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California Punk

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The only place for OMLITS/ROBT Omlit CD on the net!! ( Orange County early punk ) [Nov. 1st, 2009|05:25 am]
California Punk
Robert Omlit's Legendary Band The Omlits. ( orange county early punk - kids of the black hole )

27 Songs

Including Everyday's a battle, James at 16, Tony, I wanna Be a Lesbian, Me To Die


ONLY at:

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The Used twitter listening party & blood on my hands video! [Aug. 28th, 2009|04:10 pm]
California Punk
You guys have to check this out. The Used is doing the first ever twitter listening party! They're the first band to do it! more details at

also Check out Blood On My Hands on their myspace!

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Do you know the enemy? [Apr. 16th, 2009|12:55 am]
California Punk
Do you love Green Day? Want to help spread the word on the release of their new album? And be able to win cool prizes from the band themselves? All for FREE?
Then go here to sign up and get started! Upon sign up, in the box where it says 'who were you referred by', please put the username 'dead_beat'.
What are you waiting for? It's completely free! You get news about the band, the album, and you get to connect with other fans all around the world.
Remember. Just put dead_beat in the referred by box. ;)

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"Open Happiness" remix contest on iMeem [Apr. 14th, 2009|02:48 pm]
California Punk


Now that you've been totally infected with the undeniable catchiness of "Open Happiness" -- featuring Cee-Lo, Janelle Monae, Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy, Brendon Urie of Panic At the Disco, and Travis McCoy of Gym Class Hereos -- here's a chance to make yourself even happier:
super expensive awesome prizesCollapse )
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Escape From NY. Free Screening. Punk Rock DJs. Tonite. [Apr. 26th, 2007|02:58 pm]
California Punk


Escape from New York screening @ the Hyperion Tavern Beer-only Bar in Los Angeles, CA @ 9PM (don't advertise this elsewhere but they don't card the youngsters)
With DJs Mike Zero & MC Poppy
Acoustic live performance by Wreckless Derek and Spencer of the Pop Machine.
Followed by a possible screening of Mad Max if the turnout is well.
And it's free.
All of it.

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This Flood Covers the Earth tour help? [Nov. 22nd, 2006|09:10 pm]
California Punk
Hi. I'm Charlie. I play guitar and scream a lot in This Flood Covers the Earth, a post-hardcore band from San Diego along the lines of Botch, City of Caterpillar, Drive Like Jehu, Funeral Diner, Isis, Swing Kids, Unwound, etc. We have a Myspace account with some songs on it that you can listen to here:

We have a split 12"/CD with fellow San Diegans Lanterns that came out this summer, and we have a new 7" coming out on Dood Records mid-December.

So far we've done a west coast tour, a southwest tour, and a full US tour, and are looking to tour the west coast again this winter... however, we've run into some snags with booking and are looking for any help that anyone could give us. This is our itinerary...

12/29 San Diego CA @ the Che Cafe, w/ Comadre, 400 Blows, Secret Fun Club
12/30 Tijuana MEX @ TBA w/ Comadre, I Am Cataclysm
12/31 Riverside CA @ the Parkview, w/ Comadre, Graf Orlock
01/01 Los Angeles CA @ ??? HELP!
01/02 Ventura / Fresno / Bakersfield CA @ ??? HELP!
01/03 San Francisco CA @ ??? HELP!
01/04 Sacramento CA @ ??? HELP!

01/05 Sonoma CA @ the Shop, w/ Brilliant Red Lights
01/06 Lower Lake CA @ Rebekah's Lodge
01/07 Salem / Eugene OR @ ??? HELP!
01/08 Portland OR @ the Posi Den, w/ Comadre
01/09 Seattle WA @ Camp Nowhere
01/10 Olympia WA @ the Witch House
01/11 Joseph OR @ the Hydrant
01/12 Reno NV @ TBA
01/13 Las Vegas @ ??? HELP!
01/14 Phoenix / Tucson AZ @ ??? HELP!

01/15 San Diego CA @ TBA, w/ Capistrano

If you think you can help us out in any way, shape, or form, we'd really appreciate it. We can be contacted via our Myspace, our email ([email protected]), or via this medium as well.

Thanks very much for reading.

x-posted like whoa
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(no subject) [Jul. 22nd, 2006|02:37 pm]
California Punk
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Snakes On A Plane [Jul. 6th, 2006|09:59 pm]
California Punk
what's everyone's thoughts on Snakes on a Plane? the hype is insane, but this is probably the best teaser ever.
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We leave soon for tour and we need some help... [Jul. 6th, 2006|09:48 pm]
California Punk
Hello there.

I'm about to leave on tour with my band, This Flood Covers the Earth, and our friends, Lanterns. We have a split record that just came out on History Major Records, and were hoping to play some shows this summer in support of it around the country.

Flood plays epic, heavy post-hardcore, some influences: Botch, Isis, Drive Like Jehu, Unwound, Mission of Burma, Funeral Diner. Lanterns plays spacey, aggressive indie rock, some influences: Pavement, the Jesus and Mary Chain, Meneguar, Cap'n Jazz, My Bloody Valentine, Heroin. Both bands have Myspaces with some sounds on them, so you can hear for yourself, Flood's is here, Lanterns' is here.

We could really use some help on some of these dates, and honestly, we'll play pretty much anywhere, as long as it's all ages (or [grudgingly] 18+). This includes a DIY space, a club, a bar, your living room one night, your garage in the afternoon, your basement at four in the morning... well, you get the idea. We don't need guarantees or to be fed or to be given places to stay, we just need places to play, and we really will take anything and will just be stoked to each play for twenty minutes and make some new friends with the dozen or so people that trickle in and pay attention to us for two-thirds of an hour total.

7.10.06 San Diego CA @ the Che Cafe
7.11.06 Tijuana MEX @ Las Trancas
7.12.06 CA @ HELP!
7.13.06 Oakland CA @ tba
7.14.06 Reno NV @ Record Street Cafe
7.15.06 Redwood City CA @ Kinda Like a Fest: Part II
7.16.06 Eugene OR @ the Corestar Center
7.17.06 Tacoma WA @ the Hall
7.18.06 Seattle WA @ Nakatomi Plaza
7.19.06 Spokane WA @ House Show!
7.20.06 Provo UT @ Starry Night
7.21.06 Salt Lake City UT @ HELP!
7.22.06 Denver CO @ HELP!
7.23.06 Lawrence KS @ HELP!
7.24.06 Omaha NE @ HELP!
7.25.06 Moline IL @ Iconoclast Record Store
7.26.06 Duluth MN @ Kighle's House
7.27.06 Madison WI @ HELP!
7.28.06 Chicago IL @ HELP!
7.29.06 St Louis MO @ HELP!
7.30.06 Indianapolis IN @ HELP!
7.31.06 Detroit MI @ HELP!
8.01.06 Cleveland OH @ HELP!
8.02.06 Syracuse NY @ Westcott Community Center
8.03.06 Toronto CAN @ tba
8.04.06 Ottawa CAN @ tba
8.05.06 Montreal CAN @ House Show
8.06.06 Portland ME @ House Show
8.07.06 Boston MA @ tba
8.08.06 Amherst MA @ tba
8.09.06 Providence RI @ Providence Turners
8.10.06 Hartford CT @ tba
8.11.06 Cambridge MA @ tba
8.12.06 Derry NH @ Totally Awesome Fest 3!!!
8.13.06 Philadelphia PA @ The Veggieplex Theatre
8.14.06 Pittsburgh PA @ Mr Roboto Project
8.15.06 Baltimore MD @ tba
8.16.06 Washington DC @ tba
8.17.06 Richmond VA @ HELP!
8.18.06 Norfolk VA @ Relative Theory Records
8.19.06 Louisville KY @ HELP!
8.20.06 Nashville TN @ HELP!
8.21.06 Greenville NC @ the Spazzatorium
8.22.06 Columbia SC @ Huger Street House
8.23.06 Athens GA @ Caledonia Lounge (18+)
8.24.06 Gainesville FL @ HELP!
8.25.06 Jacksonville FL @ HELP!
8.26.06 AL or MS @ HELP!
8.27.06 AR or LA @ HELP!
8.28.06 Norman OK @ tba
8.29.06 Denton TX @ House Show
8.30.06 Houston TX @ Super Happy Fun Land
8.31.06 Austin TX @ tba
9.01.06 Odessa TX @ Einstein's Revenge
9.02.06 Amarillo TX @ HELP!
9.03.06 Clovis NM @ the Hole
9.04.06 Albuquerque NM @ HELP!
9.05.06 El Paso TX @ HELP!
9.06.06 Tucson AZ @ HELP!
9.07.06 Phoenix AZ @ HELP!

If you think you can help, please feel free to respond in this medium, or to email us @ [email protected], or via our Myspace, or by calling Travis @ 858 442 3161 anytime of day or night (my phone is being rather persnickety these days).

We can and will offer and honor any and all show trades in San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles. We try to be upstanding, role model-worthy young men.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your time. Hopefully we'll hear from you and see you on the road this summer.

xoxo Charlie / Flood / Lanterns

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For anybody who likes Rancid / the Transplants / Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards... [May. 6th, 2006|05:49 pm]
California Punk
I just made an awesome new Rancid / Transplants / LFATB picture site! Over 200 photos; plus rare mp3's and videos, and daily updates, so I suggest you check it out!
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