Papers by Jonathan Restrepo Rodas

Naturalization of Philosophical Concepts Underlying Interculturality and Proposal of the Neurocognitive Model 'Elemental Intercultural Imprint’, 2024
Objective: The study proposes an exploration of dyads (philosophy-cognitive neuroscience) that co... more Objective: The study proposes an exploration of dyads (philosophy-cognitive neuroscience) that constitute the basis of interculturality, leading to the postulation of the Elemental Intercultural Imprint as a neurocognitive model that impacts the ontological notion of 'interculturality, ' viewed under the naturalizing project. Methodology: An analytical conceptual methodology was implemented, aiming to demonstrate the modes of naturalization of philosophical concepts descriptively and critically. The following hypothesis is maintained: the progressive naturalization of consciousness, self-control, identity, social mind, alterity, and morality can reveal the neurocognitive mechanisms of interculturality in individuals. To this end, the naturalization of consciousness as attention, identity as self-reference memory, self-control as self-regulation, mind (social) as Theory of Mind, alterity as empathy, and morality as moral cognition are analyzed. Results: The conceptual analysis in the reviewed studies found that partial epistemological transposition and methodological symmetry are the most common mechanisms of naturalization of the components of interculturality, and that its neurocognitive architecture allows for the incorporation of other components. Conclusions: It is concluded that the proposed neurocognitive basis is indispensable for the empirical study of interculturality.

Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso
Grandes pensadores se han dado a la labor de explicar la moral y la ética en los seres humanos. D... more Grandes pensadores se han dado a la labor de explicar la moral y la ética en los seres humanos. De esas reflexiones han resultado grandes dicotomías, como los hechos factuales y los hechos de valor, o lo que se conoce como el mundo teórico, el de lo objetivo, y el mundo práctico, el de los afectos. Con el surgimiento de la filosofía analítica, el énfasis se ha puesto en el lenguaje para tratar problemas filosóficos, persistiendo con una característica creadora de dicotomías, a saber, la validez. Este estudio propone la siguiente tesis: es posible derivar “debe” a partid de “es”, y lo evidencia en un caso similar: tocar y varias de sus perífrasis verbales. Para lograrlo, se propone un análisis empírico de naturalización de la moral desde los postulados más sobresalientes de dos teorías: la semántica cognitiva de Talmy (2000) y la Teoría Modular de Modalidades de Gosselin (2010). La metodología empleada consta de un análisis tanto semántico como cognitivo del verbo en cuestión, para l...

Since 2020, in Colombia it is required that students pursuing bachelor's degrees in foreign langu... more Since 2020, in Colombia it is required that students pursuing bachelor's degrees in foreign languages obtain a level of sufficiency (C1), which affirms the validity of the knowledge of the language and culture as a degree requirement (MEN, 2017). Language policy posits that language tests measure students' language skills as well as (inter)cultural notions and attitudes. However, from a socio-cognitive lens, the conception of the tests does not say much about the cognitive and social processes that become crucial for taking the exams. Therefore, it seems relevant to review the ontology of institutional language exams and to identify which factors give coherence and validity to the passing of such tests as a degree requirement. To achieve this, a phenomenological description is proposed. The hypothesis of this article is as follows: language tests, instead of measuring the linguistic and (inter)cultural skills of students, are actually concerned with, above all, their social and cognitive systems, especially morality. As a result, there is a strong case to be made for profound and rapid changes to the convention of employing standardized tests as a degree requirement.
Revista de humanidades de Valparaíso, Dec 2, 2022
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoD... more This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional License CC BY-NC-ND 77 Naturalización de la moral. Del valor "alético" a valores deónticos y axiológicos: el caso del verbo tocar Naturalizating Morality.

Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso
Grandes pensadores se han dado a la labor de explicar la moral y la ética en los seres humanos. D... more Grandes pensadores se han dado a la labor de explicar la moral y la ética en los seres humanos. De esas reflexiones han resultado grandes dicotomías, como los hechos factuales y los hechos de valor, o lo que se conoce como el mundo teórico, el de lo objetivo, y el mundo práctico, el de los afectos. Con el surgimiento de la filosofía analítica, el énfasis se ha puesto en el lenguaje para tratar problemas filosóficos, persistiendo con una característica creadora de dicotomías, a saber, la validez. Este estudio propone la siguiente tesis: es posible derivar “debe” a partid de “es”, y lo evidencia en un caso similar: tocar y varias de sus perífrasis verbales. Para lograrlo, se propone un análisis empírico de naturalización de la moral desde los postulados más sobresalientes de dos teorías: la semántica cognitiva de Talmy (2000) y la Teoría Modular de Modalidades de Gosselin (2010). La metodología empleada consta de un análisis tanto semántico como cognitivo del verbo en cuestión, para l...

Naturalizing Morality From Alethic to Deontic and Axiological Values. The Case of Tocar, a Colombian Spanish Verb, 2022
Great thinkers have devoted to explaining morality and ethics in human beings. The major reflecti... more Great thinkers have devoted to explaining morality and ethics in human beings. The major reflections have resulted in a well-known dichotomy, that of matters o f fact and matters of value, or what is known as the theoretical world, which is objective, and the practical world, that of affections. With the birth of analytic philosophy, the emphasis is placed on language allowing to explain philosophical problems, such as validity. This study proposes the following thesis: it is possible to derive "ought" from "is", as it is evidenced in the Spanish verb "tocar" and several of its verbal periphrasis. To achieve this, a naturalization of morality is proposed from the postulates of two theories, namely, cognitive semantics (Talmy 2000) and the Modular Theory of Modalities (Gosselin 2010). The methodology applied consists of both a semantic and a cognitive análisis of "tocar", for which a corpus was collected in literary texts and presidential speeches. The main result shows that "tocar" has a prototypical descriptive semantic value, alethic value, and new prescriptive semantic values. It is concluded that the new semantic values for this verb and its periphrasis are the deontic and the axiological ones, which demonstrates once again the evolutionary character of language and the need to provide empirical information on philosophical issues, such as morality.

Jonathan Restrepo, Leslie Moreno, Jessica Fonseca, Daniela Quiroz, Andrea Vera, 2021
Human beings create mental representations of their reality and conceptualize them in their minds... more Human beings create mental representations of their reality and conceptualize them in their minds; they can carry out perceptual and cognitive processes that can be influenced when using a foreign language (Costa et al., 2014), which is consequently reflected in their moral decision-making. This study applied a linguistic-cognitive approach to the understanding of the influence of the foreign language (French) on the moral reasoning of bilingual professors (L1 Spanish), based on Gosselin's Modular Theory of Modalities (2010) and Greene et al.,’s (2001) Model of Alternative Dual Process. It was thanks to these theoretical postulates that a utilitarian reasoning was evidenced, for the most part, when employing the French language, thus being consistent with the fact that a judgment tends to be utilitarian in a foreign language (Miozzo, et al., 2020). The concluding remarks of this study indicate that odds are high to think that the way in which such an influence occurs is via several linguistic-cognitive aspects, such as time values (T) and the degree of engagement of the speaker (E), among others. These results contribute to the discussion on language processing and its role in moral reasoning, as well as to the conceptual approach to the classical dichotomy between internal and external cognition in human beings.

Jonathan Restrepo, Mercedes Suárez , 2021
This study is nested in third generation cognitive sciences, where mental processes co- occur wit... more This study is nested in third generation cognitive sciences, where mental processes co- occur with social, bodily and cultural processes. Particularly, we explore the flow among Moral Cognition (MC), Theory of Mind (ToM) and linguistic modalities, interdisciplinary domains that help to comprehend how humans construct mental representations by means of linguistic and cognitive processes. Indeed, this study follows the Modular Theory of Modalities (Gosselin, 2010), which proposes, among other aspects, to overcome a long-standing problem in philosophy: the logician validity of propositions. For achieving such a goal, the study is anchored to a comprehensive approach and to an ethnomethodological design. For the data collection, a moral dilemma task, semi- structured interviews and discussion groups are carried out. Some theoretical, analytical and practical partial results indicate the importance of linguistic modalities, embodiment, social abilities and others’ actions and feelings predictions at the moment of thinking and communicating (in)morally.
Books by Jonathan Restrepo Rodas

El contacto de lenguas y culturas, tanto en la sociedad como en el ser humano social y cognitivo,... more El contacto de lenguas y culturas, tanto en la sociedad como en el ser humano social y cognitivo, y las formas de aprender y respetar el mundo- permeadas , por una parte, por características individuales como los estilos de aprendizaje y, por otra, por dimensiones culturales como la sensibilidad intercultural- se reflejan en las escogencias lingüístico-discursivas que, en materia de modalidades, estudiantes de licenciatura colombianos y franceses en formación bilingüe hacen al momento de argumentar por escrito en su lengua materna y en su lengua extranjera. Es esta la temática abordada en este libro de investigación que reporta los hallazgos más sobresalientes de un estudio de caso, en el que se profundiza en la ontología del ser humano bilingüe en formación lingüística y pedagógica, en un mundo de grandes interrogantes acerca del tiempo, el ser, la vida y las prácticas humanas, frente a los cuales cada individuo teje visiones y representaciones que plasma en su lenguaje.
Papers by Jonathan Restrepo Rodas
Books by Jonathan Restrepo Rodas