Book Chapters by girish prayag

Tourism Sensemaking: Strategies to Give Meaning …, Jan 1, 2011
Importance-performance analysis (IPA) remains one of the lesser used quantitative techniques to a... more Importance-performance analysis (IPA) remains one of the lesser used quantitative techniques to analyze cultural differences in image perceptions. Therefore, this chapter analyzes differences in international visitors' image perceptions for the island of Mauritius in its key generating markets. Using the mixed method, the study identifies image attributes in a qualitative phase initially, followed by the administration of a survey instrument to a quota sample of 1,000 visitors, resulting in 705 useable questionnaires. IPA reveals the existence of significant differences between importance and performance scores on image for the whole sample as well as significant differences by nationality sub-groups. For example, Germans on average have the lowest importance scores, whereas Indians have the highest in comparison with other nationalities. For each market, the study also identifies the influence of fluency levels in main languages spoken on importance and performance scores. Using IPA, the gaps in scores reflect degrees of product customization and re-positioning that is needed for the different markets of Mauritius. Similarities in 153 scores across nationalities suggest the universal importance of some image attributes in destination selection. The chapter contributes to the dearth of literature on cultural differences in image perceptions for island destinations.
Book chapter looking at destination branding for the Province of KwaZulu Natal South Africa
Papers by girish prayag
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2015
This paper reports on an innovative qualitative method, a mobile ethnography, where visitors are ... more This paper reports on an innovative qualitative method, a mobile ethnography, where visitors are asked to use mobile technological devices such as smartphones to identify service gaps, evaluate service journeys, and help improve tourist services. This research is part of a projet "Service Design in Tourism" that was funded by the European Union under the CIP framework.
Keywords: qualitative research, mobile ethnography, service design
This is the pre-publication version of the paper. For the authoritative version please consult th... more This is the pre-publication version of the paper. For the authoritative version please consult the journal website.
The main objective of this paper is to segment the accommodation and service preferences of femal... more The main objective of this paper is to segment the accommodation and service preferences of females who participate in girlfriend getaways (GGA). A sample of 540 female travelers revealed five distinct clusters of preferences based on the importance scores assigned to hotel attributes. The clusters are then profiled on their performance scores on hotel attributes and demographic characteristics. The results indicate that the GGA market is heterogeneous in its accommodation and service preferences but homogeneous in its demographic characteristics. Accommodation suppliers and marketers must recognize the growing importance and profitability of this segment of the female traveler market. Implications for product development, targeting and positioning strategies, and service enhancements for this market are suggested.

Segmentation has several strategic and tactical implications in marketing products and services. ... more Segmentation has several strategic and tactical implications in marketing products and services. Despite hard clustering methods having several weaknesses, they remain widely applied in marketing studies. Alternative segmentation methods such as fuzzy methods are rarely used to understand consumer behaviour. In this study, we propose a strategy of analysis, by combining the Bagged Clustering (BC) method and the fuzzy C-means clustering method for fuzzy data (FCM-FD), i.e., the Bagged fuzzy C-means clustering method for fuzzy data (BFCM-FD). The method inherits the advantages of stability and reproducibility from BC and the flexibility from FCM-FD. The method is applied on a sample of 328 Chinese consumers revealing the existence of four segments (Admirers, Enthusiasts, Moderates, and Apathetics) of the perceived images of Western Europe as a tourist destination. The results highlight the heterogeneity in Chinese consumers’ place preferences and implications for place marketing are offered.
The present study is aimed at segmenting participants’ motivation for attending the Interamnia Wo... more The present study is aimed at segmenting participants’ motivation for attending the Interamnia World Cup
(IWC) in 2012 and identifying whether motivational profiles differ by demographics and post-consumption
behaviors. The IWC is an annual event hosted by the city of Teramo-Italy and is aimed at young participants
interested in the sport of handball. Based on a sample of international sport tourists (n = 242), the study
uncovers four clusters of participants (Indifferent, Enthusiast, Socializer, and Competitive). The results confirm
that the youth segment of sport tourists is not homogeneous on motives to attend a sporting event. The
four identified segments differ by socio-demographics, overall satisfaction, revisit, and recommend intentions.
Implications for attracting participants to IWC and marketing of youth sporting events in general are
This study investigates students from Generation Y (Gen Y) perceptions of hotel disintermediation... more This study investigates students from Generation Y (Gen Y) perceptions of hotel disintermediation in France and also considers the influence of User Generated Content on travellers’ choice of accommodation. A sample of 378 student travellers from France was used to uncover the underlying dimensions of disintermediation perceptions. T-test and cross tabulations indicated that demographics such as gender and age had a significant influence on perceptions. The results suggest that hotel managers and travel agencies should monitor Gen Y perceptions of the benefits and constraints of using the internet and travel agencies for hotel booking. Accommodation providers should create affective commitment in their young customers through online channels to maintain long-term relationships.
The study investigates the relationship between the three components of perceived quality (servic... more The study investigates the relationship between the three components of perceived quality (service quality, food quality and restaurant atmospherics), positive emotions, and behavioral intentions. By testing competing structural models on a sample of international tourists to casual dining restaurants on the French Riviera, we found that positive emotions have a strong influence on behavioral intentions. Competing paths between service quality, food quality, and restaurant atmospherics with positive emotions were found. The results hold important theoretical and managerial implications for service providers and encouraging international visitors to revisit and recommend restaurants on the French Riviera.

Although consumer behaviour is one of the most researched areas in the field of tourism, few exte... more Although consumer behaviour is one of the most researched areas in the field of tourism, few extensive reviews of the body of knowledge in this area exist. This review article examines what we argue are the key concepts, external influences and opportune research contexts in contemporary tourism consumer behaviour research. Using a narrative review, we examine the consumer behaviour literature published in three major tourism journals from 2000 to 2012. Of 519 articles identified and reviewed, 191 are included in this article. We examine the development of and scope for future research on nine key concepts, including decision making, values, motivations, self-concept and personality, expectations, attitudes, perceptions satisfaction, trust and loyalty. We then examine three important external influences on tourism behaviour, technology, Generation Y and the rise in concern over ethical consumption. Lastly, we identify and discuss five research contexts that represent major areas for future scholarship: group and joint decision making, under-researched segments, crosscultural issues in emerging markets, emotions and consumer misbehaviour. Our examination of key research gaps is concluded by arguing that the hedonic and affective aspects of consumer behaviour research in tourism must be brought to bear on the wider consumer behaviour and marketing literature.
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
Modeling behavioral intentions remain an important area of research in tourism. This study empiri... more Modeling behavioral intentions remain an important area of research in tourism. This study empirically tests a model linking tourists' emotional experiences, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The model proposes that satisfaction mediates the relationship between tourists' emotional experiences and behavioral intentions. Data were collected from international tourists visiting Petra, a UNESCO world heritage site. Contrary to theoretical predictions, results do not support the mediating effect of satisfaction on the relationship between emotions (joy, love, positive surprise, and unpleasantness) and behavioral intentions. Findings offer important strategic marketing implications for Petra in relation to branding and managing destination experiences.
Tourism Management
Limited research exists on the tourism outbound market from the Middle East. To address the liter... more Limited research exists on the tourism outbound market from the Middle East. To address the literature gap, this study investigates young UAE travel motivations and perceptions of Paris as a luxury tourist destination. Data were collected from residents living in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi. Cluster analysis uncovers three distinct clusters; enthusiasts, unconvinced, and convivials. Multiple discriminant analysis confirms the validity of the three-cluster solution. The three groups differ by their perceptions of Paris and overall attitude towardtoward luxury consumption. Findings offer important implications for destination marketers in terms of advertising, segmentation and positioning strategies.

eReview of Tourism Research
This study reviews existing published academic literature on five Indian Ocean islands namely, Ma... more This study reviews existing published academic literature on five Indian Ocean islands namely, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Reunion Island, and Seychelles, and offers future research directions. The Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) list of tourism and hospitality journals was used to identify articles related to tourism development of these small island developing states (SIDS) and Google Scholar (GS) was used to identify their citation counts. The findings indicated that Mauritius remains the most researched while Reunion Island is the least. Researchers employ mostly quantitative techniques with modeling/forecasting papers having the highest citation counts. The review clearly showed a lack of studies on the hospitality sector, host culture, tourism impacts and policy, and comparative studies on these islands. Future research directions are offered.
Journal of Marketing …, 2013
Book Chapters by girish prayag
Papers by girish prayag
Keywords: qualitative research, mobile ethnography, service design
(IWC) in 2012 and identifying whether motivational profiles differ by demographics and post-consumption
behaviors. The IWC is an annual event hosted by the city of Teramo-Italy and is aimed at young participants
interested in the sport of handball. Based on a sample of international sport tourists (n = 242), the study
uncovers four clusters of participants (Indifferent, Enthusiast, Socializer, and Competitive). The results confirm
that the youth segment of sport tourists is not homogeneous on motives to attend a sporting event. The
four identified segments differ by socio-demographics, overall satisfaction, revisit, and recommend intentions.
Implications for attracting participants to IWC and marketing of youth sporting events in general are
Keywords: qualitative research, mobile ethnography, service design
(IWC) in 2012 and identifying whether motivational profiles differ by demographics and post-consumption
behaviors. The IWC is an annual event hosted by the city of Teramo-Italy and is aimed at young participants
interested in the sport of handball. Based on a sample of international sport tourists (n = 242), the study
uncovers four clusters of participants (Indifferent, Enthusiast, Socializer, and Competitive). The results confirm
that the youth segment of sport tourists is not homogeneous on motives to attend a sporting event. The
four identified segments differ by socio-demographics, overall satisfaction, revisit, and recommend intentions.
Implications for attracting participants to IWC and marketing of youth sporting events in general are
Keywords: consumption, travel, behaviour, marketing, research agenda
Keywords: Mainland China, outbound tourism, Western Europe, service expectations, segmentation, independent/backpacker travel
Keywords: segmentation, bagged clustering, push-pull factors, independent/backpacker travel, Western Europe