Yang LIAO 廖暘
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Papers by Yang LIAO 廖暘
in: Religious Faith and Ethnic Culture 17, eds. HE Xingliang and GUO Hongzhen (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2023), 17-55.
近十年以來, 文獻記載中的“海侖” 逐漸引起學者們的關注。通過各種著錄可知多件五十三參圖、十八尊者像等作品具其款印, 幷從不同角度關聯到“烏斯藏”。進一步拓寬視野, 可檢出海內外收藏的多件傳世品亦據署款或題簽而系于其名下, 從而形成多維度的圖文證據群, 使得反思明清以來的既有認識成爲可能。同時, 澄清歷史原貌的嘗試也有助于思考特定地域和文化語境中的內地人群對于西藏文化的誤讀和借用。
Part Two
Visual materials discovered in China suggest that the maṇḍalas created based on Āryagrahamātṛka-dhāraṇī and related ritual texts emerged in the 12th-13th centuries. The deification of the Dhāraṇī as the holy mother of the astral deities, Grahamātṛkā (Ch. 星曜佛母, Tib. gZa’ yum), appeared in the first half of the 14th century at the latest, according to historical documents. The earliest known representations of her are found in the murals and clay statues of Tsuglagkhang at Pelkhor Chöde Monastery in Gyantse, TAR, and the adjoining Great Kumbum Stūpa, dating back to the first half of the 15th century. Her images can be divided into two types that trace back to different lineages. Additionally, a new iconographic type was created in Tibet. Buddhist practices that focus on Grahamātṛkā involve reciting mantras and offering to planetary deities to pray for longevity and safety. Her dhāraṇī was often copied together with several special dhāraṇīs, and therefore she forms various combinations with other goddesses of the same function. In retrospect, her prototype may be found in earlier Indian culture. Later, she was also extensively worshipped in Inner China, where she was associated with Doumu斗姆. The creation and transformation of her is a microcosm of the evolution of the Buddhist pantheon during that time.
The four corners of an astral maṇḍala from Khara-Khoto feature a special motif. This motif, which depicts a half-vajra on top of a crescent moon outside the circular wall, is not a common element of a maṇḍala. According to Buddhist rituals that are still popular in Tibet, this motif should appear in certain positions of a śāntihoma 'pacifying fire offering' hearth. This observation provides a foundation for interpreting Buddhist visual materials in the same cultural region. For example, the maṇḍala templates discovered in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, as well as the Xi Xia murals in the Yulin and the Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves, could be further analyzed using this foundation.
This is the second in a series of case studies on Dungkar Cave 2. For the previous paper, see "To be Subdued or/and to be Assimilated: The Hindu and pan-Indian Deities in the Pantheon of Dharmadhātuvāgīśvaramaṇḍala painted on the Ceiling of Dungkar Cave 2".
Key words: Tangut (Xīxià); Khara-khoto; astral cult; Grahamātṛkā-maṇḍala; homa ritual; transcultural communications.
Chishengguang paired with Bhaiṣajyaguru is common since Song Dynasty. The iconographical attributes of the planetary deities here again confirms and deepens the cognition of its Indo-Tibetan tradition (for details, see “Iconographical Analysis of a Ming Print of Fó shuō jīnlún fódǐng dàwēidé chìshèngguāng rúlái tuóluóní jīng in the Collection of Zhìhuà Monastery,” Journal of Tibetology vol. X). As far as the author knows, the spread of this iconography system in Inner China was geographically limited; accompanied with the eastward spread of Tibetan Buddhism, it is a reasonable route from the imperial court to the local prince.
This paper attempts to broaden our understanding of subject matters during the early period of the second introduction of Buddhism into Tibet (Tib. bstan pa’i phyi dar), and accumulate visual materials for iconographical studies of Vajradevī (or Vajraceṭī), Lakṣmī, the Four Heavenly Kings, and vidyādhāra in Tibetan Buddhist art. Since the multiple relationships between the dhāraṇīs and the deities deserve deeper investigation, it also hopes to promote the publication and reading of the dhāraṇīs and praises on the verso of a thangka.
As for another paper focusing on the triad on the recto, see “Reflections on Some Paintings during the Early Period of the Second Diffusion of Buddhism into Tibet: a Mode of Structural Composition and Its Transitional Characteristics” (Palace Museum Journal no. 6, 2017) previously uploaded on academia.
*Tejaprabha also came to Yunnan at the turn of Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The related visual remains are discovered in Dali and Lijiang, the local centers of the Bai and Naxi people respectively. Some regional characteristics are perceptible; for example, *Tejaprabha might bear some Tibetan Buddhist artistic features in Lijiang, which was an important stop along the Tea-Horse Road.
Generally speaking, *Tejaprabha was regarded as Buddhist equivalent to Emperor Ziwei紫微, the Taoist personification of the North Star. Furthermore, he was usually paired with the Medicine Buddha in Yunnan. A new triad was established after Śākyamuni’s joining, with each member representing an element of Confucian virtues. Other alternate members included Mārīcī and Mahāmāyūrī who was taken as a Buddha.
Tan Kongque (談孔雀, lit. talking peacock; or 彈孔雀, lit. playing peacock [with stringed instruments]) was a new ritual of Mahāmāyūrī Cult in Inner China that appeared during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Following the Mahāmāyūrī-dhāraṇī-sūtra itself or the related ritual texts, the players would recite or chant according to the routine tune (qupai曲牌) with instrumental accompaniment, or even take part in a role-playing drama. This ritual was prevalent in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and was also found in the North, Southwest and other regions of China. Widely welcomed by the public, it mainly acted as an important part of a funeral or salvation ceremony. Buddhist nuns and Taoist priests could participate in it, too. In the early Ming Dynasty, the religious rituals and melodies of both Buddhism and Taoism was formulated and ordained officially, which should make great attributions to the attraction and popularity of Tan Kongque.
This paper tried to outline how the Five Great Dhāraṇīs (Tib. gzungs chen sde lnga) came together as a group for Tibetan Buddhist consecration rites in perspective of the inscriptions on various tsha tshas found in the Western Tibet and published in recent years.
I. the singular occurrence of each dhāraṇī for consecration demonstrated by archaeological discoveries.
II. the ye dharma verse -- the earliest one used for the consecration rite.
III. the Vimaloṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī and its heart dhāraṇī -- another dhāraṇī frequently appearing in the tsha tsha inscriptions from the Western Tibet
IV. The combination of the Five Great Dhāraṇīs
V. A similar consecratory set made up of five dhāraṇīs in Buddhist practice at the end of the 11th century.
VI. Summary
In: Dunhuang Research issue 4 (2018), pp. 31-44.
The Cultural Heritage of Tibetan Buddhist Art is found in the enormous area where Tibetan cultures, religions, and languages hold sway, stretching from Gilgit-Baltistan to Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, PRC, and from the northern reaches of India, Nepal and Bhutan to large swathes of Qinghai and Gansu Provinces, PRC. Over the past decade, intensive field work, remarkable new discoveries of Tibetan texts and works of Tibetan art have been coupled with new approaches to research and the applications of new technologies in the study of Tibetan Buddhist art. As a result, the study of Tibetan Buddhist art history has attracted increasing attention from a larger number of disciplines. Thus, we hold this symposium to promote scholarly communication and interaction.
We are very glad to announce the program of the symposium, Thank you very much for your contribution and welcome to Cambridge.
Prof. ZHANG Changhong
(The Palace Museum, Beijing; HYI Coordinate Research Scholar 2017-18)
Prof. LIAO Yang
(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; HYI Visiting Scholar 2017-18)
Mr. WANG Chuanbo
(Doctoral Candidate, Zhejiang University; HYI Visiting Fellow 2017-18)
Harvard Faculty Moderators:
Prof. Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp
(Professor of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, South Asian Studies; Chair: Inner Asian and Altaic Studies, Harvard University)
Prof. Eugene Y. Wang
(Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art, Harvard University)
Prof. Jinah Kim
(Gardner Cowles Associate Professor of History of Art and Architecture, South Asian Art )
in: Religious Faith and Ethnic Culture 17, eds. HE Xingliang and GUO Hongzhen (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2023), 17-55.
近十年以來, 文獻記載中的“海侖” 逐漸引起學者們的關注。通過各種著錄可知多件五十三參圖、十八尊者像等作品具其款印, 幷從不同角度關聯到“烏斯藏”。進一步拓寬視野, 可檢出海內外收藏的多件傳世品亦據署款或題簽而系于其名下, 從而形成多維度的圖文證據群, 使得反思明清以來的既有認識成爲可能。同時, 澄清歷史原貌的嘗試也有助于思考特定地域和文化語境中的內地人群對于西藏文化的誤讀和借用。
Part Two
Visual materials discovered in China suggest that the maṇḍalas created based on Āryagrahamātṛka-dhāraṇī and related ritual texts emerged in the 12th-13th centuries. The deification of the Dhāraṇī as the holy mother of the astral deities, Grahamātṛkā (Ch. 星曜佛母, Tib. gZa’ yum), appeared in the first half of the 14th century at the latest, according to historical documents. The earliest known representations of her are found in the murals and clay statues of Tsuglagkhang at Pelkhor Chöde Monastery in Gyantse, TAR, and the adjoining Great Kumbum Stūpa, dating back to the first half of the 15th century. Her images can be divided into two types that trace back to different lineages. Additionally, a new iconographic type was created in Tibet. Buddhist practices that focus on Grahamātṛkā involve reciting mantras and offering to planetary deities to pray for longevity and safety. Her dhāraṇī was often copied together with several special dhāraṇīs, and therefore she forms various combinations with other goddesses of the same function. In retrospect, her prototype may be found in earlier Indian culture. Later, she was also extensively worshipped in Inner China, where she was associated with Doumu斗姆. The creation and transformation of her is a microcosm of the evolution of the Buddhist pantheon during that time.
The four corners of an astral maṇḍala from Khara-Khoto feature a special motif. This motif, which depicts a half-vajra on top of a crescent moon outside the circular wall, is not a common element of a maṇḍala. According to Buddhist rituals that are still popular in Tibet, this motif should appear in certain positions of a śāntihoma 'pacifying fire offering' hearth. This observation provides a foundation for interpreting Buddhist visual materials in the same cultural region. For example, the maṇḍala templates discovered in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, as well as the Xi Xia murals in the Yulin and the Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves, could be further analyzed using this foundation.
This is the second in a series of case studies on Dungkar Cave 2. For the previous paper, see "To be Subdued or/and to be Assimilated: The Hindu and pan-Indian Deities in the Pantheon of Dharmadhātuvāgīśvaramaṇḍala painted on the Ceiling of Dungkar Cave 2".
Key words: Tangut (Xīxià); Khara-khoto; astral cult; Grahamātṛkā-maṇḍala; homa ritual; transcultural communications.
Chishengguang paired with Bhaiṣajyaguru is common since Song Dynasty. The iconographical attributes of the planetary deities here again confirms and deepens the cognition of its Indo-Tibetan tradition (for details, see “Iconographical Analysis of a Ming Print of Fó shuō jīnlún fódǐng dàwēidé chìshèngguāng rúlái tuóluóní jīng in the Collection of Zhìhuà Monastery,” Journal of Tibetology vol. X). As far as the author knows, the spread of this iconography system in Inner China was geographically limited; accompanied with the eastward spread of Tibetan Buddhism, it is a reasonable route from the imperial court to the local prince.
This paper attempts to broaden our understanding of subject matters during the early period of the second introduction of Buddhism into Tibet (Tib. bstan pa’i phyi dar), and accumulate visual materials for iconographical studies of Vajradevī (or Vajraceṭī), Lakṣmī, the Four Heavenly Kings, and vidyādhāra in Tibetan Buddhist art. Since the multiple relationships between the dhāraṇīs and the deities deserve deeper investigation, it also hopes to promote the publication and reading of the dhāraṇīs and praises on the verso of a thangka.
As for another paper focusing on the triad on the recto, see “Reflections on Some Paintings during the Early Period of the Second Diffusion of Buddhism into Tibet: a Mode of Structural Composition and Its Transitional Characteristics” (Palace Museum Journal no. 6, 2017) previously uploaded on academia.
*Tejaprabha also came to Yunnan at the turn of Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The related visual remains are discovered in Dali and Lijiang, the local centers of the Bai and Naxi people respectively. Some regional characteristics are perceptible; for example, *Tejaprabha might bear some Tibetan Buddhist artistic features in Lijiang, which was an important stop along the Tea-Horse Road.
Generally speaking, *Tejaprabha was regarded as Buddhist equivalent to Emperor Ziwei紫微, the Taoist personification of the North Star. Furthermore, he was usually paired with the Medicine Buddha in Yunnan. A new triad was established after Śākyamuni’s joining, with each member representing an element of Confucian virtues. Other alternate members included Mārīcī and Mahāmāyūrī who was taken as a Buddha.
Tan Kongque (談孔雀, lit. talking peacock; or 彈孔雀, lit. playing peacock [with stringed instruments]) was a new ritual of Mahāmāyūrī Cult in Inner China that appeared during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Following the Mahāmāyūrī-dhāraṇī-sūtra itself or the related ritual texts, the players would recite or chant according to the routine tune (qupai曲牌) with instrumental accompaniment, or even take part in a role-playing drama. This ritual was prevalent in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and was also found in the North, Southwest and other regions of China. Widely welcomed by the public, it mainly acted as an important part of a funeral or salvation ceremony. Buddhist nuns and Taoist priests could participate in it, too. In the early Ming Dynasty, the religious rituals and melodies of both Buddhism and Taoism was formulated and ordained officially, which should make great attributions to the attraction and popularity of Tan Kongque.
This paper tried to outline how the Five Great Dhāraṇīs (Tib. gzungs chen sde lnga) came together as a group for Tibetan Buddhist consecration rites in perspective of the inscriptions on various tsha tshas found in the Western Tibet and published in recent years.
I. the singular occurrence of each dhāraṇī for consecration demonstrated by archaeological discoveries.
II. the ye dharma verse -- the earliest one used for the consecration rite.
III. the Vimaloṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī and its heart dhāraṇī -- another dhāraṇī frequently appearing in the tsha tsha inscriptions from the Western Tibet
IV. The combination of the Five Great Dhāraṇīs
V. A similar consecratory set made up of five dhāraṇīs in Buddhist practice at the end of the 11th century.
VI. Summary
In: Dunhuang Research issue 4 (2018), pp. 31-44.
The Cultural Heritage of Tibetan Buddhist Art is found in the enormous area where Tibetan cultures, religions, and languages hold sway, stretching from Gilgit-Baltistan to Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, PRC, and from the northern reaches of India, Nepal and Bhutan to large swathes of Qinghai and Gansu Provinces, PRC. Over the past decade, intensive field work, remarkable new discoveries of Tibetan texts and works of Tibetan art have been coupled with new approaches to research and the applications of new technologies in the study of Tibetan Buddhist art. As a result, the study of Tibetan Buddhist art history has attracted increasing attention from a larger number of disciplines. Thus, we hold this symposium to promote scholarly communication and interaction.
We are very glad to announce the program of the symposium, Thank you very much for your contribution and welcome to Cambridge.
Prof. ZHANG Changhong
(The Palace Museum, Beijing; HYI Coordinate Research Scholar 2017-18)
Prof. LIAO Yang
(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; HYI Visiting Scholar 2017-18)
Mr. WANG Chuanbo
(Doctoral Candidate, Zhejiang University; HYI Visiting Fellow 2017-18)
Harvard Faculty Moderators:
Prof. Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp
(Professor of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, South Asian Studies; Chair: Inner Asian and Altaic Studies, Harvard University)
Prof. Eugene Y. Wang
(Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art, Harvard University)
Prof. Jinah Kim
(Gardner Cowles Associate Professor of History of Art and Architecture, South Asian Art )