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Engaged Dharma Israel (EDI) activists resist their state's occupation of West Bank Palestinians by offering them solidarity and support. Whereas most Israelis consider such Palestinians’ houses unsafe, EDI participants “feel at home” when... more
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      ValuesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyRitualHospitality
This article looks at the dance of the Concheros as a religious tradition linked to popular culture that has constant;y undergone invention.
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    • Dance
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Social ChangeAnthropologyPolitical ScienceLiterary studies
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesLatin AmericaSociology religion
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This chapter looks at some of the 'things' that the Concheros utilise when they carryout their all-night vigils and enact their ritualised dances. They are analyzed as charged entities enabling those involved to act reciprocally with the... more
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Sometime after coming to Mexico City in the early twentieth century, the Concheros gradually became involved in the growing cultural interest in the Aztec past. By the last decades, however, they found themselves in an antagonistic... more
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'rupture of modernity' (p. 110), is a baseline for Wulff's work, as are the ambiguous tensions implicit in a resistant stance to nationalizing cultural forms. Wulff examines a range of traditional dance forms, treating dance as a... more
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      Human GeographyArchaeologyAnthropology
Disponible en: ... Redalyc Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal ... ROSTAS, SUSANNA;DROOGERS,... more
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    • Alteridades
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      HistoryPolitical ScienceNationalism
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnthropologyHistorical Studies
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      ManHistorical Studies
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      Latin American StudiesHistory and archaeology
Qué tienen en común un santero y un conchero y qué comperten éstos con un practicante del new age ? Ésta y otras cuestiones son el hilo conductor de la obra que ahora el lector tiene en sus manos, un libro que nunca dejará de tomar en... more
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      HistoryHumanitiesArtPolitical Science
Sometime after coming to Mexico City in the early twentieth century, the Concheros gradually became involved in the growing cultural interest in the Aztec past. By the last decades, however, they found themselves in an antagonistic... more
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      HistorySociologyGender StudiesPolitical Science
twentieth century leaders free of blame. Upon those weak foundations they built a structure heavy with injustices, inconsistencies, and political ineptitude" (p.189-190).
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This paper discusses the changing position of women in an indigenous community in Chiapas, Mexico. It argues that women are gaining new agency and an increased pride in their ethnicity as they become members of the various sects that are... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophy of AgencyPolitical SciencePolitics