University of Cambridge
Social and Political Science
El estudio actual de los liderazgos locales en América Latina y en particular del caso mexicano, requiere de una revisión de las nuevas realidades institucionales y los valores que delinean el actuar de estos líderes, en su relación con... more
In this working paper (chapters II and III of an eight chapter M.Phil dissertation), I establish the necessary theoretical foundation to address an underexplored question: How do natural disasters impact social capital, and why? In... more
- by Kevin Adler
This paper will explore the correspondences between Oswald Spengler's approaches to history and biography. In Der Untergang des Abendlandes, Spengler poses the rhetorical question, ‘do common biographical archetypes (‘Urformen’) underlie... more
, have a place in the intellectual heritage of the movement commonly known as the 'Conservative Revolution'. It describes how Thomas Mann, during the Great War and the ensuing German revolution, found himself in a dilemma characteristic... more
Books reviewed in this issue.Medieval and Early Modern Literature & CultureBielby, Clare, and Anna Richards, eds. Women and Death 3: Women's Representations of Death in German Culture since 1500.Kerth, Thomas. King Rother and His Bride:... more
Against the intellectual backdrop of mounting uncertainty concerning the secular nature of modernity, the present study reconstructs a philosophical debate in Germany, concerning the origins and legitimacy of the modern age as a secular... more
Oswald Spengler hat Selbstbiographie und die Biographien von Kulturen in Analogie zueinander betrachtet. Die Autobiographie dient ihm damit auch als eine Art Laboratorium des Denkens. Darin offenbaren sich Widersprüche wie der zwischen... more