Academic papers by Katrin Wittig
ACCORD, 2020
Discussion of benefits and pitfalls of social media for early peacemaking
Africa Yearbook, 2020
Discussion of key events in Burundi in 2019.
This project has received funding from the Europea... more Discussion of key events in Burundi in 2019.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.

Across diverse liberal war-to-peace transitions, the integration of former armed movements into t... more Across diverse liberal war-to-peace transitions, the integration of former armed movements into the post-accord political system has been identified as a significant factor in determining the success of peace processes. There is now a growing literature focusing on rebel-to-party transformations in the aftermath of armed conflict. Despite on-going debates over the long-term implications of rebel-to-party conversions for existing party systems, actual studies focusing on diverse patterns of rebel-party configurations in post-accord transitions remain rare. This article takes a first step to fill this gap by comparing pathways in rebel-party relations in Côte d’Ivoire and Burundi. While the FN in Côte d’Ivoire joined the RDR, an established political party, with FN members running as candidates for the RDR in post-accord elections, the CNDD-FDD in Burundi formed its own party becoming the country’s current ruling party. We develop a theoretical framework analyzing these divergent pathways by exploring how ties between armed movements and pre-conflict political parties shape trajectories of rebel groups during and beyond civil war.
Bulletin FrancoPaix , 2020
Analysis and summary of Burundi's 2020 elections
This project has received funding from the Euro... more Analysis and summary of Burundi's 2020 elections
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.

Canadian Journal of African Studies, 2017
Au cours des dernières années, la littérature sur la résolution des
conflits s’est penchée plus a... more Au cours des dernières années, la littérature sur la résolution des
conflits s’est penchée plus ardemment sur les conflits fonciers.
Combinée au rapatriement de milliers de réfugiés et de déplacés après
la fin des guerres civiles, l’appropriation illicite des terres constitue un
défi majeur pour les processus de paix et de réconciliation dans de
nombreux pays africains. Prenant spécifiquement le cas du Burundi,
cet article analyse les enjeux complexes liés aux conflits fonciers. Le
Burundi est actuellement confronté à des milliers de litiges fonciers
suite au retour des réfugiés et déplacés des différentes crises politicoethniques
qui ont secoué ce pays de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs depuis
son indépendance. L’instrumentalisation de la question foncière par
les entrepreneurs politiques démontre que la problématique foncière,
si elle n’est pas résolue de manière urgente et équitable, risque de
contribuer à entraver la réconciliation et la paix fragile que le Burundi
a connues ces dernières années.
Electoral Studies, 2016
Summary of 2015 electoral process in Burundi

Civil Wars, 2016
This article provides a critical review of ‘rebel-to-party transformation’ scholarship. It shows ... more This article provides a critical review of ‘rebel-to-party transformation’ scholarship. It shows how three flawed assumptions have underpinned much of the literature: (1) an ideal-typical differentiation between rebel group and political party as distinct by their use or rejection of violence; (2) the analysis of armed conflict as breakdown of ‘normal’ politics, and the study of ‘rebel-to-party conversions’ as a gradual, natural shift from violence back to politics; (3) a failure to integrate the study of rebel legacies into an examination of broader authoritarian legacies. These assumptions have clouded our understanding of politico-military organizations in conflict-torn societies, which combine social protest, armed rebellion, political violence, and party politics throughout their history. Drawing on the ‘no peace, no war’ and ‘armed politics’ paradigms, this article revisits these assumptions through the case of Burundi.
Papers by Katrin Wittig
The Journal of Modern African Studies
This article discusses the political speeches of Pierre Nkurunziza during his 15 years Presidency... more This article discusses the political speeches of Pierre Nkurunziza during his 15 years Presidency.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.
Electoral Studies, 2016
Summary of 2015 electoral process in Burundi
Zif Policy Briefing, 2019
The field of peace mediation has evolved significantly as violent conflicts have become more prot... more The field of peace mediation has evolved significantly as violent conflicts have become more protracted and difficult to end. In this context, the last fifteen years have witnessed a proliferation of mediation actors and mediation sup- port structures that work, collaborate and compete in today’s evermore com- plex conflicts. This upsurge has gone hand in hand with the recognition of mediation as a specialized activity and the need for expertise in topics rang- ing from ceasefire-monitoring to constitution-making and inclusivity. This briefing provides an overview of existing mediation support infrastructures with a focus on regional organizations. It discusses their main challenges and provides an outlook on their value in addressing the specific regional chal- lenges for peace mediation.
Academic papers by Katrin Wittig
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.
conflits s’est penchée plus ardemment sur les conflits fonciers.
Combinée au rapatriement de milliers de réfugiés et de déplacés après
la fin des guerres civiles, l’appropriation illicite des terres constitue un
défi majeur pour les processus de paix et de réconciliation dans de
nombreux pays africains. Prenant spécifiquement le cas du Burundi,
cet article analyse les enjeux complexes liés aux conflits fonciers. Le
Burundi est actuellement confronté à des milliers de litiges fonciers
suite au retour des réfugiés et déplacés des différentes crises politicoethniques
qui ont secoué ce pays de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs depuis
son indépendance. L’instrumentalisation de la question foncière par
les entrepreneurs politiques démontre que la problématique foncière,
si elle n’est pas résolue de manière urgente et équitable, risque de
contribuer à entraver la réconciliation et la paix fragile que le Burundi
a connues ces dernières années.
Papers by Katrin Wittig
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.
conflits s’est penchée plus ardemment sur les conflits fonciers.
Combinée au rapatriement de milliers de réfugiés et de déplacés après
la fin des guerres civiles, l’appropriation illicite des terres constitue un
défi majeur pour les processus de paix et de réconciliation dans de
nombreux pays africains. Prenant spécifiquement le cas du Burundi,
cet article analyse les enjeux complexes liés aux conflits fonciers. Le
Burundi est actuellement confronté à des milliers de litiges fonciers
suite au retour des réfugiés et déplacés des différentes crises politicoethniques
qui ont secoué ce pays de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs depuis
son indépendance. L’instrumentalisation de la question foncière par
les entrepreneurs politiques démontre que la problématique foncière,
si elle n’est pas résolue de manière urgente et équitable, risque de
contribuer à entraver la réconciliation et la paix fragile que le Burundi
a connues ces dernières années.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844279.