Dissertation by Mark D Hammond
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Book Chapters by Mark D Hammond

This book traces the socioeconomic and political development of the Galatas area and its relation... more This book traces the socioeconomic and political development of the Galatas area and its relations with other areas of Crete during the Neolithic–Ottoman periods. Two powerful rival centers in Crete, Knossos/Herakleion and Kastelli/Lyttos, brought the Galatas area under their control at various times in history. The changes in local socioeconomic and political conditions are documented as Galatas came under the direct control of states elsewhere in Crete and overseas.
Contents: PART I. The Galatas Project and Its Natural Environment. 1. Field Survey, by L. Vance Watrous; 2. Survey Area, by L. Vance Watrous; 3. Geological Implications of the Broader Galatas Region, by Eleni Kokinou, Pantelis Soupios, and Apostolos Sarris; 4. Pre-Industrial Life in the Galatas Area, by Sabine Beckmann. PART II. Prehistoric Settlement and Society; 5. First Settlers, by D. Matthew Buell; 6. Prepalatial Growth in Social Complexity, by D. Matthew Buell; 7. Emergence of a Stratified Society, by L. Vance Watrous; 8. The Excavation of the Minoan Palace and Town of Galatas, by Georgos Rethemiotakis; 9. Building a Minoan State at Neopalatial Galatas, by D. Matthew Buell; 10. Collapse and Retraction, by D. Matthew Buell and Lee Ann Turner. PART III. Historical Settlement and Society. 11. Population Reduction and a Polis, by Lee Ann Turner; 12. Population Retraction during the Hellenistic Period, by Scott Gallimore; 13. Abandonment and Assimilation in the Roman Period, by Scott Gallimore; 14. An Imperial Territory, by Mark D. Hammond. PART IV. Conclusion. 15. Final Perspectives, by L. Vance Watrous; PART V. Appendices. Appendix A. Register of Sites, by Kapua Iao; Appendix B. Prehistoric Pottery, by L. Vance Watrous and Amy Heimroth; Appendix C. Ground and Chipped Stone Artifacts, by D. Matthew Buell; Appendix D. A Neolithic Pendant, by Sabine Beckmann; Appendix E. A Neopalatial Sealing, by Sabine Beckmann; Appendix F. Protogeometric to Hellenistic Pottery, by Brice Erickson; Appendix G. Early to Late Roman Pottery, by Scott Gallimore; Appendix H. Byzantine to Ottoman Pottery, by Mark D. Hammond; Appendix I. A New History of Pottery Production in Thrapsano, by Mark D. Hammond; References; Index; Tables; Figures; and Plates.
Hardback: 464 pp., 20 tables, 37 B/W figs, 69 B/W pls.
(Prehistory Monographs 55, INSTAP Academic Press, 2017)
ISBN 978-1-931534-89-5
L. Vance Watrous et al. The Galatas Survey: The Socio-Economic and Political Development of a Contested Territory in Central Crete during the Neolithic to Ottoman Periods (INSTAP Prehistory Monographs 55), INSTAP Academic Press., 2017
L. Vance Watrous et al. The Galatas Survey: The Socio-Economic and Political Development of a Contested Territory in Central Crete during the Neolithic to Ottoman Periods (INSTAP Prehistory Monographs 55), INSTAP Academic Press., 2017
L. Vance Watrous et al. The Galatas Survey: The Socio-Economic and Political Development of a Contested Territory in Central Crete during the Neolithic to Ottoman Periods (INSTAP Prehistory Monographs 55), INSTAP Academic Press., 2017
Articles by Mark D Hammond
RDAC, 2019
H Eπιστηµονική Eπετηρίδα του Tµήµατος Aρχαιοτήτων Κύπρου δηµοσιεύεται ετησίως από το Tµήµα Aρχαιο... more H Eπιστηµονική Eπετηρίδα του Tµήµατος Aρχαιοτήτων Κύπρου δηµοσιεύεται ετησίως από το Tµήµα Aρχαιοτήτων της Kύπρου από το 1934, µε µια διακοπή από το 1949 µέχρι το 1962, και συνεχώς από το 1963. Eπικεντρώνεται κατά κύριο λόγο στη δηµοσίευση των Eκθέσεων των ξένων αποστολών που ανασκάπτουν ή ερευνούν στην Kύπρο, καθώς επίσης και των ερευνών των µελών του Tµήµατος Aρχαιοτήτων. Φιλοξενεί επίσης µελέτες ερευνητών που ασχολούνται µε θέµατα που αφορούν την Aρχαιολογία, τη Συντήρηση, την Ιστορία, τον πολιτισµό και την τέχνη της Kύπρου.

(2018) Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Acta (RCRFActa), Volume 45, pp. 675-684.
Corinth’s positio... more (2018) Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Acta (RCRFActa), Volume 45, pp. 675-684.
Corinth’s position along the empire-wide distribution networks of the Late Roman world allowed it to receive a variety of ceramics imported from long-distance centres, but the city was also supplied by numerous regional (Attic, Boiotian, and southern Argolid) and local sources. Extensive typological and fabric analyses of the ceramic material recovered from the excavations of the Panayia Field in Corinth have provided the opportunity to identify and characterize all of the major local and regional wares supplying the site. While the production and distribution patterns of each naturally evolved and shifted over time, changes at local and regional levels had the potential to affect Corinth’s interaction with long distance networks. Likewise, changes in empire-wide patterns could also affect the city’s interactions with neighboring regions. The material from the Panayia Field illustrates that the impact of local and regional centres of ceramic production was not geographically limited, but could in fact interact with, influence, and be affected by long distance networks and trends.
Public Lectures by Mark D Hammond

In 1933 the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (ASCSA) dug four trial trenches on the... more In 1933 the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (ASCSA) dug four trial trenches on the so-called “Hill of Zeus” in Ancient Corinth, Greece. Using the travel descriptions of Pausanias (2nd c. CE) as a guide and encouraged by various preliminary archaeological finds, excavators hoped to uncover a temple dedicated to Zeus. They were instead disappointed when they revealed part of a large Late Roman cemetery (now identified as the Cemetery of Lerna Hollow) dated to the 6th or early 7th century CE. These excavations were only briefly recorded in the notebooks, the results were never published, and the small collection of plain, humble, ceramic funerary vessels were all but dismissed at the time as they “lay no claim to great antiquity.” Today, 88 years later, this presentation considers the insights that one can gain from legacy data that is incomplete and that was ignored for decades. Through the application of both traditional forms of ceramic analysis and experimental archaeology in the modern pottery studio, the material from the “Hill of Zeus” will be used to illuminate details concerning urban development, economic exchange, craft traditions, and ritual funerary practices in Late Roman Corinth.
Corinth, like any other metropolitan city in the late Roman Empire, utilized ceramics imported fr... more Corinth, like any other metropolitan city in the late Roman Empire, utilized ceramics imported from multiple sources, whether regional or long-distance, in addition to any locally-made products.
Conference Papers by Mark D Hammond

In 1933 the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (ASCSA) dug four trial trenches on the... more In 1933 the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (ASCSA) dug four trial trenches on the so-called “Hill of Zeus” in Ancient Corinth, Greece, attempting to locate a temple dedicated to Zeus. Instead, excavators revealed traces of a Late Roman burial ground dated to the 6th or early 7th century that would one day be identified as belonging to the larger Cemetery of Lerna Hollow. Nevertheless, the disappointment of the excavator who went searching for a monument described by Pausanias was clear, and the ceramic finds from that brief campaign saw little study over the course of the 20th century.
The study of the Late Roman world has advanced dramatically over the decades, particularly at Corinth, and new questions can now be asked of the city’s post-classical eras. Building upon advancements in ceramic typologies and fabric analyses, focus on just one of the ceramic vessels from the Hill of Zeus (a modest, coarse ware lekythos) through the lens of object biography is able to illuminate the decisions made by potters, traders, market-goers, and the bereaved in ancient Corinth and its surrounding regions. Beginning with the lekythos’ creation in the southern Argolid, insights gained from the modern ceramic studio suggest that the potter knowingly dedicated an appropriate amount of labor to a vessel that was destined to be polluted in a funerary context and promptly disposed. Mapping the lekythos onto the exchange routes emanating from its region of manufacture suggests that it may have initially travelled along the same coastal routes that supplied the empire with the LR Amphora 2 before reaching Corinth. Once arrived, it would have attracted potential buyers not by its (poor) aesthetic quality, but by its functional quality within funerary rituals which, once fulfilled, demanded its discard as would befit a low-cost, polluted object. The physical damage it exhibits may even testify to the unique context into which it was placed and the later funerary activities that occurred once its primary use and disposal had been accomplished. In short, by mapping the biography of just one vessel from this collection of forgotten objects it is possible to bring to light details concerning the craft traditions, the economy, and the ritual practices of Corinth and its surrounding region.
117th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) (San Francisco, CA)
Conference Posters by Mark D Hammond

Excavations at Corinth’s “Hill of Zeus” in 1933 revealed a number of Late Roman graves of the lat... more Excavations at Corinth’s “Hill of Zeus” in 1933 revealed a number of Late Roman graves of the late 6th and early 7th centuries, several of which contained one or more small lekythoi. The ceramic finds from these graves were dismissed at the time, much as similar finds had previously been after an earlier exploration of the same cemetery area. Advancements in the dating and understanding of Late Roman coarse wares have significantly advanced, but the overall assessment of the poor aesthetic qualities of these vessels cannot be denied. Even within the assemblage recovered from the “Hill of Zeus,” degrees in manufacture quality are clearly evident. A critical examination of these vessels through the lens of pottery-throwing techniques exposes a list of objective shortcomings that can be catalogued in association with these vessels. Why were these vessels (not) finished as they were, and why were they sold and put to use in funerary contexts regardless of their shortcomings?
The answer becomes increasingly clear when consideration is made of the ritual practices that were conducted by the graveside, as well as the cultural context within which these vessels were viewed. Likely used to deliver the final libation over the body, the lekythos would have become “polluted” by its funerary association and immediate discard was demanded. The deposition of these strictly utilitarian vessels within the graves should be seen less as the revered placement of “burial goods” and more as the convenient disposal of polluted objects with no further practical use. The short life-cycle of these lekythoi would have been known to the potters who applied the appropriate amount of labor to their manufacture for a market that actively sought inexpensive and disposable vessels for one-time use at the grave.
Book Reviews by Mark D Hammond
CJ-Online, 2020.10.05, 2020
Dissertation by Mark D Hammond
Book Chapters by Mark D Hammond
For short introductions to the chapters see:
Contents: PART I. The Galatas Project and Its Natural Environment. 1. Field Survey, by L. Vance Watrous; 2. Survey Area, by L. Vance Watrous; 3. Geological Implications of the Broader Galatas Region, by Eleni Kokinou, Pantelis Soupios, and Apostolos Sarris; 4. Pre-Industrial Life in the Galatas Area, by Sabine Beckmann. PART II. Prehistoric Settlement and Society; 5. First Settlers, by D. Matthew Buell; 6. Prepalatial Growth in Social Complexity, by D. Matthew Buell; 7. Emergence of a Stratified Society, by L. Vance Watrous; 8. The Excavation of the Minoan Palace and Town of Galatas, by Georgos Rethemiotakis; 9. Building a Minoan State at Neopalatial Galatas, by D. Matthew Buell; 10. Collapse and Retraction, by D. Matthew Buell and Lee Ann Turner. PART III. Historical Settlement and Society. 11. Population Reduction and a Polis, by Lee Ann Turner; 12. Population Retraction during the Hellenistic Period, by Scott Gallimore; 13. Abandonment and Assimilation in the Roman Period, by Scott Gallimore; 14. An Imperial Territory, by Mark D. Hammond. PART IV. Conclusion. 15. Final Perspectives, by L. Vance Watrous; PART V. Appendices. Appendix A. Register of Sites, by Kapua Iao; Appendix B. Prehistoric Pottery, by L. Vance Watrous and Amy Heimroth; Appendix C. Ground and Chipped Stone Artifacts, by D. Matthew Buell; Appendix D. A Neolithic Pendant, by Sabine Beckmann; Appendix E. A Neopalatial Sealing, by Sabine Beckmann; Appendix F. Protogeometric to Hellenistic Pottery, by Brice Erickson; Appendix G. Early to Late Roman Pottery, by Scott Gallimore; Appendix H. Byzantine to Ottoman Pottery, by Mark D. Hammond; Appendix I. A New History of Pottery Production in Thrapsano, by Mark D. Hammond; References; Index; Tables; Figures; and Plates.
Hardback: 464 pp., 20 tables, 37 B/W figs, 69 B/W pls.
(Prehistory Monographs 55, INSTAP Academic Press, 2017)
ISBN 978-1-931534-89-5
Articles by Mark D Hammond
Corinth’s position along the empire-wide distribution networks of the Late Roman world allowed it to receive a variety of ceramics imported from long-distance centres, but the city was also supplied by numerous regional (Attic, Boiotian, and southern Argolid) and local sources. Extensive typological and fabric analyses of the ceramic material recovered from the excavations of the Panayia Field in Corinth have provided the opportunity to identify and characterize all of the major local and regional wares supplying the site. While the production and distribution patterns of each naturally evolved and shifted over time, changes at local and regional levels had the potential to affect Corinth’s interaction with long distance networks. Likewise, changes in empire-wide patterns could also affect the city’s interactions with neighboring regions. The material from the Panayia Field illustrates that the impact of local and regional centres of ceramic production was not geographically limited, but could in fact interact with, influence, and be affected by long distance networks and trends.
Public Lectures by Mark D Hammond
Conference Papers by Mark D Hammond
The study of the Late Roman world has advanced dramatically over the decades, particularly at Corinth, and new questions can now be asked of the city’s post-classical eras. Building upon advancements in ceramic typologies and fabric analyses, focus on just one of the ceramic vessels from the Hill of Zeus (a modest, coarse ware lekythos) through the lens of object biography is able to illuminate the decisions made by potters, traders, market-goers, and the bereaved in ancient Corinth and its surrounding regions. Beginning with the lekythos’ creation in the southern Argolid, insights gained from the modern ceramic studio suggest that the potter knowingly dedicated an appropriate amount of labor to a vessel that was destined to be polluted in a funerary context and promptly disposed. Mapping the lekythos onto the exchange routes emanating from its region of manufacture suggests that it may have initially travelled along the same coastal routes that supplied the empire with the LR Amphora 2 before reaching Corinth. Once arrived, it would have attracted potential buyers not by its (poor) aesthetic quality, but by its functional quality within funerary rituals which, once fulfilled, demanded its discard as would befit a low-cost, polluted object. The physical damage it exhibits may even testify to the unique context into which it was placed and the later funerary activities that occurred once its primary use and disposal had been accomplished. In short, by mapping the biography of just one vessel from this collection of forgotten objects it is possible to bring to light details concerning the craft traditions, the economy, and the ritual practices of Corinth and its surrounding region.
Conference Posters by Mark D Hammond
The answer becomes increasingly clear when consideration is made of the ritual practices that were conducted by the graveside, as well as the cultural context within which these vessels were viewed. Likely used to deliver the final libation over the body, the lekythos would have become “polluted” by its funerary association and immediate discard was demanded. The deposition of these strictly utilitarian vessels within the graves should be seen less as the revered placement of “burial goods” and more as the convenient disposal of polluted objects with no further practical use. The short life-cycle of these lekythoi would have been known to the potters who applied the appropriate amount of labor to their manufacture for a market that actively sought inexpensive and disposable vessels for one-time use at the grave.
Book Reviews by Mark D Hammond
For short introductions to the chapters see:
Contents: PART I. The Galatas Project and Its Natural Environment. 1. Field Survey, by L. Vance Watrous; 2. Survey Area, by L. Vance Watrous; 3. Geological Implications of the Broader Galatas Region, by Eleni Kokinou, Pantelis Soupios, and Apostolos Sarris; 4. Pre-Industrial Life in the Galatas Area, by Sabine Beckmann. PART II. Prehistoric Settlement and Society; 5. First Settlers, by D. Matthew Buell; 6. Prepalatial Growth in Social Complexity, by D. Matthew Buell; 7. Emergence of a Stratified Society, by L. Vance Watrous; 8. The Excavation of the Minoan Palace and Town of Galatas, by Georgos Rethemiotakis; 9. Building a Minoan State at Neopalatial Galatas, by D. Matthew Buell; 10. Collapse and Retraction, by D. Matthew Buell and Lee Ann Turner. PART III. Historical Settlement and Society. 11. Population Reduction and a Polis, by Lee Ann Turner; 12. Population Retraction during the Hellenistic Period, by Scott Gallimore; 13. Abandonment and Assimilation in the Roman Period, by Scott Gallimore; 14. An Imperial Territory, by Mark D. Hammond. PART IV. Conclusion. 15. Final Perspectives, by L. Vance Watrous; PART V. Appendices. Appendix A. Register of Sites, by Kapua Iao; Appendix B. Prehistoric Pottery, by L. Vance Watrous and Amy Heimroth; Appendix C. Ground and Chipped Stone Artifacts, by D. Matthew Buell; Appendix D. A Neolithic Pendant, by Sabine Beckmann; Appendix E. A Neopalatial Sealing, by Sabine Beckmann; Appendix F. Protogeometric to Hellenistic Pottery, by Brice Erickson; Appendix G. Early to Late Roman Pottery, by Scott Gallimore; Appendix H. Byzantine to Ottoman Pottery, by Mark D. Hammond; Appendix I. A New History of Pottery Production in Thrapsano, by Mark D. Hammond; References; Index; Tables; Figures; and Plates.
Hardback: 464 pp., 20 tables, 37 B/W figs, 69 B/W pls.
(Prehistory Monographs 55, INSTAP Academic Press, 2017)
ISBN 978-1-931534-89-5
Corinth’s position along the empire-wide distribution networks of the Late Roman world allowed it to receive a variety of ceramics imported from long-distance centres, but the city was also supplied by numerous regional (Attic, Boiotian, and southern Argolid) and local sources. Extensive typological and fabric analyses of the ceramic material recovered from the excavations of the Panayia Field in Corinth have provided the opportunity to identify and characterize all of the major local and regional wares supplying the site. While the production and distribution patterns of each naturally evolved and shifted over time, changes at local and regional levels had the potential to affect Corinth’s interaction with long distance networks. Likewise, changes in empire-wide patterns could also affect the city’s interactions with neighboring regions. The material from the Panayia Field illustrates that the impact of local and regional centres of ceramic production was not geographically limited, but could in fact interact with, influence, and be affected by long distance networks and trends.
The study of the Late Roman world has advanced dramatically over the decades, particularly at Corinth, and new questions can now be asked of the city’s post-classical eras. Building upon advancements in ceramic typologies and fabric analyses, focus on just one of the ceramic vessels from the Hill of Zeus (a modest, coarse ware lekythos) through the lens of object biography is able to illuminate the decisions made by potters, traders, market-goers, and the bereaved in ancient Corinth and its surrounding regions. Beginning with the lekythos’ creation in the southern Argolid, insights gained from the modern ceramic studio suggest that the potter knowingly dedicated an appropriate amount of labor to a vessel that was destined to be polluted in a funerary context and promptly disposed. Mapping the lekythos onto the exchange routes emanating from its region of manufacture suggests that it may have initially travelled along the same coastal routes that supplied the empire with the LR Amphora 2 before reaching Corinth. Once arrived, it would have attracted potential buyers not by its (poor) aesthetic quality, but by its functional quality within funerary rituals which, once fulfilled, demanded its discard as would befit a low-cost, polluted object. The physical damage it exhibits may even testify to the unique context into which it was placed and the later funerary activities that occurred once its primary use and disposal had been accomplished. In short, by mapping the biography of just one vessel from this collection of forgotten objects it is possible to bring to light details concerning the craft traditions, the economy, and the ritual practices of Corinth and its surrounding region.
The answer becomes increasingly clear when consideration is made of the ritual practices that were conducted by the graveside, as well as the cultural context within which these vessels were viewed. Likely used to deliver the final libation over the body, the lekythos would have become “polluted” by its funerary association and immediate discard was demanded. The deposition of these strictly utilitarian vessels within the graves should be seen less as the revered placement of “burial goods” and more as the convenient disposal of polluted objects with no further practical use. The short life-cycle of these lekythoi would have been known to the potters who applied the appropriate amount of labor to their manufacture for a market that actively sought inexpensive and disposable vessels for one-time use at the grave.
to new social and administrative structures.
The excavations were directed by the late Danielle A. Parks from 1995 to 2000, and found striking evidence for burial and commemoration, a wide range of material culture, and a large assemblage of well-preserved human remains. The project uses an innovative methodology for analyzing mixed stratigraphy and legacy data, which we offer to those researching sites with similar challenges.
This volume presents detailed descriptions and interpretations of the ecofacts and artifacts. These include human and animal bone, pottery, lamps, figurines, stone objects, painted plaster, glass, jewelry, coins, and loom weights. Scientific methods include isotopic analysis of the bones, Neutron Activation Analysis of the pottery, and spectroscopic analysis of the glass.