Em (amaylia) wrote in cameraquestions,

DSLR Camera Bags

Hi all! I'm looking to buy a new camera bag for an upcoming vacation, and I haven't had too much luck finding what I want from searching the internet. I'd like to be able to carry only one bag on day trips, so I'm looking for one with space for my camera (a Canon Rebel, which is not too big), another lens, and some extra space. Ideally, I think I'd like to have the camera and lens take up about half of the bag.

Does anyone know which brands make a bag like this? I've looked through the Lowepro bags already and didn't find anything suitable there.

Also: for those who have experience travelling with DSLRs, do you think it's a better idea to buy a small bag for just my camera and carry it inside a larger one, or look for a camera bag large enough to fit everything I need?


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