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The concept of an ‘early medieval’ period (c. 600-1300 C.E.) in the study of South Asia’s past is well-established, yet remains ill-defined and poorly understood. As a result, debates regarding grand explanative frameworks, not to mention... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyUrbanismSouth Asian ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
Débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire 06 | 2015 : L'Afrique orientale et l'océan Indien : réseaux d'échanges et globalisation L'Inde en Afrique : commerce de marchandises et connexions à la fin du premier millénaire
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      South AsiaIndian Ocean HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyEast Africa
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      Landscape ArchaeologyPilgrimageMedieval ArchaeologyNepal
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      BuddhismArchaeologyBuddhist StudiesSouth Asia
This report presents the results of a short programme of fieldwork targeted towards the investigation of the archaeological and geographical setting of the Chamak copperplate charter. This inscription, unearthed in the modern village of... more
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      ArchaeologySouth AsiaArchaeological surveyVAKATAKA
In this paper we present a multi-proxy study of tropical limestone forest and its utilization by human groups during the significant climatic and environmental upheavals of MIS-2 (29e11.7 kBP). Our data are drawn from new field research... more
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      ConservationResilienceLimestone forestTropical foragers
The fourth to the seventh centuries C.E., commonly referred to as the " Gupta Era " , are widely regarded as a formative period in South Asian history. Textual historical approaches to the study of this period have focussed on the... more
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      South Asian StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologySouth Asian ArchaeologyInscriptions
In this paper we present a multi-proxy study of tropical limestone forest and its utilization by human groups during the significant climatic and environmental upheavals of MIS-2 (29e11.7 kBP). Our data are drawn from new field research... more
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This article presents the results of the analysis of the pottery from the recently excavated site at Mahurjhari in central India. In doing so, it also proposes a new way of looking at archaeological ceramics in South Asia. Here,... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesSouth Asia
This article presents the AMS radiocarbon dating results of ten samples from the excavation of the site at Mahurjhari, District Nagpur, Maharashtra. The site is known for its proto-historic and early historic remains, and archaeological... more
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      South AsiaArchaeological ExcavationRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)VAKATAKA
Recent fieldwork in Vidarbha, Maharashtra, has resulted in the discovery of a number of archaeological sites dating from the mid first millennium BCE to the mid second millennium CE.1 One of these was the remains of a settlement near... more
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      ArchaeologyStratigraphySouth AsiaEarly Iron Age
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      ArchaeologyStratigraphySouth AsiaEarly Medieval Archaeology
The data presented here are the results of recent archaeological fieldwork carried out to investigate the societal and cultural developments that took place in South Asia during the mid-first millennium CE. These centuries are... more
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      ArchaeologySettlement PatternsArchaeological Method & TheorySoutheast Asia
In this article we advocate a return to the consideration and examination of the basic building blocks of archaeological enquiry: the evidence. Reacting to a widely held perception that archaeology now understands various commonalities of... more
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      ArchaeologyResearch MethodologyLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & Theory
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      ArchaeologySouth AsiaSouth Asian HistorySoutheast Asian Archaeology