Peer Reviewed Journal Articles by Timuçin Harputlugil
Energy Research & Social Science, 2021

A novel approach for renovation of current social housing stock based on energy consumption in Turkey: significance of occupant behaviour, 2019
The goal of this research is to attempt establishing occupant behaviour profiles and how that beh... more The goal of this research is to attempt establishing occupant behaviour profiles and how that behaviour impacts energy consumption with regard to indoor comfort levels in the current social housing stock in Turkey. The data consists of a large statistical survey that included four housing complexes situated in different climate regions in Turkey. Another more detailed survey was given to occupants of housing blocks in Ankara. Apartments were also monitored during a one-week period in summer and again in winter. All collected data were evaluated by sensitivity analysis. The results showed that occupant presence at home and operating windows had the most profound effect on internal loads and comfort levels whole year. Additionally, the transparency level of curtains, impacts the indoor temperature during the winter time. The results were used to develop a web-based tool which is going to be a guide for renovation strategies of current housing stock.
KEYWORDS: Occupant behaviour, energy consumption, indoor comfort levels, social housing, housing renovation

An Investigation on the Effect of Drawing Techniques towards Students’ Performance and Perception in Architectural Education, 2018
Emerging technologies allow digital production to be used within the initial stages of architectu... more Emerging technologies allow digital production to be used within the initial stages of architectural design. The design process, in which drawing is the main tool, is affected with the rapid increase of digital production in the building sector and increasing awareness on digital drawing and production/fabrication is an undeniable fact of 21
century. In this context, the article investigates the status of hand (manual) and computer (digital) based drawings in architectural education; the students' perceptions and its effects on their performances. A case study -within the context of the Construction Systems II course given at the Architecture Department of Çankaya
University-has been conducted to evaluate/quantify the students’ perceptions in order to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of hand and computer based drawings. Positive correlations of the familiarity to the drawing tool with easy correction of mistakes
and relation of familiarity to the drawing tool with time management is observed. Based on the research; there is not a significant difference between hand based or computer based tools regarding spent time for the work in student practices; however, the process regarding revision, correction, or composition of drawing decreases time spent in
computer aided drawing. Consequently it has been noticed that as the capability in drawing tool increased, the class performance of students increased too. The outcomes of the case study based on observations, evaluation, questionnaires and analysis covering an academic term, are discussed in detail within the scope of the article.

A Research on Selecting the Green Building Certification System Suitable for Turkey, 2019
Since the sustainable development is considered one of the most
significant global concerns, its ... more Since the sustainable development is considered one of the most
significant global concerns, its goals are legislated by several
countries to guarantee the project compliance. Therefore, the
important issue of development is to ensure the project compliance
with the sustainability requirements. With this paper, a research is
conducted for selecting a green building certification system for
Turkey. Moreover a methodology is presented based on the strategy
to find the most important standards and criteria which must be
considered in the development of a green building certification
system in Turkey. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique
has been adopted by determining criteria and sub-criteria from the
literature. Furthermore, interviews and surveys have been
implemented with experts whom are from different backgrounds, i)
academicians, ii) professional consultants and iii) decision makers
for the government. By the use of criteria and sub-criteria which are
considered significant in line with the green building and
sustainability studies, the questionnaire has been developed based
on AHP is completed by the experts and analysed with a software.
Depending on the outcomes of the research; any of the existing
certification systems do not fit perfectly for Turkey, therefore, it is
concluded that a new national certification system should be
developed. Moreover, based on survey results, economy (cost) and
effectiveness are considered the most significant standards for the
green building certification system in Turkey. Whereas, assessment
success, registration and certification costs, adaptability and
reliability are the most significant sub-criteria.
*This article is mainly based on the Master of Science (MSc) dissertation ofFatma S. Said (2017) under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Timuçin Harputlugil at Çankaya University.

Architectural design is complex and can be defined as an effective decision-making activity based... more Architectural design is complex and can be defined as an effective decision-making activity based on problem solving. This complexity is not based on content and volume of problems, but also heterogeneity and uncertainty of information provided for assessment, subjective approaches, and a large number of the criterion for assessment. The aim of this research paper is to contribute to the researches for assessment of architectural design by providing a novel approach based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)-a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. The approach supports an effective comparative analysis among the alternative projects based on determined criterion. The methodology is implemented with a case study in one of the design studios of Department of Architecture of Çankaya University on final design projects of a group of students with observation, research and assessment. The data used in the assessment is collected through interviews and surveys which is analysed by the help of a software. Based on the outcomes of the AHP-based approach, it has been seen that this approach can provide numerical results that are comparable, measurable, gradable, consistent and can be reported separately for

Occupants make a passive contribution to the building energy balance by their very presence; they... more Occupants make a passive contribution to the building energy balance by their very presence; they also can have an active role through activities like opening windows, changing thermostat set points, tuning radiator switches or lighting switches, etc. Furthermore, in existing buildings, occupants also play a role in decisions regarding any interventions in the fabric and systems, especially where occupants own the building. In this paper, an evaluation of the survey results applied to occupants of dwellings in order to reveal effects of occupant behavior on energy consumption. The survey was applied to occupants of dwellings presented in four different climatic zones. There are two main issues aimed in the survey. Firstly, it is aimed to find out behavior patterns which are mostly effective on energy consumption. The other aim is to query the perception of occupants on comfort conditions and energy saving potential. The results of the survey showed that dominant occupant behavior which have an effect on energy consumption very significantly is opening/closing window. A major amount of occupant is aware of saving electricity; thus
%92.9 of occupants prefer energy saving lamps for artificial lighting. Another essential result of survey is, in a general manner, sensitivity on energy consumption and satisfacti on of comfort are increasing byeducation level increases.
… Engineering and Design …, Jan 1, 2009
INTRODUCTION Within the building industry there is an increasing need to take building performanc... more INTRODUCTION Within the building industry there is an increasing need to take building performance into account, during all stages of the building design, construction and operation life cycle. Aspects such as energy efficiency, user well-being and health are now crucial factors, and ...
Based on the problems of the current tools, this article introduces an Analytic Hierarchy Process... more Based on the problems of the current tools, this article introduces an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based approach which aims to assess architectural design quality within the design process from the perspectives of stakeholders’ preferences, departing from a conception of architectural design quality which is in the eye of the beholder. This article considers the term “quality” in architectural design as the weighted sum of qualitative and quantitative preferences of the stakeholders. The goal of the approach is to collect and to categorise various decision perspectives
of each stakeholder for better decision making and forecasting, aiming to improve architectural design quality.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers by Timuçin Harputlugil

Kullanıcıların binanın enerji dengesine içsel ısı kazancı olarak pasif anlamda doğrudan... more Kullanıcıların binanın enerji dengesine içsel ısı kazancı olarak pasif anlamda doğrudan katkıları vardır. Bunun yanında, pencere açıp kapatarak, termostat veya radyatör ayarlarını değiştirerek, yapay aydınlatma sistemini devreye sokarak enerji tüketiminde aktif rol üstlenmektedirler. Ayrıca, mevcut binalarda kullanıcı, malzeme, bileşen veya sistem değişikliği yaparak müdahalelerde bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, konut kullanıcı davranışının enerji tüketimi üzerindeki etkisinin ortaya çıkarılabilmesine yönelik yapılmış olan bir anket çalışmasının değerlendirmesini içermektedir. Dört farklı iklim bölgesinde yer alan konut kullanıcıları ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşme yöntemine dayalı anket ile iki temel konu hedeflenmiştir.
Bunlardan ilki konut kullanıcılarının enerji tüketimini de etkileyecek düzeydeki davranışlarının neler olduğunu ortaya çıkarmak, ikincisi ise genel çerçevede konut kullanıcılarının enerji tüketimi ve konfor
düzeyine ilişkin algılarını sorgulamaktır. Görüşmeler sonucunda, kullanıcıların enerji tüketimini etkileyecek düzeydeki en belirgin davranışının havalandırma amaçlı pencere açıp/kapatma olduğu ortaya
çıkmıştır. Yapay aydınlatma seçiminde, önemli bir bilinçlenmenin olduğu ve büyük bir oranda (%92,9) enerji tasarruflu ampul kullanıldığı belirlenmiş olup, enerji tüketimine karşı hassasiyet ve konformemnuniyetinin eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe arttığı ortaya çıkmıştır
Architectural design can be considered as a process influenced by many stakeholders, each of whic... more Architectural design can be considered as a process influenced by many stakeholders, each of which has different decision power. Each stakeholder might have his/her own criteria and weightings depending on his/her own perspective and role. Hence design can be seen as a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) process.
Papers by Timuçin Harputlugil

Online Journal of Art and Design, 2018
Emerging technologies allow digital production to be used within the initial stages of architectu... more Emerging technologies allow digital production to be used within the initial stages of architectural design. The design process, in which drawing is the main tool, is affected with the rapid increase of digital production in the building sector and increasing awareness on digital drawing and production/fabrication is an undeniable fact of 21 st century. In this context, the article investigates the status of hand (manual) and computer (digital) based drawings in architectural education; the students' perceptions and its effects on their performances. A case study-within the context of the Construction Systems II course given at the Architecture Department of Çankaya University-has been conducted to evaluate/quantify the students' perceptions in order to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of hand and computer based drawings. Positive correlations of the familiarity to the drawing tool with easy correction of mistakes and relation of familiarity to the drawing tool with time management is observed. Based on the research; there is not a significant difference between hand based or computer based tools regarding spent time for the work in student practices; however, the process regarding revision, correction, or composition of drawing decreases time spent in computer aided drawing. Consequentlyit has been noticed that as the capability in drawing tool increased, the class performance of students increased too. The outcomes of the case study based on observations, evaluation, questionnaires and analysis covering an academicterm, are discussed in detail within the scope of the article.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles by Timuçin Harputlugil
KEYWORDS: Occupant behaviour, energy consumption, indoor comfort levels, social housing, housing renovation
century. In this context, the article investigates the status of hand (manual) and computer (digital) based drawings in architectural education; the students' perceptions and its effects on their performances. A case study -within the context of the Construction Systems II course given at the Architecture Department of Çankaya
University-has been conducted to evaluate/quantify the students’ perceptions in order to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of hand and computer based drawings. Positive correlations of the familiarity to the drawing tool with easy correction of mistakes
and relation of familiarity to the drawing tool with time management is observed. Based on the research; there is not a significant difference between hand based or computer based tools regarding spent time for the work in student practices; however, the process regarding revision, correction, or composition of drawing decreases time spent in
computer aided drawing. Consequently it has been noticed that as the capability in drawing tool increased, the class performance of students increased too. The outcomes of the case study based on observations, evaluation, questionnaires and analysis covering an academic term, are discussed in detail within the scope of the article.
significant global concerns, its goals are legislated by several
countries to guarantee the project compliance. Therefore, the
important issue of development is to ensure the project compliance
with the sustainability requirements. With this paper, a research is
conducted for selecting a green building certification system for
Turkey. Moreover a methodology is presented based on the strategy
to find the most important standards and criteria which must be
considered in the development of a green building certification
system in Turkey. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique
has been adopted by determining criteria and sub-criteria from the
literature. Furthermore, interviews and surveys have been
implemented with experts whom are from different backgrounds, i)
academicians, ii) professional consultants and iii) decision makers
for the government. By the use of criteria and sub-criteria which are
considered significant in line with the green building and
sustainability studies, the questionnaire has been developed based
on AHP is completed by the experts and analysed with a software.
Depending on the outcomes of the research; any of the existing
certification systems do not fit perfectly for Turkey, therefore, it is
concluded that a new national certification system should be
developed. Moreover, based on survey results, economy (cost) and
effectiveness are considered the most significant standards for the
green building certification system in Turkey. Whereas, assessment
success, registration and certification costs, adaptability and
reliability are the most significant sub-criteria.
*This article is mainly based on the Master of Science (MSc) dissertation ofFatma S. Said (2017) under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Timuçin Harputlugil at Çankaya University.
%92.9 of occupants prefer energy saving lamps for artificial lighting. Another essential result of survey is, in a general manner, sensitivity on energy consumption and satisfacti on of comfort are increasing byeducation level increases.
of each stakeholder for better decision making and forecasting, aiming to improve architectural design quality.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers by Timuçin Harputlugil
Bunlardan ilki konut kullanıcılarının enerji tüketimini de etkileyecek düzeydeki davranışlarının neler olduğunu ortaya çıkarmak, ikincisi ise genel çerçevede konut kullanıcılarının enerji tüketimi ve konfor
düzeyine ilişkin algılarını sorgulamaktır. Görüşmeler sonucunda, kullanıcıların enerji tüketimini etkileyecek düzeydeki en belirgin davranışının havalandırma amaçlı pencere açıp/kapatma olduğu ortaya
çıkmıştır. Yapay aydınlatma seçiminde, önemli bir bilinçlenmenin olduğu ve büyük bir oranda (%92,9) enerji tasarruflu ampul kullanıldığı belirlenmiş olup, enerji tüketimine karşı hassasiyet ve konformemnuniyetinin eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe arttığı ortaya çıkmıştır
Papers by Timuçin Harputlugil
KEYWORDS: Occupant behaviour, energy consumption, indoor comfort levels, social housing, housing renovation
century. In this context, the article investigates the status of hand (manual) and computer (digital) based drawings in architectural education; the students' perceptions and its effects on their performances. A case study -within the context of the Construction Systems II course given at the Architecture Department of Çankaya
University-has been conducted to evaluate/quantify the students’ perceptions in order to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of hand and computer based drawings. Positive correlations of the familiarity to the drawing tool with easy correction of mistakes
and relation of familiarity to the drawing tool with time management is observed. Based on the research; there is not a significant difference between hand based or computer based tools regarding spent time for the work in student practices; however, the process regarding revision, correction, or composition of drawing decreases time spent in
computer aided drawing. Consequently it has been noticed that as the capability in drawing tool increased, the class performance of students increased too. The outcomes of the case study based on observations, evaluation, questionnaires and analysis covering an academic term, are discussed in detail within the scope of the article.
significant global concerns, its goals are legislated by several
countries to guarantee the project compliance. Therefore, the
important issue of development is to ensure the project compliance
with the sustainability requirements. With this paper, a research is
conducted for selecting a green building certification system for
Turkey. Moreover a methodology is presented based on the strategy
to find the most important standards and criteria which must be
considered in the development of a green building certification
system in Turkey. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique
has been adopted by determining criteria and sub-criteria from the
literature. Furthermore, interviews and surveys have been
implemented with experts whom are from different backgrounds, i)
academicians, ii) professional consultants and iii) decision makers
for the government. By the use of criteria and sub-criteria which are
considered significant in line with the green building and
sustainability studies, the questionnaire has been developed based
on AHP is completed by the experts and analysed with a software.
Depending on the outcomes of the research; any of the existing
certification systems do not fit perfectly for Turkey, therefore, it is
concluded that a new national certification system should be
developed. Moreover, based on survey results, economy (cost) and
effectiveness are considered the most significant standards for the
green building certification system in Turkey. Whereas, assessment
success, registration and certification costs, adaptability and
reliability are the most significant sub-criteria.
*This article is mainly based on the Master of Science (MSc) dissertation ofFatma S. Said (2017) under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Timuçin Harputlugil at Çankaya University.
%92.9 of occupants prefer energy saving lamps for artificial lighting. Another essential result of survey is, in a general manner, sensitivity on energy consumption and satisfacti on of comfort are increasing byeducation level increases.
of each stakeholder for better decision making and forecasting, aiming to improve architectural design quality.
Bunlardan ilki konut kullanıcılarının enerji tüketimini de etkileyecek düzeydeki davranışlarının neler olduğunu ortaya çıkarmak, ikincisi ise genel çerçevede konut kullanıcılarının enerji tüketimi ve konfor
düzeyine ilişkin algılarını sorgulamaktır. Görüşmeler sonucunda, kullanıcıların enerji tüketimini etkileyecek düzeydeki en belirgin davranışının havalandırma amaçlı pencere açıp/kapatma olduğu ortaya
çıkmıştır. Yapay aydınlatma seçiminde, önemli bir bilinçlenmenin olduğu ve büyük bir oranda (%92,9) enerji tasarruflu ampul kullanıldığı belirlenmiş olup, enerji tüketimine karşı hassasiyet ve konformemnuniyetinin eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe arttığı ortaya çıkmıştır