Papers by Ricardo Sabates
The project Accountability from the Grassroots aims to investigate if Pratham's communitybased in... more The project Accountability from the Grassroots aims to investigate if Pratham's communitybased interventions could be more effective at raising learning outcomes when they work in both schools and communities 2. As part of the study, the team assessed foundational literacy and numeracy levels using the ASER assessment test to establish the baseline learning levels of children. 3. The data from this assessment reinforce the findings that large proportions of children in rural Sitapur, as in much of the country, begin to fall behind curriculum expectations in their very first years of schooling. 4. Particularly, girls from Scheduled Tribe families, living in less affluent homes, with mothers who have never been to school face larger learning disadvantages compared with other children.
![Research paper thumbnail of Seite [43] aus "Mehr Gesundheit und sozialer Zusammenhalt durch Bildung". Politikempfehlungen und zukünftige Prioritäten der OECD](
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, 2013
Bei den nachstehenden Ausführungen handelt es sich um die übersetzung der Schlussfolgerungen des ... more Bei den nachstehenden Ausführungen handelt es sich um die übersetzung der Schlussfolgerungen des Berichts »Improving Health and Social Cohesion through Education« in gekürzter Fassung. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des OECD-Projekts »Social Outcomes of Learning« (SOL) generiert. Im Zentrum steht die These, dass Personen mit höherem Bildungsstand häufig länger leben, seltener straffällig werden und sich stärker in der Gesellschaft engagieren als Personen mit niedrigerem Bildungsstand. Der OECD-Bericht fragt nach den entsprechend empirischen Erkenntnissen und rekapituliert die Befunde auf der Grundlage der rasant wachsenden Literatur zum Thema »Benefits«. Auf dieser Basis werden Politikempfehlungen formuliert und weitere Forschungsbedarfe aufgezeigt. Der OECD-Bericht »Improving Health and Social Cohesion through Education« formuliert auf der Basis empirischer Auswertung insgesamt fünf Politikempfehlungen.
Oxford Review of Education, May 30, 2022

Journal of Education Finance, Aug 3, 2020
This paper explores social benefits, or externalities, of education in Ethiopia. Enrolment has ex... more This paper explores social benefits, or externalities, of education in Ethiopia. Enrolment has expanded rapidly across all phases of formal education, yet there is limited evidence of its potential externalities in this context. This paper draws on the Young Lives study which provides longitudinal data on the lives of children over the past two decades. Using data from Young Lives' older cohort of survey respondents, our results show that young people who participated in education beyond secondary level were more likely to engage in community action and to voluntarily give to community organizations or political groups than young people with lower levels of education. These results show the potential externalities of education. Importantly, the paper situates empirical analyses and results in the socio-cultural realities within and beyond the education sector in Ethiopia. The paper thus provides a deeper and contextually relevant understanding for the existence of social benefits and the potential enhancement of these through formal education.

This paper focuses on research from the RISE Ethiopia team and addresses two major objectives: an... more This paper focuses on research from the RISE Ethiopia team and addresses two major objectives: analysing the progress made towards achieving key goals under the four focus areas of GEQIP-E (internal efficiency, quality, equity, and system strengthening for policy formulation and reform) and whether the indicators of GEQIP-E implementation have been associated with estimated improvements in numeracy over one academic year. The analysis is based on longitudinal data collected as part of the RISE Ethiopia programme during the academic years 2018/19 and 2021/22, as they coincide with the implementation of GEQIP-E (GEQIP-E was disrupted by the dual shocks of COVID-19 and the violent civil conflicts that erupted in November 2020). Findings are presented under the four areas of intervention (school internal efficiency, quality, equity and system strengthening) and the final section links these areas of intervention with learning outcomes.

Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo eBooks, 2013
Este documento de antecedentes se centra en las complementariedades que la educación puede aporta... more Este documento de antecedentes se centra en las complementariedades que la educación puede aportar a las intervenciones múltiples y, en ocasiones, interrelacionadas, del gobierno y otras organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, en el contexto del desarrollo. La comunidad internacional y los gobiernos nacionales de todo el mundo se comprometen a luchar contra la pobreza, reducir las desigualdades sociales y económicas y mejorar la calidad de vida general de las personas, en particular las que viven en extrema pobreza y las que más lo necesitan (como lo indican los ODM). EPT y otras iniciativas globales firmadas y acordadas por muchos países). Por lo tanto, se han invertido recursos para mejorar la salud y la educación, proporcionar protección social y otras intervenciones contra la pobreza para mejorar el bienestar de las personas y las familias. Es en este contexto que este documento plantea la pregunta: ¿puede la educación obstaculizar, sostener o mejorar los beneficios esperados de otras intervenciones
We would also like to thank Geneva Global staff in Ethiopia who were always ready to assist us at... more We would also like to thank Geneva Global staff in Ethiopia who were always ready to assist us at all stages of qualitative and quantitative field work. Special thanks to Legatum Foundation and Luminos who provided funding for this longitudinal study. The team from Geneva Global Inc. inspired this study and without their support this report would not be possible-thank you for the tremendous work you do on the front line to build a better future for school aged out-of-school children in Ethiopia. We are also grateful to our research collaborators from Hawassa University, Ethiopia who worked so well with us on the qualitative research studies. We appreciate the inputs you made to the analysis of qualitative data and the insights you helped us develop. Finally, a special thank you to Joshua Muskin at Geneva Global for his feedback and input to this report.

Global education review, Apr 1, 2020
In recent years, much attention has been given to extremely poor levels of learning outcomes in l... more In recent years, much attention has been given to extremely poor levels of learning outcomes in low-and lower-middle income countries. Citizen-led assessments have played a vital role in highlighting this "learning crisis." Having developed these citizen-led assessments, members of the People's Action for Learning (PAL) Network are now increasingly devising and implementing actions aimed at tackling the learning crisis in different country contexts. This article documents the process we undertook of developing theories of change with PAL Network members across 10 countries to inform their shift from assessment of children's learning to action aimed at raising learning outcomes. The article highlights, in particular, the importance for theories of change to take account of context in identifying appropriate actions. Based on their country circumstances, the actions identified by PAL Network members vary, for example, from using assessment data to influence national government reform, to more localized activities associated with "teaching at the right level." For appropriate actions to tackle the learning crisis to be identified and successfully implemented, an important lesson from the PAL Network experience is the need to enable South-to-South learning and adaptation. As such, the article highlights a pressing need for flexible and iterative theories of change that reflect contextual realities.

Comparative Education Review, Nov 30, 2022
In many low- and lower-middle-income countries, key barriers to girls’ secondary school access an... more In many low- and lower-middle-income countries, key barriers to girls’ secondary school access and learning include poverty, school inaccessibility, poor school quality and lack of gender-sensitive practices in the classroom. The non-governmental organisation, Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED), provides a range of financial, pedagogical, and community-supported interventions aimed at removing these barriers in government secondary schools in Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Using longitudinal data, we adopt quasi-experimental methods to examine the impact of the CAMFED programme on reducing secondary school dropout and improving test scores in English and mathematics. Results suggest that the CAMFED programme has a significant effect on both improving access and learning for the most disadvantaged adolescent girls. However, low-performing learners remain particularly at risk of dropout, necessitating further consideration and support for these girl
Papers by Ricardo Sabates