The Barony has a webpage with a great deal of information about what we do, and how you can get involved. Do check it out! Note that the former webpage is currently severely out of date.
The community on LJ is very loosely-defined. Any things of interest to Carolingia are allowed. The more divergent from the SCA or medievalism your post is, or if it is very long, the more you should consider an introductory paragraph and then an lj-cut.
For people new to LJ: the "Friends" link is an aggregate of personal posts by people who have friended carolingia. It is not part of the carolingia community.
This community is moderated by cvirtue (aka Cynthia du Pre Argent). Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions and/or comments. I will not be "moderating" things except in extreme cases, such as outright spam or profanity. This community is not an official site recognized by the Society for Creative Anachronism. It is for information only.