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Camp Staff

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(no subject) [Mar. 4th, 2011|03:54 pm]
Camp Staff

I've started collecting and trading scout camp patches!
Please check out my page dedicated to this hobby, it would really make my day. I have a list of patches I currently own, as well as patches I am trading if anyone is interested. While I focus mostly on camp patches, I'd trade for council and event patches too. Take a look!
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To A Camper, by Mary S. Edgar [Oct. 30th, 2009|12:19 am]
Camp Staff

You may think, my dear, when you grow quite old
You have left camp days behind,
But I know the scent of wood smoke
Will always call to mind
Little fires at twilight
And trails you used to find.

You may think someday you have quite grown up,
And feel so worldly wise
But suddenly from out of the past
A vision will arise
Of merry folk with brown bare knees
And laughter in their eyes.

You may live in a house built to your taste
In the nicest part of town
But someday for your old camp togs
You'd change your latest gown
And trade it for a balsam bed
Where stars all night look down.

You may find yourself grow wealthy
Have all that gold can buy.
But you'd toss aside a fortune
For days 'neath an open sky
With sunlight and blue water
And white clouds sailing by.

For once you have been a camper
Then something has come to stay
Deep in your heart forever
Which nothing can take away,
And heaven can only be heaven
With a camp in which to play.
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Anyone work at Camp Scherman (CA), Skylark Ranch (CA) or Sugar Pine??? [May. 30th, 2008|07:12 pm]
Camp Staff

 I was wondering if any of these camps had camp counselor positions still available?
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Girl Scout Camp Jobs... [May. 13th, 2008|05:42 am]
Camp Staff


Hey kids!!!

If you're finding yourself still looking for a camp job, Camp Amahami in Upstate New York might just be for you!!!

We are a Girl Scout camp, located about 45 minutes east of Binghamton. The majority of our summer is one week sessions, and we also have a 2 week session. We have "open programming" which is very rare in Girl Scout camping---it's more of the traditional resident camping model.

Currently we are looking for an aquatics director, lifeguards, an arts & crafts director, unit leaders, and unit assistants. Salaries are varied.

The summer runs from June 29 (staff week)-August 16th. Outside of a Mom&Me weekend that you must work, and the 24 hours off you will receive for the 2 week session, you have every weekend off.

If you're interested...please contact me at [email protected] or via comment here. Thanks!

--Sally (Bloomer)
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*pokes you* anyone post here anymore? [May. 12th, 2008|09:02 pm]
Camp Staff

-Name: Heather

-Age: 23

-Location: Kentucky

-Day/Travel/Residential Camp: Weeklong.  West Kentucky 4-H Camp

-How long you've been there as staff and/or a camper: Camper from age 10-14, Teen leader from 15-17, Adult leader since age 18.  This is my 13th year of camp!
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camp on mypace [Nov. 16th, 2006|12:22 am]
Camp Staff

Hi, I don't know if anyone has myspace, but I am a moderator for a camp group and I just wanted to let everyone know about it and invite you to come join. If nothing else, just come check it out.:)

It's called I Heart Camp!
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(no subject) [Aug. 20th, 2006|03:38 pm]
Camp Staff

I just stumbled across this community this afternoon, and since several of my summers have been spent either as a camper or a staffer, I figured I'd join. So here's my intro:

-Name: Alex F.
-Age: 17
-Day/Travel/Residential Camp: Ingersoll Scout Reservation, London Mills, IL
-How long you've been there as staff and/or a camper 2 years as a camper, 3 years as a staff member.

My past three summers, counting this one, have been spent at ISR, and all of them were fantastic. I'm planning on going back one last time next year before I start college. I'd like to know how of you here have worked at a BSA camp or other scouting-related camp. So that's me. What's up?
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Camp post... [Jul. 24th, 2006|05:27 pm]
Camp Staff

I just posted a huge camp rant to my personal journal, if anyone wants to read it, you can click here to read it. Warning: It is very long, deals with the stresses of CIT squabbles, heat, and wandering campers who should know better!
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(no subject) [Jul. 17th, 2006|05:11 pm]
Camp Staff

-I am severely disappointed with my staff...someone played a prank on the Beaver staff cabin and duct taped all the pillows to the ceiling. That was funny. Then they left a note blaming the CIT's, and stole a hat and left it at the CIT tents. However, later that night, someone went to the CIT tents and ransacked them. Went through their trunks, pulled underwear out and put it all over the cabin, knocked things over, stepped on sleeping bags, etc. Nothing (they think) was taken. We got two of the CIT 3's to confess to the first prank, but they had nothing to do with the second prank, and I believe them. The rules for pranking at camp are: 1. Only to the staff, not the campers 2. You can take something that's sitting out, if you leave a note (cute, not scary) 3. You can't open anyone's bag and look through it or rummage through things. 4. It has to be easily cleaned up. No syrup, tp unwound and left in the cabin, ropes ala parent trap, etc. Notes are okay, rubber gloves blown up are okay, messy and gooey is not okay. CIT's were so scared after this incident that we ended up picking them up in the van and driving them into main camp because they thought it was some random person from the lake that came in and messed up all their stuff (extremely doubtful).

We gave them a super-huge lecture and took away pranking privledges and staff games for the entire summer...

I hate being mean ad staff.
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(no subject) [Jul. 9th, 2006|06:44 am]
Camp Staff

Do any of you guys know of any all-year camps?
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