Cardiff University
School of Medicine
Antibiotics versus appendectomy in the management of acute appendicitis: a review of the current evidence Background: Acute appendicitis remains the most common cause of the acute abdomen in young adults, and the mainstay of treatment in... more
Introduction: Recent advancements in the management of colorectal liver metastases have resulted in an improvement in survival. Novel biomarkers such as KRAS, and their mutations potentially predict the response of biological therapies... more
Increased life expectancy has led to the presentation of more complicated patients in old age for the replacement of the aortic valve. The emergence of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) was considered as a significant... more
With antiplatelets, the AHA guidelines recommend that aspirin should be given postoperatively within six hours and continued indefinitely (Class 1 recommendation, Level
Resting state activity in the ventral cingulate may be an important neural marker of symptomatic improvement in depression. The number of task related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies correlating blood oxygenation... more
Background: Anhedonia is a relative lack of pleasure in response to formerly rewarding stimuli. It is an important diagnostic feature of major depressive disorder (MDD), and predicts antidepressant efficacy. Understanding its... more
Background: Anhedonia is a relative lack of pleasure in response to formerly rewarding stimuli. It is an important diagnostic feature of major depressive disorder (MDD), and predicts antidepressant efficacy. Understanding its... more
The Section's research programme includes studies of neurobiological mechanisms underlying mood dysregulation in patients with affective disorders, schizophrenia, depersonalisation and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Background: Accurate recognition of facial expressions is crucial for social functioning. In depressed individuals, implicit and explicit attentional biases away from happy and toward sad stimuli have been demonstrated. These may be... more
Background: Altered white matter microstructure in tracts integral to mood regulation networks could underlie vulnerability to major depressive disorder (MDD). Guided by fMRI studies, we explored whether a positive family history of MDD... more
The delivery of aff ordable and equitable cancer care is one of India's greatest public health challenges. Public expenditure on cancer in India remains below US$10 per person (compared with more than US$100 per person in high-income... more
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is... more
Savlon (0.5% cetrimide/0.05% chlorhexidine) is used as a scolicidal during surgery of hydatid cysts. It is considered a safe and effective agent. However, there are no recommendations for the appropriate concentration or dosage of these... more
Patient satisfaction is as important as is the care itself. When the patient has a disease like cancer it becomes even more important. A cancer patient not only suffers from the disease but also undergoes substantial mental trauma, agony,... more