Books by Tim Matts

""The infamous opening pages of Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus (1972) present a journey thro... more ""The infamous opening pages of Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus (1972) present a journey through modern literature via the wanderings of such literary schizophrenics as Buchner’s Lenz and Beckett’s Molloy. In quick succession we come upon D.H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, Michaux, Kafka, Artaud, and Proust. While the rest of Deleuze and Guattari’s project ranges over a vast array of disciplines, literature is given prominence as the means by which schizoanalysis is introduced to the world. In subsequent volumes, particularly Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature (1975), Deleuze and Guattari continue to insist on the literary character of their project.
While significant research has been done on the relation Deleuze and Guattari’s theory has to literature it is still far from clear what a schizoanalysis of literature would consist of. The present volume addresses this issue by offering a varied but ultimately consistent view of schizoanalytic literary studies as both a theoretical and a practical endeavor. Split into five sections, the pieces gathered here begin by analyzing the theory and practice of schizoanalysis for literary studies before proceeding through Homer, Shakespeare, Kafka and Joyce to engage the works of contemporary figures including J.M. Coetzee, Lindsey Collen and Peter Watts, providing answers to such questions as: what is the ethical significance of Deleuze and Guattari’s pragmatism, which envisages the literary text as a type of machine? How does schizoanalysis, with its politically charged theories of desire, becoming, and affect transform our understanding of authorial style, the role of the reader, and even life itself?""
Published Articles / Papers by Tim Matts
Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Literature (Bloomsbury), 2015
Introductory book chapter, co-authored with Ian Buchanan and Aidan Tynan

Design Ecologies, Dec 2012
Situated in the 'Painted Desert' northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona, James Turrell's 'Roden Crater P... more Situated in the 'Painted Desert' northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona, James Turrell's 'Roden Crater Project' is an unprecedented instance of landscape architecture and one of the most important examples of contemporary environmental art. Enclosed within the region's volcanic terrain, the project adheres to a system of precise geocosmic alignments, showing a fealty to celestial and astronomical events comparable with the ancient architectures of Newgrange, Ireland and the Temple of the Sun at Karnak. While dominant readings of Turrell's work suggest vague notions of its 'harmony' with its natural environment, we propose that the significance of the 'Roden Crater Project' deserves a more thoroughgoing reconsideration of the architectureenvironment relationship. We argue against any aesthetic recourse to ecopsychological theories purporting a reconciliation of the divide between nature and culture. We instead offer, through readings of the DES 2 (2) pp. 188-211 Intellect Limited 2012
Design Ecologies, Aug 2012
A number of 'ecological' theories of cinema have emerged in recent years, many of which remain bo... more A number of 'ecological' theories of cinema have emerged in recent years, many of which remain bound by antiquated models of figure and ground. These models typically belong to a pre-cinematic aesthetics of nature, sustaining an image of humanity uninformed by the recent prospect of species self-extinction. We hereby propose a new model for conceiving of this relation, one based upon Nick Land's post-psychoanalytic notion of geotrauma, and which suggests that the earth as ground gives rise not just to territories but moreover to
An introductory text on Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the refrain, including a technical glos... more An introductory text on Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the refrain, including a technical glossary. The text was designed with pedagogical applications in mind, specifically for use by professional music teachers working with secondary/high school children. The project was translated into Italian and presented at the InNova Musica Symposium by Francesco Bergamo (IUAV, Venice, Italy).
Book Reviews by Tim Matts
Books by Tim Matts
While significant research has been done on the relation Deleuze and Guattari’s theory has to literature it is still far from clear what a schizoanalysis of literature would consist of. The present volume addresses this issue by offering a varied but ultimately consistent view of schizoanalytic literary studies as both a theoretical and a practical endeavor. Split into five sections, the pieces gathered here begin by analyzing the theory and practice of schizoanalysis for literary studies before proceeding through Homer, Shakespeare, Kafka and Joyce to engage the works of contemporary figures including J.M. Coetzee, Lindsey Collen and Peter Watts, providing answers to such questions as: what is the ethical significance of Deleuze and Guattari’s pragmatism, which envisages the literary text as a type of machine? How does schizoanalysis, with its politically charged theories of desire, becoming, and affect transform our understanding of authorial style, the role of the reader, and even life itself?""
Published Articles / Papers by Tim Matts
Book Reviews by Tim Matts
While significant research has been done on the relation Deleuze and Guattari’s theory has to literature it is still far from clear what a schizoanalysis of literature would consist of. The present volume addresses this issue by offering a varied but ultimately consistent view of schizoanalytic literary studies as both a theoretical and a practical endeavor. Split into five sections, the pieces gathered here begin by analyzing the theory and practice of schizoanalysis for literary studies before proceeding through Homer, Shakespeare, Kafka and Joyce to engage the works of contemporary figures including J.M. Coetzee, Lindsey Collen and Peter Watts, providing answers to such questions as: what is the ethical significance of Deleuze and Guattari’s pragmatism, which envisages the literary text as a type of machine? How does schizoanalysis, with its politically charged theories of desire, becoming, and affect transform our understanding of authorial style, the role of the reader, and even life itself?""