Papers by Leila Mostaço-Guidolin

Biomedical Optics Express, Mar 9, 2020
Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a nonlinear optical process that inherently generates signal ... more Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a nonlinear optical process that inherently generates signal in non-centrosymmetric materials, such as starch granules, and therefore can be used for labelfree imaging. Both intensity and polarization of SHG are determined by material properties that are characterized by the nonlinear susceptibility tensor, χ (2). Examination of the tensor is performed for each focal volume (voxel) of the image by measuring the outgoing polarization state of the SHG signal for a set of incoming laser beam polarizations. Mapping of nonlinear properties expressed as the susceptibility ratio reveals structural features including the organization of crystalline material within a single starch granule, and the distribution of structural properties in a population of granules. Isolated granules, as well as in situ starch, can be analyzed using polarimetric SHG microscopy. Due to the fast sample preparation and short imaging times, polarimetric SHG microscopy allows for a quick assessment of starch structure and permits rapid feedback for bioengineering applications. This article presents the basics of SHG theory and microscopy applications for starch-containing materials. Quantification of ultrastructural features within individual starch granules is described. New results obtained by polarization resolved SHG microscopy of starch granules are presented for various maize genotypes revealing heterogeneity within a single starch particle and between various granules.

BMC Bioinformatics, Dec 14, 2022
Background: During atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the arterial lumen is observed through the a... more Background: During atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the arterial lumen is observed through the accumulation of bio compounds and the formation of plaque within artery walls. A non-linear optical imaging modality (NLOM), coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy, can be used to image lipid-rich structures commonly found in atherosclerotic plaques. By matching the lipid's molecular vibrational frequencies (CH bonds), it is possible to map the accumulation of lipid-rich structures without the need for exogenous labelling and/or processing of the samples. CARS allows for the visualization of the morphological features of plaque. In combination with supervised machine learning, CARS imaged morphological features can be used to characterize the progression of atherosclerotic plaques. Results: Based on a set of label-free CARS images of atherosclerotic plaques (i.e. foam cell clusters) from a Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbit model, we developed an automated pipeline to classify atherosclerotic lesions based on their major morphological features. Our method uses image preprocessing to first improve the quality of the CARS-imaged plaque, followed by the segmentation of the plaque using Otsu thresholding, marker-controlled watershed, K-means segmentation and a novel independent foam cell thresholding segmentation. To define relevant morphological features, 27 quantitative features were extracted and further refined by a novel coefficient of variation feature refinement method in accordance with filter-type feature selection. Refined morphological features were supplied into three supervised machine learning algorithms; K-nearest neighbour, support vector machine and decision tree classifier. The classification pipeline showcased the ability to exploit relevant plaque morphological features to accurately classify 3 pre-defined stages of atherosclerosis: early fatty streak development (EFS) and advancing atheroma (AA) with a greater than 85% class accuracy Conclusions: Through the combination of CARS microscopy and computational methods, a powerful classification tool was developed to identify the progression of atherosclerotic plaque in an automated manner. Using a curated dataset, the classification pipeline demonstrated the ability to differentiate between EFS, EF and AA. Thus, presenting the opportunity to classify the onset of atherosclerosis at an earlier stage of development

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Chronic respiratory diseases remain a significant health burden worldwide. The only option for in... more Chronic respiratory diseases remain a significant health burden worldwide. The only option for individuals with end-stage lung failure remains Lung Transplantation. However, suitable organ donor shortages and immune rejection following transplantation remain a challenge. Since alternative options are urgently required to increase tissue availability for lung transplantation, researchers have been exploring lung bioengineering extensively, to generate functional, transplantable organs and tissue. Additionally, the development of physiologically-relevant artificial tissue models for testing novel therapies also represents an important step toward finding a definite clinical solution for different chronic respiratory diseases. This mini-review aims to highlight some of the most common methodologies used in bioengineering lung scaffolds, as well as the benefits and disadvantages associated with each method in conjunction with the current areas of research devoted to solving some of thes...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

Background: Atherosclerosis, an underlying cause of cardiovascular diseases, is achronic inflamma... more Background: Atherosclerosis, an underlying cause of cardiovascular diseases, is achronic inflammatory condition resulting in the accumulation of plaque composedof lipids and other bio compounds within artery walls. Thus, narrowing thearterial lumen and leading to the blockage of blood flow, and rupture of thearteries. Atherosclerosis is known to be an inevitably progressive disease, resultingin an increase in inflammation and lipid accumulation with age. Through thecombination of coherent anti-stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy, anon-linear optical microscopy modality, and an automated pipeline for plaqueclassification; the stages of plaque progression can be assessed in a label-freemanner. The pipeline provides a basis for recognizing changes in the progressionand/or stabilization of atherosclerotic lesions. Results: The use of machine learning in microscopy has been increasinglyallowing the classification of large amounts of images based on specific featuresrelevant to diff...

Cells, 2022
The extracellular matrix (ECM) supports lung tissue architecture and physiology by providing mech... more The extracellular matrix (ECM) supports lung tissue architecture and physiology by providing mechanical stability and elastic recoil. Over the last several decades, it has become increasingly clear that the stiffness of the ECM governs many cellular processes, including cell-phenotype and functions during development, healing, and disease. Of all the lung ECM proteins, collagen-I is the most abundant and provides tensile strength. In many fibrotic lung diseases, the expression of collagen is increased which affects the stiffness of the surrounding environment. The goal of this study was to assess the effect on fibroblast morphology, cell death, and inflammation when exposed to 2D and 3D low (0.4 mg/mL) versus high (2.0 mg/mL) collagen-I-matrix environments that model the mechanics of the breathing lung. This study demonstrates that human fetal lung fibroblasts (HFL1), grown in a 3D collagen type-I environment compared to a 2D one, do not form cells with a myofibroblast morphology, e...

Scientific Reports, 2021
Mitochondria are the metabolic hub of the cell, playing a central role in regulating immune respo... more Mitochondria are the metabolic hub of the cell, playing a central role in regulating immune responses. Dysfunction of mitochondrial reprogramming can occur during bacterial and viral infections compromising hosts’ immune signaling. Comparative evaluation of these alterations in response to bacterial and viral ligands can provide insights into a cell’s ability to mount pathogen-specific responses. In this study, we used two-photon excitation fluorescence (TPEF) imaging to quantify reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAD(P)H) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) levels in the cell and to calculate the optical redox ratio (ORR), an indicator of mitochondrial dysfunction. Analyses were performed on RAW264.7 cells and murine bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM) stimulated with bacterial (LPS) and viral (Poly(I:C)) ligands. Responses were cell type dependent, with primary cells having significantly higher levels of FAD and higher oxygen consumption rates suggesting BMM ...
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2017

Scientific Reports, 2020
In asthma, the airway epithelium has an impaired capacity to differentiate and plays a key role i... more In asthma, the airway epithelium has an impaired capacity to differentiate and plays a key role in the development of airway inflammation and remodeling through mediator release. The study objective was to investigate the release of (IL)-1 family members from primary airway epithelial-cells during differentiation, and how they affect primary airway fibroblast (PAF)-induced inflammation, extracellular matrix (ECM) production, and collagen I remodeling. The release of IL-1α/β and IL-33 during airway epithelial differentiation was assessed over 20-days using air-liquid interface cultures. The effect of IL-1 family cytokines on airway fibroblasts grown on collagen-coated well-plates and 3-dimensional collagen gels was assessed by measurement of inflammatory mediators and ECM proteins by ELISA and western blot, as well as collagen fiber formation using non-linear optical microscopy after 24-hours. The production of IL-1α is elevated in undifferentiated asthmatic-PAECs compared to control...

PLOS ONE, 2020
Multiphoton microscopy is a powerful, non-invasive technique to image biological specimens. One c... more Multiphoton microscopy is a powerful, non-invasive technique to image biological specimens. One current limitation of multiphoton microscopy is resolution as many of the biological molecules and structures investigated by research groups are similar in size or smaller than the diffraction limit. To date, the combination of multiphoton and super-resolution imaging has proved technically challenging for biology focused laboratories to implement. Here we validate that the commercial super-resolution Airyscan detector from ZEISS, which is based on image scanning microscopy, can be integrated under warranty with a pulsed multi-photon laser to enable multiphoton microscopy with super-resolution. We demonstrate its biological application in two different imaging modalities, second harmonic generation (SHG) and two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF), to measure the fibre thicknesses of collagen and elastin molecules surpassing the diffraction limit by a factor of 1.7±0.3x and 1.4±0.3x respectively, in human heart and lung tissues, and 3-dimensional in vitro models. We show that enhanced resolution and signal-to-noise of SHG using the Airyscan compared to traditional GaAs detectors allows for automated and precise measurement of collagen fibres using texture analysis in biological tissues.

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2019
Rationale: Histologic stains have been used as the gold standard to visualize extracellular matri... more Rationale: Histologic stains have been used as the gold standard to visualize extracellular matrix (ECM) changes associated with airway remodeling in asthma, yet they provide no information on the biochemical and structural characteristics of the ECM, which are vital to understanding alterations in tissue function. Objectives: To demonstrate the use of nonlinear optical microscopy (NLOM) and texture analysis algorithms to image fibrillar collagen (second harmonic generation) and elastin (twophoton excited autofluorescence), to obtain biochemical and structural information on the remodeled ECM environment in asthma. Methods: Nontransplantable donor lungs from donors with asthma (n = 13) and control (n = 12) donors were used for the assessment of airway collagen and elastin fibers by NLOM, and extraction of lung fibroblasts for in vitro experiments. Measurements and Main Results: Fibrillar collagen is not only increased but also highly disorganized and fragmented within large and small asthmatic airways compared with control subjects, using NLOM imaging. Furthermore, such structural alterations are present in pediatric and adult donors with asthma, irrespective of fatal disease. In vitro studies demonstrated that asthmatic airway fibroblasts are deficient in their packaging of fibrillar collagen-I and express less decorin, important for collagen fibril packaging. Packaging of collagen fibrils was found to be more disorganized in asthmatic airways compared with control subjects, using transmission electron microscopy. Conclusions: NLOM imaging enabled the structural assessment of the ECM, and the data suggest that airway remodeling in asthma involves the progressive accumulation of disorganized fibrillar collagen by airway fibroblasts. This study highlights the future potential clinical application of NLOM to assess airway remodeling in vivo.

Journal of Applied Physiology, 2019
Structural proteins like collagen and elastin are major constituents of the extracellular matrix ... more Structural proteins like collagen and elastin are major constituents of the extracellular matrix (ECM). ECM degradation and remodeling in diseases significantly impact the microorganization of these structural proteins. Therefore, tracking the changes of collagen and elastin fiber morphological features within ECM impacted by disease progression could provide valuable insight into pathological processes such as tissue fibrosis and atherosclerosis. Benefiting from its intrinsic high-resolution imaging power and superior biochemical specificity, nonlinear optical microscopy (NLOM) is capable of providing information critical to the understanding of ECM remodeling. In this study, alterations of structural fibrillar proteins such as collagen and elastin in arteries excised from atherosclerotic rabbits were assessed by the combination of NLOM images and textural analysis methods such as fractal dimension (FD) and directional analysis (DA). FD and DA were tested for their performance in t...
Papers by Leila Mostaço-Guidolin