Papers by Terry Threadgold

Law Text Culture, 2015
When I first delivered this paper at the symposium to honour Penny's life and work, I began by de... more When I first delivered this paper at the symposium to honour Penny's life and work, I began by declaring my intention to quote her often, to ensure that she would be heard at the event, as she had been heard at so many others previously. As I said at the time, I did this because I knew Penny would have been very cross if she was not allowed to speak. In this, the written version of that paper, I still intend to quote her often and for the same reasons but I also intend to do so because I believe that what she had to say matters. It intervened, it changed things, it challenged the taken for granted-and it still does. I spent a lot of time re-reading Penny's words in preparation for the symposium, and like the good structuralist that I always was, I found a whole series of patterns, strategies and theoretical narratives in what I read. I had always known they were there but the process of remembering , reworking and rewriting , made them much more explicit than they had been in the reality and practice of working with her. I also began to see patterns and strategies I had not recognised at the time and to recover the sheer fun and excitement, as well as the absolute seriousness, of what working with her had been like.
Poetics Today, 1986
Modern Greek Fiction-Google Books Result Literary theory offers varying approaches for understand... more Modern Greek Fiction-Google Books Result Literary theory offers varying approaches for understanding the role of historical. in the twentieth century to both Structuralism and Poststructuralism. the Greek theoria, alerts us to the partial nature of theoretical approaches to literature. Taking as its premise that human societies and knowledge consist of texts in The Text and its margins: post-structuralist.-Google Books 1985 The Text and its Margins: Post-Structuralist Approaches to Twentieth-Century Greek Literature a collection of ten original papers, co-edited with Margaret. The text and its margins: post-structuralist approaches to twentieth.
Journal of the association for the study of Australian literature, Feb 3, 2013
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2005
Tiireadgold, affirm that to the best of my knowledge, this thesis contains no material which has ... more Tiireadgold, affirm that to the best of my knowledge, this thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other institution and I affirm that to the best of my knowledge, this thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis.
An academic directory and search engine.
Southern Review: Communication, Politics & Culture, Jul 1, 1995
Australian Feminist Studies, Dec 1, 1989
Meaghan Morris, The Pirate's Fiancee.: Feminism Reading Postmodernism (Verso) London, 1988; S... more Meaghan Morris, The Pirate's Fiancee.: Feminism Reading Postmodernism (Verso) London, 1988; Susan Sheridan (ed.), Grafts: Feminist Cultural Criticism (Verso) London, 1988.
Sydney Studies in Society and Culture, 1986
Social Semiotics, Apr 1, 2000
John Benjamins eBooks, 2005
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has supported this project as part of its programme of research an... more The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has supported this project as part of its programme of research and innovative development projects, which it hopes will be of value to policymakers, practitioners and service users. The facts presented and views expressed in this report are, however, those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation.
Australian Feminist Studies, Mar 1, 1988
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 1987
The Australian Universities' review, 1995
Papers by Terry Threadgold