Monika Artman
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Books by Monika Artman
Structurally, the Monograph is presented in three Chapters:
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of managing efficient development of investment activity are examined in the first Chapter;
- Analytical evaluation of the requirements for the development of investment activity in Poland, analysis of the investment climate and analysis of investment activity of foreign investors are presented in the second Chapter;
- The main vectors and means to improve the efficiency of the development of investment activity management in Poland through the use of the state-of-the-art technology and tools are presented in the third Chapter.
The author gratefully acknowledges her academic advisers Doctors of Economics, Professor I. Britchenko, reviewers and all participants in the discussion of the Monograph for valuable guidelines and constructive criticism.
Structurally, the Monograph is presented in three Chapters:
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of managing efficient development of investment activity are examined in the first Chapter;
- Analytical evaluation of the requirements for the development of investment activity in Poland, analysis of the investment climate and analysis of investment activity of foreign investors are presented in the second Chapter;
- The main vectors and means to improve the efficiency of the development of investment activity management in Poland through the use of the state-of-the-art technology and tools are presented in the third Chapter.
The author gratefully acknowledges her academic advisers Doctors of Economics, Professor I. Britchenko, reviewers and all participants in the discussion of the Monograph for valuable guidelines and constructive criticism.
methodological and practical materials on management of a trading
enterprise’s commercial activity. It provides the theoretical propositions
and methodical guidance tools for managing commercial activity, supplies the system of indicators to evaluate a wholesale trade enterprise’s commercial activity, and offers a model for positioning a
trading enterprise in the value priority system of those who participate in
commercial relations. It gives practical recommendations for the
development of a portfolio of activities to improve a trading company’s
commercial activity.
Recommended for trade professionals, managers, academics,
graduate and undergraduate students of economic specialties.
Functions, basic tools and history of management as a science are
described. Each function is complemented by a specific example of
its implementation in market conditions. The book will be useful for
anyone who is interested in management issues, its fundamentals and
practical implementation in the economic environment.
The book is aimed at students and beginners who are interested in
modern management and want to get an idea of its implementation.
Each part has a list of questions, tasks and cases.
In the modern environment, determination of an investment structure that would create reliable conditions for economic stability and ensure Poland’s position as an influential economic and political partner in the global community is the main priority of the State as a whole, as well as of its constituent regions.
The Republic of Poland is one of the most favorable countries for the investment of foreign equity. It is significant that according to the definitive opinion of international experts, the Polish economic system was recognized as sustainable for organization and conduct of business; all necessary prerequisites for investment, including modern infrastructure support, have been created on its territory.
The following key positive factors affecting the investment attractiveness of the country are identified and analyzed in the Monograph: location in the center of Europe, political stability based on the EU and NATO membership, considerable domestic market, sustainable economic development, one of the most receptive consumer markets, skilled labor force, relatively low labor costs, grants from the EU budget, continuous improvement of business environment, as well as cost-efficient industries for capital investment.
However, a number of problems and pending issues requiring serious consideration by the scientists and practitioners are still evidenced.
The author of the Monograph is intent on addressing a key concern, that is, on highlighting the history of investment activity both in the world and in Poland, exploring significance and importance of foreign investments in the socio-economic development of the country, revealing organizational, economic and managerial mechanisms to improve investment activity, offering insights into the best international practices and Polish experience in attracting foreign capital in recent years, justifying and suggesting vectors and means to improve the efficiency of management of the development of investment activity in modern environment.
Structurally, the Monograph is presented in three Chapters:
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of managing efficient development of investment activity are examined in the first Chapter;
- Analytical evaluation of the requirements for the development of investment activity in Poland, analysis of the investment climate and analysis of investment activity of foreign investors are presented in the second Chapter;
- The main vectors and means to improve the efficiency of the development of investment activity management in Poland through the use of the state-of-the-art technology and tools are presented in the third Chapter.
The author gratefully acknowledges her academic advisers Doctors of Economics, Professor I. Britchenko, reviewers and all participants in the discussion of the Monograph for valuable guidelines and constructive criticism.
Papers by Monika Artman
вітчизняні організації. Нестійке економічне становище багатьох
українських організацій пов'язано з відсутністю у більшості
керівників глибоких економічних знань, управлінських навичок
і досвіду роботи в умовах конкуренції, необхідністю пристосування організацій до постійно змінюваних умов довкілля.
Разом зі століттями змінюються цілі, завдання, функції, підвищується статус кадрових служб, схильних до трансформації з традиційних відділів кадрів в повноцінні служби управління персоналом організацій. Виникає необхідність у визначенні стратегічних напрямків, цілей і завдань по роботі з персоналом, тобто у формуванні стратегії управління персоналом організації. Сучасний світ вимагає від нас, не тільки оновленої стратегії управління, а й певних умов при яких вона буде використана максимально ефективно. Даного ефекту можна досягти тільки одним шляхом, це введенням в організацію корпоративної культури. Актуальність даної наукової роботи полягає у вивченні процесу впливу корпоративної культури на управління персоналом та як наслідок на підвищення конкурентоспроможності організації.
Structurally, the Monograph is presented in three Chapters:
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of managing efficient development of investment activity are examined in the first Chapter;
- Analytical evaluation of the requirements for the development of investment activity in Poland, analysis of the investment climate and analysis of investment activity of foreign investors are presented in the second Chapter;
- The main vectors and means to improve the efficiency of the development of investment activity management in Poland through the use of the state-of-the-art technology and tools are presented in the third Chapter.
The author gratefully acknowledges her academic advisers Doctors of Economics, Professor I. Britchenko, reviewers and all participants in the discussion of the Monograph for valuable guidelines and constructive criticism.
Structurally, the Monograph is presented in three Chapters:
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of managing efficient development of investment activity are examined in the first Chapter;
- Analytical evaluation of the requirements for the development of investment activity in Poland, analysis of the investment climate and analysis of investment activity of foreign investors are presented in the second Chapter;
- The main vectors and means to improve the efficiency of the development of investment activity management in Poland through the use of the state-of-the-art technology and tools are presented in the third Chapter.
The author gratefully acknowledges her academic advisers Doctors of Economics, Professor I. Britchenko, reviewers and all participants in the discussion of the Monograph for valuable guidelines and constructive criticism.
methodological and practical materials on management of a trading
enterprise’s commercial activity. It provides the theoretical propositions
and methodical guidance tools for managing commercial activity, supplies the system of indicators to evaluate a wholesale trade enterprise’s commercial activity, and offers a model for positioning a
trading enterprise in the value priority system of those who participate in
commercial relations. It gives practical recommendations for the
development of a portfolio of activities to improve a trading company’s
commercial activity.
Recommended for trade professionals, managers, academics,
graduate and undergraduate students of economic specialties.
Functions, basic tools and history of management as a science are
described. Each function is complemented by a specific example of
its implementation in market conditions. The book will be useful for
anyone who is interested in management issues, its fundamentals and
practical implementation in the economic environment.
The book is aimed at students and beginners who are interested in
modern management and want to get an idea of its implementation.
Each part has a list of questions, tasks and cases.
In the modern environment, determination of an investment structure that would create reliable conditions for economic stability and ensure Poland’s position as an influential economic and political partner in the global community is the main priority of the State as a whole, as well as of its constituent regions.
The Republic of Poland is one of the most favorable countries for the investment of foreign equity. It is significant that according to the definitive opinion of international experts, the Polish economic system was recognized as sustainable for organization and conduct of business; all necessary prerequisites for investment, including modern infrastructure support, have been created on its territory.
The following key positive factors affecting the investment attractiveness of the country are identified and analyzed in the Monograph: location in the center of Europe, political stability based on the EU and NATO membership, considerable domestic market, sustainable economic development, one of the most receptive consumer markets, skilled labor force, relatively low labor costs, grants from the EU budget, continuous improvement of business environment, as well as cost-efficient industries for capital investment.
However, a number of problems and pending issues requiring serious consideration by the scientists and practitioners are still evidenced.
The author of the Monograph is intent on addressing a key concern, that is, on highlighting the history of investment activity both in the world and in Poland, exploring significance and importance of foreign investments in the socio-economic development of the country, revealing organizational, economic and managerial mechanisms to improve investment activity, offering insights into the best international practices and Polish experience in attracting foreign capital in recent years, justifying and suggesting vectors and means to improve the efficiency of management of the development of investment activity in modern environment.
Structurally, the Monograph is presented in three Chapters:
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of managing efficient development of investment activity are examined in the first Chapter;
- Analytical evaluation of the requirements for the development of investment activity in Poland, analysis of the investment climate and analysis of investment activity of foreign investors are presented in the second Chapter;
- The main vectors and means to improve the efficiency of the development of investment activity management in Poland through the use of the state-of-the-art technology and tools are presented in the third Chapter.
The author gratefully acknowledges her academic advisers Doctors of Economics, Professor I. Britchenko, reviewers and all participants in the discussion of the Monograph for valuable guidelines and constructive criticism.
вітчизняні організації. Нестійке економічне становище багатьох
українських організацій пов'язано з відсутністю у більшості
керівників глибоких економічних знань, управлінських навичок
і досвіду роботи в умовах конкуренції, необхідністю пристосування організацій до постійно змінюваних умов довкілля.
Разом зі століттями змінюються цілі, завдання, функції, підвищується статус кадрових служб, схильних до трансформації з традиційних відділів кадрів в повноцінні служби управління персоналом організацій. Виникає необхідність у визначенні стратегічних напрямків, цілей і завдань по роботі з персоналом, тобто у формуванні стратегії управління персоналом організації. Сучасний світ вимагає від нас, не тільки оновленої стратегії управління, а й певних умов при яких вона буде використана максимально ефективно. Даного ефекту можна досягти тільки одним шляхом, це введенням в організацію корпоративної культури. Актуальність даної наукової роботи полягає у вивченні процесу впливу корпоративної культури на управління персоналом та як наслідок на підвищення конкурентоспроможності організації.