A world in which individuals, families, and communities engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors to prevent cancer, improve treatment outcomes, extend life, and optimize health and well-being.
To support and catalyze research on the discovery, development, testing, and implementation of effective strategies to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors for cancer prevention and control. HBRB is within the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Behavioral Research Program (BRP), in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS).
The branch aims to support research at multiple levels of analysis to improve cancer-related health behaviors and risk factors. Recognizing that a multilevel perspective is essential to fully understanding and improving cancer risk behaviors, the branch supports research that focuses on multiple behavioral influences – individually and in combination – at the biological, psychological, behavioral, social, environmental, sociocultural, and policy levels.
Featured Funding Opportunity
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Developing and Testing Multi-level Physical Activity Interventions to Improve Health and Well-Being
Scientific Priorities
The branch studies the following behavioral risk factors:
Behavior genetics, diet, physical activity and sedentary behavior, energy balance, obesity, sun safety and tanning, alcohol use, sleep and circadian dysfunction, adherence to cancer-related medical and behavioral regimens, and other emerging cancer risk behaviors.
HBRB synthesizes and disseminates findings, recommendations, and priorities of successful strategies in prevention and behavioral change interventions. The branch aims to:
- Plan, develop, and coordinate research on lifestyle behaviors and cancer prevention.
- Provide leadership in developing methodologies for improved empirical study of cancer-relevant behaviors and the psychosocial and built environment.
- Plan, develop and coordinate research focused on effective strategies to reach population sub-groups at greater risk for certain cancers.
- Develop, support, and evaluate the most effective clinical and community-based strategies.
- Solicit input and communicates regularly with the extramural community to refine methodology and evaluate effectiveness.
- Plan, administer, and evaluate demonstration project research, including diffusion and dissemination of successful strategies in prevention behavioral change interventions.
- Sponsor workshops, symposia and other collaborations that disseminate research findings.
- Plan and participate in training programs to advance behavioral health research.
- Synthesize and disseminate findings, recommendations, and priorities to target organizations and individuals.
Research Areas
Initiatives and Measures
HBRB Grant Portfolio and Funding Opportunities
Featured Grantees
Meet Our Staff
Our team of accomplished scientists and research associates, fellows, and administrators is dedicated to advancing behavioral science research in cancer prevention and control.
HBRB Staff