Purchase badges and wristbands, reserve your hotel, and apply to participate at SXSW & SXSW EDU.
Buy next year's badge at this year's special low rate while supplies last! We're excited to share a reimagined experience for our 40th SXSW event. Lock in your rate and be first in line for hotel bookings, new info, and more.
2026 Platinum Badge
March 12-18, 2026 in Austin, TX
Applicable sales tax will be added at checkout. Access to ALL SXSW Events2026 Interactive Badge
March 12-18, 2026 in Austin, TX
Applicable sales tax will be added at checkout. Access to ALL SXSW Interactive Events2026 Film & TV Badge
March 12-18, 2026 in Austin, TX
Applicable sales tax will be added at checkout. Access to ALL SXSW Film & TV Events2026 Music Badge
March 12-18, 2026 in Austin, TX
Applicable sales tax will be added at checkout. Access to ALL SXSW Music Events2026 SXSW EDU Badge
March 9-12, 2026 in Austin, TX