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camelot baby designs

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in-stock and supply purge. [27 Oct 2006|02:57pm]

EXCLUSIVE SALE, LIVEJOURNAL ONLY. i'm moving from hyenacart and running a cart from another host -- this will be a while from now and in the mean time, i really need to clear some inventory to make money for more desperately needed supplies and to get my site up. this means HUGE DISCOUNTS. i'm selling every item from my in-stock store discounted [some of it at or below cost] plus various diaper and craft supplies.

i accept credit cards through google checkout, money orders and personal checks. personal checks will be held for 10 days to clear. money orders generally clear immediately. all orders will ship within 24 hours of cleared payment. shipping costs to the US and canada are included with each item listed. if paying by google checkout, click the buy now button and you'll be directed to the secure server to complete checkout. before purchase, please comment on this entry and let me know so i can mark the item(s) you purchase as being sold. if mailing payment, please comment with email address and items interested in purchasing so i can mark them as sold and email you my mailing address.

if you have any questions or need more information on anything, comment here.

LOTS OF STUFF.Collapse )

x-posted to cerise_blue.
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[06 Apr 2006|01:24pm]

hey everyone! a few things -- i've decided NOT to sell fitted diapers. those of you in the tester program are simply getting cheap, cute diapers now. feel free to still give feedback as i'm always looking for ways to improve my sewing skills in general. i just don't have the energy to devote to expanding my business right now and i've received such nice feedback on my prefolds and tees that i've decided to stick with those.

i'm stocking hyenacart this evening with wipes, a few prefolds, some flats and an infant tee and prefold set. i'm also adding a TON of new fabric to the gallery tonight. lots of really cute boyish prints and a few gender neutral ones. i've already got more girly fabric than i can handle. i'll be fabric shopping again next week so if there's something specific you want, let me know and i'll see if i can find it.
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[04 Apr 2006|03:43pm]

a small update -- all fitted test diapers will be going in the mail on wednesday. i did a last minute revision to the pattern, thus the slight delay. also, all instock orders placed through yesterday have shipped! customs are still open! i've got one custom pending so turnaround time is less than a week for most custom orders. i've also got several new fabrics to photograph and put in the gallery, lots of amy butler and michael miller prints [found a great local source!] and cute spring fabrics. want a custom easter tee + diaper set? email me before april 9th to have it made, shipped and received by easter!

i'm also looking for ideas of what YOU would like to see me stock on hyenacart. i'm running out of inspiration. custom orders keep me on my toes but when i have a lull and it's time to make instock stuff, i go blank. more boyish prints? tee + diaper sets? comment with ideas for me. ♥
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[26 Mar 2006|10:53pm]

hey everyone! just a quick update. i've created my fitted diaper pattern and i'm looking for testers! i've stocked tester spots in my instock store, as well as three YPA spots for my current products. i've also added three YPA custom mei tai slots. my husband has been sewing them and selling on ebay but has decided to test the hyenacart waters as well. check it out! all previously listed prefolds in my instock store are on clearance! these are great deals! i just need to clear out some space for new fabric. help me get rid of these! as always, feel free to contact me if you have ANY questions.

ETA: forgot to mention, this is still aubrey -- just my new username. :D
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[07 Mar 2006|02:37pm]

today is the grand opening of camelot baby designs on hyenacart. i've stocked several embellished infant prefolds and a few embellished premium prefolds as well as six custom spots. a few second quality items will be popping in soon as i find the time to list them. most are stitching flaws that don't affect the performance of the diaper at all. check it out! if anyone has any requests for what they'd like to see instock, i'd be happy to busy myself with it. i plan on doing a mass dye soon and listing sets of six and twelve hand dyed solid prefolds [infant and premium, possibly preemie or toddler if anyone requests them] and also some tie dyed playsilks. also, i'll be working on hand-stamped and dyed lap tee & diaper sets as well.
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