Thursday, August 7th, 2008
7:47 pm - a few of my guy

I did join, but never introduced myself. I'm Danielle, and my dog is Ein, he is a pembroke welsh corgi mix (?pomeranian) We hike Lancaster County,PA and I am really hoping to go to some good trails a little more of a distance away. I feel like I've explored most of the good ones around here.
Here are a few pictures. I'll have to post whenever I take pictures, I love to take my camera on hikes. I've been working too much OT lately to do much hiking :/

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9:39 am - Back from the dead...

Hey, everyone. We've had a few new members join up -- even with very little activity in so long -- and it got me motivated to spark things up again in the canine hiking community. Welcome newcomers and hello again to longtime members!
It's been forever and a day since I last posted so I'll give you a quick update. My husband and I still have our lovely boy, Duke, and in June last year we adopted a lovely greyhound girl named Zoe. She's shy at first but a real beauty (and a total ham when she wants to be).
Many people think that since greyhounds are racers they must have tons of energy to burn and need constant exercise. This couldn't be further from the truth. Though they generate intense bursts of speed, greyhounds have next to no stamina. They're like cheetahs. And you might be surprised to know that many greyhounds don't even like to run, if given the option. They're content to just lie about in the sun or mosey around, sniffing roses. In fact, greys are jokingly known as "45 mph couch potatoes" -- and trust me, it's true.
So, when we go on hikes with both dogs, there's an interesting dynamic that occurs. The hyperactive workhorse (our Dobie) could go on and on, up hills, over rocks (but not through streams because he hates water)... while Zoe gets petered out much quicker and lags behind (but she'll happily plop right down in a freezing cold stream).
I was wondering if anyone else has a similar situation. If you own more than one dog (especially more than one dog breed), how does it affect your pace or planning for your hikes?
current mood: hopeful
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| Monday, February 18th, 2008
8:55 pm - Dog profile help.

Hello Everyone! It's been forever since I wrote on here. I have been back to writing and I started writing little breed profiles! Dogs are my passion and it's been fun getting back to this! I have no plans on publishing but thought instead it would be fun for family and friends. So what I was hoping for is... I am going to post up to 5 breeds of dogs that I am writing about, what I would like is pictures of that breed and maybe a little insight of the breed with your experiences, facts, fun things about them. I want to print pictures of your dogs for my profiles (not an online thing) it will be printed on paper, laminated and put into a binder for people to view. If you post a picture please give me permission to use them and your name, (last name is not needed) pets name, and a state, country would be nice. Nothing to personal! Remember this is just something fun for me to put together and show family and friends. Maybe it will help educate people too ( I would like a couple pictures of mix breeds too as I will add a sheet of pictures of mixes.) But mainly pics of purebreds. Thanks!I forgot to mention the breeds! haha oops! Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Anatolian, Black Russian Terrier, Bernese Mountain dog. I figured I would start with the working group.
current mood: chipper
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| Friday, September 8th, 2006
7:59 pm

Hi everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself and my pups. My husband and I have three dogs, a spaniel/basset named Mary, a lab/dane mix named Jackson, and a purebred dane named Julie. We love hiking witth our dogs. We live in West Alabama and some of our favorite places to hike are the Sipsey Wilderness area, the Walls of Jericho, and Oak Mountain State Park. We also do a good bit of out of state hiking when we can. We pretty much always choose vacation destinations where dogs are allowed.
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| Monday, September 4th, 2006
5:12 pm - Newbie

Hey all, Me and my dog Whisper are new to this group. I've had Whisper since February and she's turning into quite the little hiking buddy. I want to either make or buy her a set of saddle bags so she can start packing our water and lunch when we go on longer hikes. Me, Whisper, my husband and our 4 cats live in Washington, right next to the border of North Idaho. Whisper is 3.5 and some sort of Border Collie or Aussie Shephard mix as best as I can guess. She is naturally very well behaved, but we are still working on the basics of come, stay and sit. My sister and I hiked down to a local lake for the first time today, to see if Whisper would like to swim. Well she loved it!
( pics of course!Collapse )
current mood: happy
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| Thursday, July 27th, 2006
12:50 pm - k9 amber alert
| Sunday, July 2nd, 2006
9:38 pm

So I was going through some pictures today. It's been awhile since I have really posted much. This is Bender's first time at the beach! He really loved it and enjoyed it. So have a look! ( Beach dayCollapse )
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| Saturday, March 4th, 2006
8:27 pm

Last week, Patrick and I both bought new cross-country ski boots! This is great because now we can be physically active and enjoy what's left of Winter, and Jade can also get lots of fun exercise!
On Thursday, Patrick and Jade and I went to Battle Island and skiied for about an hour and a half, and then today we went about a mile away from my house to the power lines behind the woods where my dad's old house is.
It was SO beautiful. We skiied for 3 hours. The sun was shining bright and there was a nice breeze.. Bright blue shadows everywhere and the snow sparkled.
It was only like 30 degrees but we got so hot! So did Jade! He was awesome. He makes me so proud. He was off-leash the whole time, except when we first got out of the car and when we got back to the road when we were done. Luckily, the road we parked on is a super quiet old country road, so there is hardly any traffic. Anyway, he is just such a good boy.
We saw one snowmobiler the whole time that we were there, and we were still putting our skis on when he showed up, so we weren't even on the trail yet. The whole time we were out on the trail, we had it all to ourselves. The gravel beds were silent, too. It was so beautiful.
We're going skiing there tomorrow, too. It makes me sad that we just bought our boots and winter is practically over.. Then again, we haven't had enough snow to cross-country ski until like the past 2 or 3 weeks, anyway. We got almost no snow this winter! Damn! Oh well. We're going to bike out there once the snow is gone, so it will still be fun and enjoyable for us and Jader-baby. :)
Here are some lovely pictures! Oh, my monitor is messed up and super dark, so I tried to enhance the photos a little bit... I hope they look alright. :/
( Pictures!Collapse )
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| Friday, September 30th, 2005
6:28 pm - pics, yay!

As promised here's a pic from our hiking trip to White Clay Creek State Park.

We did four miles and it was awesome! Not sure if he's ready for an overnight, but definitely next season. (We start obedience training in late October.)
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| Sunday, September 18th, 2005
9:10 am - Woohoo!

Going for a day hike today at White clay Creek State Park. I've even got a new Kelty hydration daypack that I'm excited to break in (EMS had a nice sale recently).
Duke just got his rabies vaccination this week, so we put one of those metal tags from the vet on his collar to prove he's had his shot. I'm not sure if I put this on the community info page, but having proof of vaccination and your vetinarian's information are important to have when hiking with your dog. Heaven forbid you two get separated on a hike (use a leash, please!), having those documents could save your pet's life.
We'll be sure to take some photos for posting!
Hope everyone is having a great season. This is my favorite time of year to be outdoors. ^_^
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| Wednesday, July 6th, 2005
11:34 pm - picture posting......

So I had some time to figure out how to post pictures on live journal. We're going camping tomorrow over in the Saranac Lake (NY) region (upstate NY) with our dog. Thought I'd take some pictures of the trip and put them up. However, I'm not sure how. I looked through the FAQ's and didn't see anything that was about putting pictures in (that wasn't your uploaded one (journal icon). I know there is a way to do it, does anyone know?
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| Monday, July 4th, 2005
10:57 pm - teaching our 75 pound lab to ride in a kayak....a definate challenge

So this isn't exactly about hiking...It's more about water, dogs, and kayaks. We just recently perchased another kayak that's big enough to hold my mom and our lab Sam. Sam is about a year and 1/2 and full of energy...Oh did I mention that he isn't affraid of anything, especially water. We have a river behind our house so the first attempt in the new kayak was close to home. Sam was fine and rather energetic getting into the boat but he wasn't used to getting into a slighty rocky boat. He had a tendency to jump out and jump back in all rather suddenly. He has gotten better now that he's done it a few times. However the minute another family member comes into sight he wants to go and "rescue" them. He has the same problem with swimming. Any one have any ideas on how to get him to stay in the boat and not attempt to rescue people in the water?
HAPPY 4th everyone!!
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10:10 am - camping with dog

Ranger did really well. we mostly walked around the campsite, but since it borders mohican state forest, it was woodsy. He doesn't like well water. He will be quiet left alone in his crate in the tent, but NOT on the chain at the campsite. he doesn't bark, he lays down and whines. awwww my puppy loves me....he got lots of walks to the bathroom because of it. he did really really well when the in-laws and their kids showed... he sat to let the little ones pet him, and only tried to jump once, when all the girls chased each other past him. NO HERDING SHEEP. and when we got home, he went to my son's room and curled up under his bed and went to sleep:)
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| Sunday, July 3rd, 2005
6:49 pm - short intro

I have a puppy name Lady, who is just the most adorable mutt! She loves romping around outside, but, in the Arizona heat, we don't have many chances to go hiking. However, I do have pictures of her outside, playing with the hose, etc. Next post I'll put up some pictures of her. :)
current mood: calm
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| Thursday, June 30th, 2005
9:17 pm

Hi everyone- I'm somewhat new to the whole live journal community thing. Once I figure out how to post pictures I'll put one up of our beloved yellow lab Sam. He's a great dog and loves to do just about anything with people. He especially enjoys things outdoors like hiking. We're currently trying to get him to go kayaking with us. We'll see how that goes. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post things but I'll do it when I can.
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9:00 pm

quick intro.
I have a 10 month old Groenendael Belgian Sheepdog. She absolutely adores the woods. it's her favourite thing to do. she chases pinecones and watches birds. tomorrow i'm taking her and my parents' labradoodle Cooper hiking around the lake here.
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7:03 pm - intro!!!!

Hi, i'm trish, and that is my wonderful mutt, Nefer-A3 Ranger Danger Khasekhemwe, Ranger for short. he LOOOOOOOVES woodsy walks, not that we go on too many, but hey, tomorrow we're going camping with him for the first time. woot. he'sthe bestest puppy ever!!!!yeah enough gushing, carry on.
current mood: weird
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10:46 am - Yay, first member!
| Wednesday, June 29th, 2005
5:41 pm - New Community!

First post. Just letting people know that the community is active, so if you don't see much posted here, please don't leave! Introduce yourself and maybe post a pic of you and your dog. It will be a little while before I start "promoting" the community to others. Hopefully, then we will get some members.
If you live in the Brandywine/Delaware Valley area, you should definitely join! I plan to organize informal hiking trips and events for community members who are local.
By the way, that handsome boy in the community icon is my Doberman, Duke. He's very sweet and LOVES to go on walks (lets call them "mini-hikes") at our nearby park.
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