Papers by Joao Luiz P Marciano
A comparative analysis of the results of the federal legislative elections (2002, 2006 and 2010)
From the standpoint of purely arithmetic - how the composition of the votes of a particular elect... more From the standpoint of purely arithmetic - how the composition of the votes of a particular elected deputy is obtained - the answer can not be unique and direct. There are several situations where a congressman is elected in Brazil, and in each of them the relationship of his mandate to the party is different.
Ciência da Informação, 2006
Resumo O uso cada vez mais disseminado de sistemas informatizados integrados por meio de redes é ... more Resumo O uso cada vez mais disseminado de sistemas informatizados integrados por meio de redes é um fato determinante da sociedade da informação. Este universo de conteúdos e continentes digitais está sujeito a várias ameaças que comprometem seriamente a ...

A influência dos financiadores das campanhas eleitorais sobre os deputados no Congresso Nacional ... more A influência dos financiadores das campanhas eleitorais sobre os deputados no Congresso Nacional é um tema recorrente no debate político nacional. Uma modificação importante no sistema de representação política no Brasil após a volta ao multipartidarismo foi a reformatação do financiamento político, especialmente em relação ao escândalo Collor-PC em 1992. Após esse evento, o Congresso reformou significativamente o sistema de financiamento de partidos e eleições. As bases do novo sistema são formadas pelo tripé do financiamento privado ilimitado, da transparência sobre os recursos arrecadados e da reforma do financiamento público (SPECK, 2005). Manteve-se o horário gratuito permanente para partidos e para candidatos em eleições e acrescentou-se um fundo partidário de financiamento para as organizações partidárias. O modelo está em vigor há mais de uma década e, em parte, é resultado da própria dinâmica do financiamento da política já antes da nova lei.

The ever increasing use of network-integrated information systems is an Information
Society's la... more The ever increasing use of network-integrated information systems is an Information
Society's landmark. This universe of digital contents and media is prone to some threats
that seriously compromise the security of the user-system-information relationship.
Information technology can sugest part of this problem's solution, but cannot solve it integrally.
The information security policies must observe the balance between the human
and technology issues about information security, in contrast with current policy models,
extremely devoted to technological questions.
This work had for purpose the analysis of the required backgrounds for the treatment
of the information security, by means of information security policies proposal, based on
a strategy of phenomenologic analysis. This approach aims to give to the policies a social
boarding, of humanist perspectives, focused in the users's points of view and in opposition
to the current technologic models.
For such, the author proceeded to the analysis of a wide collection from articles and
works in the elds of information security and public and corporate policies, applying a
hermeneutic analysis on these materials. Also, a characterization of the various epistemology
approaches to the Information Science was released.
The found results suggested a model for the design of information security policies,
based on social sciences requisites and builded with emphasis on the overviewing of information
systems and in the context in which they exist.
Brazilian private, government and public organizations have been familiar with the COBIT® framewo... more Brazilian private, government and public organizations have been familiar with the COBIT® framework since its inception in the 1990s. However, the acceptance and use of the model reached a wider audience with COBIT® 4.1, which was released in 2007. And, with the launch of COBIT® 5 in 2012, a new opportunity was posed to managers and auditors with a profound and complete model for IT management and governance.

In its clear interdisciplinarity, the Information Science touches various knowledge domains, whic... more In its clear interdisciplinarity, the Information Science touches various knowledge domains, which are either
related to its contents of interest, or related to the forms chosen to represent such contents. This representation,
in turn, is characterized not only by its symbols and vocabulary, but mainly by the intelectual context available
in its elaboration and which follows all the stages of the associated information life cicle. Therefore, the
message (transmitted information) comprehension and the knowledge thus generated are dependent of both,
the sender’s and the receiver’s cognitive apparatus. The study of this process requires a model capable of
analyzing the knowledge from a neutral point of view, independent from both the observer and the object of its
observation. The Phenomenology proposes to study knowledge from the philosophical point of view, interacting,
in this process, with the cognitive sciences, which analyze the involved intelective processes, and with Information
Science, which analyzes the registered information.
Key words: Information Science; knowledge; phenomenology; cognitive sciences.

The identification of variables that affect proficiency in Portuguese Language is essential for t... more The identification of variables that affect proficiency in Portuguese Language is essential for the elaboration of
interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962
third grade students of 1,661 secondary schools who took the Portuguese Language test of the National Basic Education
System of Evaluation of Basic Education (SAEB) in 2001 using multilevel analysis. The results of this study showed that,
after controlling the effect of variables related to the composition and selectivity of the schools, the intraclass correlation
varied among the Brazilian regions between 0.10 for the South and 0.13 for the North. These figures indicate that even
after the insertion of the control variables, school factors can explain between 10% and 13% of the total variability in
Portuguese performance. Three variables on school level and ten variables on student level were identified as affecting
proficiency in Portuguese Language.
Keywords: educational evaluation; proficiency test; SAEB; regression analysis.

In Psychology and related fields there is growing awareness that the independent observations
der... more In Psychology and related fields there is growing awareness that the independent observations
derived traditional regression analysis are not always reflected in reality. The objective of this
article is to illustrate multilevel analysis, an alternative to traditional regression analysis, using
a dataset of public access, NELS:88. (National Educational Longitudinal Study). NELS:88 is
conducted by the Ministry of Education of the United States of America and was designed
to identify the effect of socio-economic and school variables on educational performance.
The dataset contains data of 21,580 eighth grade students of elementary school distributed
amongst 1,003 schools. In the NELS:88 study a mathematics test was administered together
with a questionnaire about socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the students. It can
be concluded that the NELS:88 dataset serves very well to illustrate in a practical way how a
multilevel analysis is carried out.
Keywords: multilevel analysis, hierarchical linear model, intraclass correlation, NELS:88.

The main purpose of this study was to identify variables that affect proficiency in Mathematics o... more The main purpose of this study was to identify variables that affect proficiency in Mathematics of Brazilian students of
the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who
took the Mathematics test of the SAEB in 2001. Multilevel analysis showed a raw intraclass correlation (ICC) of .43
and an ICC corrected for variables related to the composition and selectivity of the school of .15. After the entry of the
control variables seven indicators on student level and five indicators on school level were identified that affect
achievement in Mathematics. The final model of this study explains at least 84.9% of the total variance on school level
and 19.8% of the total variance on student level. The results of the present study confirm the results of other Brazilian
studies related to factors affecting proficiency in Mathematics using multilevel analysis.
Keywords: Educational evaluation; School performance; SAEB; Multilevel regression analysis.
Ciência da Informação, 2006
O uso cada vez mais disseminado de sistemas informatizados integrados por meio de redes é um fato... more O uso cada vez mais disseminado de sistemas informatizados integrados por meio de redes é um fato determinante da sociedade da informação. Este universo de conteúdos e continentes digitais está sujeito a várias ameaças que comprometem seriamente a segurança do complexo usuáriosistema-informação. A tecnologia da informação é capaz de apresentar parte da solução a este problema, mas não é capaz de resolvê-lo integralmente. As políticas de segurança da informação devem contemplar o adequado equilíbrio dos aspectos humanos e técnicos da segurança da informação, em contraposição aos modelos de políticas atuais, extremamente voltados às questões tecnológicas.
Papers by Joao Luiz P Marciano
Society's landmark. This universe of digital contents and media is prone to some threats
that seriously compromise the security of the user-system-information relationship.
Information technology can sugest part of this problem's solution, but cannot solve it integrally.
The information security policies must observe the balance between the human
and technology issues about information security, in contrast with current policy models,
extremely devoted to technological questions.
This work had for purpose the analysis of the required backgrounds for the treatment
of the information security, by means of information security policies proposal, based on
a strategy of phenomenologic analysis. This approach aims to give to the policies a social
boarding, of humanist perspectives, focused in the users's points of view and in opposition
to the current technologic models.
For such, the author proceeded to the analysis of a wide collection from articles and
works in the elds of information security and public and corporate policies, applying a
hermeneutic analysis on these materials. Also, a characterization of the various epistemology
approaches to the Information Science was released.
The found results suggested a model for the design of information security policies,
based on social sciences requisites and builded with emphasis on the overviewing of information
systems and in the context in which they exist.
related to its contents of interest, or related to the forms chosen to represent such contents. This representation,
in turn, is characterized not only by its symbols and vocabulary, but mainly by the intelectual context available
in its elaboration and which follows all the stages of the associated information life cicle. Therefore, the
message (transmitted information) comprehension and the knowledge thus generated are dependent of both,
the sender’s and the receiver’s cognitive apparatus. The study of this process requires a model capable of
analyzing the knowledge from a neutral point of view, independent from both the observer and the object of its
observation. The Phenomenology proposes to study knowledge from the philosophical point of view, interacting,
in this process, with the cognitive sciences, which analyze the involved intelective processes, and with Information
Science, which analyzes the registered information.
Key words: Information Science; knowledge; phenomenology; cognitive sciences.
interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962
third grade students of 1,661 secondary schools who took the Portuguese Language test of the National Basic Education
System of Evaluation of Basic Education (SAEB) in 2001 using multilevel analysis. The results of this study showed that,
after controlling the effect of variables related to the composition and selectivity of the schools, the intraclass correlation
varied among the Brazilian regions between 0.10 for the South and 0.13 for the North. These figures indicate that even
after the insertion of the control variables, school factors can explain between 10% and 13% of the total variability in
Portuguese performance. Three variables on school level and ten variables on student level were identified as affecting
proficiency in Portuguese Language.
Keywords: educational evaluation; proficiency test; SAEB; regression analysis.
derived traditional regression analysis are not always reflected in reality. The objective of this
article is to illustrate multilevel analysis, an alternative to traditional regression analysis, using
a dataset of public access, NELS:88. (National Educational Longitudinal Study). NELS:88 is
conducted by the Ministry of Education of the United States of America and was designed
to identify the effect of socio-economic and school variables on educational performance.
The dataset contains data of 21,580 eighth grade students of elementary school distributed
amongst 1,003 schools. In the NELS:88 study a mathematics test was administered together
with a questionnaire about socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the students. It can
be concluded that the NELS:88 dataset serves very well to illustrate in a practical way how a
multilevel analysis is carried out.
Keywords: multilevel analysis, hierarchical linear model, intraclass correlation, NELS:88.
the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who
took the Mathematics test of the SAEB in 2001. Multilevel analysis showed a raw intraclass correlation (ICC) of .43
and an ICC corrected for variables related to the composition and selectivity of the school of .15. After the entry of the
control variables seven indicators on student level and five indicators on school level were identified that affect
achievement in Mathematics. The final model of this study explains at least 84.9% of the total variance on school level
and 19.8% of the total variance on student level. The results of the present study confirm the results of other Brazilian
studies related to factors affecting proficiency in Mathematics using multilevel analysis.
Keywords: Educational evaluation; School performance; SAEB; Multilevel regression analysis.
Society's landmark. This universe of digital contents and media is prone to some threats
that seriously compromise the security of the user-system-information relationship.
Information technology can sugest part of this problem's solution, but cannot solve it integrally.
The information security policies must observe the balance between the human
and technology issues about information security, in contrast with current policy models,
extremely devoted to technological questions.
This work had for purpose the analysis of the required backgrounds for the treatment
of the information security, by means of information security policies proposal, based on
a strategy of phenomenologic analysis. This approach aims to give to the policies a social
boarding, of humanist perspectives, focused in the users's points of view and in opposition
to the current technologic models.
For such, the author proceeded to the analysis of a wide collection from articles and
works in the elds of information security and public and corporate policies, applying a
hermeneutic analysis on these materials. Also, a characterization of the various epistemology
approaches to the Information Science was released.
The found results suggested a model for the design of information security policies,
based on social sciences requisites and builded with emphasis on the overviewing of information
systems and in the context in which they exist.
related to its contents of interest, or related to the forms chosen to represent such contents. This representation,
in turn, is characterized not only by its symbols and vocabulary, but mainly by the intelectual context available
in its elaboration and which follows all the stages of the associated information life cicle. Therefore, the
message (transmitted information) comprehension and the knowledge thus generated are dependent of both,
the sender’s and the receiver’s cognitive apparatus. The study of this process requires a model capable of
analyzing the knowledge from a neutral point of view, independent from both the observer and the object of its
observation. The Phenomenology proposes to study knowledge from the philosophical point of view, interacting,
in this process, with the cognitive sciences, which analyze the involved intelective processes, and with Information
Science, which analyzes the registered information.
Key words: Information Science; knowledge; phenomenology; cognitive sciences.
interventions that seek to improve student achievement in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the data of 33,962
third grade students of 1,661 secondary schools who took the Portuguese Language test of the National Basic Education
System of Evaluation of Basic Education (SAEB) in 2001 using multilevel analysis. The results of this study showed that,
after controlling the effect of variables related to the composition and selectivity of the schools, the intraclass correlation
varied among the Brazilian regions between 0.10 for the South and 0.13 for the North. These figures indicate that even
after the insertion of the control variables, school factors can explain between 10% and 13% of the total variability in
Portuguese performance. Three variables on school level and ten variables on student level were identified as affecting
proficiency in Portuguese Language.
Keywords: educational evaluation; proficiency test; SAEB; regression analysis.
derived traditional regression analysis are not always reflected in reality. The objective of this
article is to illustrate multilevel analysis, an alternative to traditional regression analysis, using
a dataset of public access, NELS:88. (National Educational Longitudinal Study). NELS:88 is
conducted by the Ministry of Education of the United States of America and was designed
to identify the effect of socio-economic and school variables on educational performance.
The dataset contains data of 21,580 eighth grade students of elementary school distributed
amongst 1,003 schools. In the NELS:88 study a mathematics test was administered together
with a questionnaire about socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the students. It can
be concluded that the NELS:88 dataset serves very well to illustrate in a practical way how a
multilevel analysis is carried out.
Keywords: multilevel analysis, hierarchical linear model, intraclass correlation, NELS:88.
the third grade of secondary school. To attain this goal we analyzed the data of 35,929 students of 1,715 schools who
took the Mathematics test of the SAEB in 2001. Multilevel analysis showed a raw intraclass correlation (ICC) of .43
and an ICC corrected for variables related to the composition and selectivity of the school of .15. After the entry of the
control variables seven indicators on student level and five indicators on school level were identified that affect
achievement in Mathematics. The final model of this study explains at least 84.9% of the total variance on school level
and 19.8% of the total variance on student level. The results of the present study confirm the results of other Brazilian
studies related to factors affecting proficiency in Mathematics using multilevel analysis.
Keywords: Educational evaluation; School performance; SAEB; Multilevel regression analysis.