? ?
Journal created:
on 11 December 2009 (#24290002)
on 15 December 2014
Carpe Ho Ras OOC
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Where the puppeteers take a break

It's always been there, that building with the dilapidated sign, that door on the disused corridor. No one bothers with it, until one day, it's opened to reveal...

A house. No, more than a house... a mansion.

For a new player, carpe_ooc  is the first stop: here is where you will post, introduce yourself, and tell us about your first puppet. This community is also the place where we coordinate introductions, as well as the entry point to the IC community, carpe_ho_ras .

Here, typists can talk about the game, plot away, ask questions to the maintainers, etc, etc.

In this community, the moderators (carpemodteam ) post any useful information about the running of the game, rules, Frequently Asked Questions, etc.

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He had gone in because of Carpe Horas, and he returned because of Carpes au Gras. They drank there, they ate there, they shouted there; they paid little, they were always welcome.
-- Victor Hugo, Les Miserables.
1001 nights, a companion to wolves, ace attorney, alabaster, alice, angels in america, anita blake, arthurian legend, arthuriana, asoiaf, bjt, black jewels trilogy, blood novel series, breath and bone, bright room called day, caliban leandros series, cinema, crimson petal, crimson petal and white, cyrano de bergerac, cyrano de bergerac (play), death note, demon's lexicon, doctor zhivago, doctrine of labyrinths, dol, emile zola, ephemera duology, fandom, final fantasy, firekeeper saga, flesh and spirit, forgotten beasts of eld, gaming, gentlemen bastards, gormenghast, greek myth, greek mythology, hair, harry potter series, kushiel's legacy, kushiel's trilogy, les parapluies de cherbourg, lies of locke lamora, lighthouse duet, literature, lord of the rings, lotr, mercedes thompson series, musicals, mythology, name of the wind, next to normal, no exit, panfandom, power rangers, power rangers in space, princess tutu, pris, repo, repo the genetic opera, repo! the genetic opera, revolutionary girl utena, roleplaying, rougon-macquart novels, rpg, scarlet pimpernel, sherazade, silmarillion, skins, sky high, smoke novel series, spring awakening, spring's awakening, starmania, storm trilogy, tcls, tcpw, television, tencendor series, the caliban leandros series, the chronicles of prydain, the city who fought, the historian, the tempest, theater, treasure planet, tycoon, umbrellas of cherbourg, vampire chronicles, vampire hunter series, victor victoria, women of the otherworld, x-men, x-men films, yami no matsuei
