Let the mockery wars begin
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Captions Attack!

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[02 May 2004|02:40pm]

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Ohhh man...i had to use a cut tag for this [22 Mar 2004|01:06pm]

EnjoyCollapse )
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[22 Mar 2004|07:55am]

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[14 Mar 2004|06:27pm]

It seems movie images are about the most easy thing to find on the net compared to regular i'll be using these for a while they are much more easier to come up with captions for......

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[14 Mar 2004|02:42am]

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[11 Mar 2004|02:07am]

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[04 Mar 2004|09:06am]


Well, SOMEONE seems to have an unfair advantage.

White Jesii can't jump.
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[26 Feb 2004|09:49am]

[ mood | gooftastic. ]

"I thought I told you to CHECK with me before you did your hair like that again!"

(okay, it's lame, but i wanted to use an 80s cartoon in honour of pj)

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[26 Feb 2004|01:52am]


Recent attempts to give diving "an edge" were not accepted by the general public as previously thought
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[21 Feb 2004|12:32am]


"You know if i was a bettin' man i'd say you were a pretty smart young lady, but i am just having the toughest time trying to translate this book, is this fren-ch?........oooooo those are pretty pictures.....I CAN SAY BIG WORDS!"
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[20 Feb 2004|01:34am]


Man on the left just saved a ton of money on his car insurance by switching to Geico.....
Man on the right.......pedophile.....

But both presented with awards for the co-inventing of the keytar.....

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Let's get this sucker started!........ [16 Feb 2004|06:25pm]


"WHY KEN! WHY!?!" were Barbie's last precious words before she drove her pink convertible off a cliff Saturday night.......she will be missed........
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Rules? [16 Feb 2004|06:10pm]

I need suggestions.....i still dont know what kind of rules i need to set down, or how this game will be played. Cos i thought about just letting everyone post whatever they want and everyone can just comment their captions......but it could get hectic and there would just be too many images ya know? I kinda want to be a little bit organized, let's say a pic or two a week, and best caption of whoever will be able to pick the next image to be captioned.....does that make sense? blech dunno..........
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