music: Then if you're tall, handsome and strong, you can wear the
Tags: cat shows
Specifically, Holiday Coast Show.
1) It's only a fuckup if it impacts on exhibitors. If they're oblivious, it's only a little mistake.
2) If you can't help, then at the very least don't hinder.
3) Did I ask you? Didn't think so.
4) If you're going to pick something up, for god's sake put it back where you found it. Otherwise judges end up with the wrong challenge/CCCA cards to award. Fun - not.
5) If you know so much about the running of a show, how come you never put your expertise into practice?
6) Yes, of course you deserved to win. Didn't we all.
7) You're allowed to hold a different opinion to the judge. But it's bad form to voice that opinion - loudly - while standing behind the actual winner.
8) It's a cat show. It is not open-heart surgery, nor does it contribute to the greater good of mankind. Get some perspective here.
Had a great day regardless.
Posted by
bubbles_kazjon on 2006.06.25 at 19:48
Current Location: Home
Current Mood:
Hello All
We would love to take this opportunity to Introduce our New Look of "It's Showtime!" Grooming Products (from the USA)...It has taken some time to get to this stage but the Products look smashing in their New Bottles and our Label's...You may visit our Web Site: for more Information on these Products and other Items...
Have a great Week
Kind Regards
Carol & John
[email protected]"Bubbles 'N' Scrubbles"
Grooming Products & Discount Toys
Posted by
supernaut70s on 2006.06.19 at 03:12
Current Location: In front of a computer, where else should I be?
Current Mood:
... can't sleep yet
Current Music: Sounds of Silence ... except for the jug boiling, haha
First posting - although I've commented before. :)
Had a wonderful day out at Federal Cat Club's show at Marrickville today and although it was freezing cold outside (I loathe the bloody cold weather), inside the hall the atmosphere was warm and friendly. Congratulations to all who won, both with their cats and in the raffles too. :) Just wanted to say that the Federal Cat Club committee and members who put on this wonderful show today deserve a round of applause - yes, I had a very good day out (well, in my mind at least). Nice to catch up with those who I did see and will catch up later with those I didn't see .... always a next time, isn't there?
Have been home for a while now, but can't sleep (I'm bloody frozen stiff) so thought I'd come out and play for a while. Hope all who travelled to the show had a safe trip home and those who are local had a good run home - the traffic was hell, but that's normal for Sydney on a Sunday!
Posted by
saavikcats on 2006.06.17 at 00:32
Current Location: The Friday Zone
Current Mood:
Current Music: I'm watching you watch over me, and I've got the greatest
Just followed the link to the WSCA page, and had a look at an upcoming show. Holy hell! I am
never complaining about the cost of entering a show again. By my reckoning it would cost me
$76.00 to enter one cat plus purchase a catalogue, not counting the one-off registration fee. To enter that same cat in a four-ring QICC show would cost me $25.
Check the link
here for a price check.