Books by John A . Jillions
Oxford University Press, 2020
Draws on thought from first-century Corinth, where Gentiles, Jews, and early Christians debated h... more Draws on thought from first-century Corinth, where Gentiles, Jews, and early Christians debated how to understand perceived divine guidance and its role in good and evil. Offers an outline for the 21st century and suggests criteria for assessing perceived divine guidance.
Reviews of Divine Guidance (OUP, 2020) by John A . Jillions
Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies (3:2), 2020
Review by Paul Ladouceur (University of Toronto)
The Wheel (Issue 21/22), 2020
Michael Plekon's review of Divine Guidance: Lessons for Today from the World of Early Christianity
Eastern Christian Books, 2020
Adam DeVille's interview on Divine Guidance for the blog "Eastern Christian Books"
Conference Presentations by John A . Jillions
Report of the 2021 Orthodox-Pentecostal Academic Dialogue, co-chaired by Dr Paul Ladouceur and Dr... more Report of the 2021 Orthodox-Pentecostal Academic Dialogue, co-chaired by Dr Paul Ladouceur and Dr Daniela C. Augustine.
Chapters in Books by John A . Jillions

The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies, 2018
This is a chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies, edited by Geoffrey Wainwright and... more This is a chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies, edited by Geoffrey Wainwright and Paul McPartlan. The chapter considers the methodology of ecumenism from an Eastern Orthodox perspective. It begins by briefly reviewing the Holy and Great Council that took place in Crete in 2016, and its document on the relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian world. The second part looks at the lukewarm or hostile reception of ecumenical dialogue, and the third examines more closely the debates for and against. The chapter then suggests ways to move Christian unity forward through a broader engagement of bishops; reconsidering the bold twentieth-century proposals of Sergius Bulgakov, Nicolas Afanasiev, and Nicholas Zernov; a 'kenotic ecumenism' based on Philippians 2:4-7 and the thought of John Zizioulas; and making communion with God the focus of a renewed ecumenical movement in which the Jesus Prayer could play an important unifying role.
Looks at the role of bishops in the Orthodox Church, preserving the balance between faithfulness ... more Looks at the role of bishops in the Orthodox Church, preserving the balance between faithfulness to Christian tradition and discerning the the Holy Spirit's direction in the present. This appeared as a chapter in "Church and World: Essays in Honor of Michael Plekon" edited by William C. Mills (Orthodox Research Institute, 2013).
This is a slightly revised English version of a chapter (in French) that appeared in Théologie Pr... more This is a slightly revised English version of a chapter (in French) that appeared in Théologie Pratique, Pratiques de Théologie, edited by Karlijn Demasure and Luc Tardif, Quebec: Mediaspaul, 2014.
Spiritual Guidance Across Religions, 2014
This is a chapter in Spiritual Guidance Across Religions: A Sourcebook for Spiritual Directors an... more This is a chapter in Spiritual Guidance Across Religions: A Sourcebook for Spiritual Directors and Other Professionals Providing Counsel to People of Differing Faith Traditions, edited by Rev John R. Mabry, PhD. Woodstock, Vermont: SkyLight Paths, 2014.
The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology, 2008
This is a chapter in The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology, edited by Mary B. Cu... more This is a chapter in The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology, edited by Mary B. Cunningham and Elizabeth Theokritoff (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
This paper compares and contrasts the approaches of Ezekiel and Jesus to the challenge of "the ot... more This paper compares and contrasts the approaches of Ezekiel and Jesus to the challenge of "the other." It is a chapter in the Festschrift in Honor of Professor Paul Nadim Tarazi, Volume 3- Studies in Intertestamental, Extra-Canonical, and Early Christian Literature, edited by Tom Dykstra and Vahan Hovhanessian. New York: Peter Lang, 2015.
Published Papers by John A . Jillions
The Wheel (Issue 21/22), 2020
The article considers academic freedom in relation to the Orthodox Church.
Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2010
Zernov's (1898-1980) ideas on Christian unity were often dismissed as unworkably romanticized or ... more Zernov's (1898-1980) ideas on Christian unity were often dismissed as unworkably romanticized or doctrinally suspect, but he was convinced that the Orthodox Church could become a servant of unity if it lived out the radical self-emptying (kenosis) of Christ and the Gospel. This article offers a reassessment of Zernov and his critics.
St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, 2018
This paper is a response to N.T. Wright's paper "Learning From Paul Together: How New Insight Int... more This paper is a response to N.T. Wright's paper "Learning From Paul Together: How New Insight Into Paul's Teaching Can Help Us Move Forward in Mission," delivered at the Lausanne Orthodox Initiative Theological Educators' Consultation, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 5 September 2017. Wright's paper is published in St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 62:4 (2018) 317-332.
Theoforum, 2008
Briefly considers the ecumenical thought of Metropolitan Evlogy, Sergius Bulgakov, Georges Florov... more Briefly considers the ecumenical thought of Metropolitan Evlogy, Sergius Bulgakov, Georges Florovsky, Mother Maria Skobtsova, Nicolas Afanasiev,
Paul Evdokimov, Anton Kartashev, Lev Zander and Nicholas Zernov.

Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2009
Love of enemies is at the heart of Jesus' teaching. Yet, the Scriptures and liturgy of the Orthod... more Love of enemies is at the heart of Jesus' teaching. Yet, the Scriptures and liturgy of the Orthodox Church, and the patristic literature on which they draw, are striking in their use of hostile and uncompromising language when speaking of enemies both spiritual and actual or personal. This article reviews such language in the Bible; the writings of Justin Martyr, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, and Theodore of Mopsuestia; and in liturgical services, Baptism especially. All of this has spawned a legacy of anathemas that the author seeks to analyze and understand through the work of Jaroslav Pelikan and Elaine Pagels. Having done that, the author, in part 2, informally surveys numerous Eastern Christians today to gauge their attitudes toward this language of enemies, and then gives special attention to those who see ecumenists as the most dangerous enemies of the Orthodox Church today. The author then intro- duces the work of conflict theorist Vern Redekop as a useful framework to understand this process and how "structures of blessing" can be created to overcome entrenched conflicts and "structures of violence." The author argues that Redekop's approach not only seems more congruent with the boundary- crossing and peacemaking characteristic of Jesus, but also challenges today's Orthodox to re-think their language and positions vis-à-vis their contemporary "enemies," especially those ecumenists devoted to Christian unity.
Sobornost (Incorporating Eastern Churches Review), 1998
This paper is an analysis of 1-2 Corinthians from the perspective of the contemporary pursuit of ... more This paper is an analysis of 1-2 Corinthians from the perspective of the contemporary pursuit of Christian unity. Paul's dominant outlook is not exclusion but inclusion. While the exclusive aspects of his teaching cannot be dismissed, Christians today should imitate Paul's example of seeking creative ways to recognize, include, and reconcile rather than exclude.
Public Orthodoxy, 2016
In the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump as US President in 2016 this brief essay propose... more In the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump as US President in 2016 this brief essay proposes a path to advancing the common good.
Books by John A . Jillions
Reviews of Divine Guidance (OUP, 2020) by John A . Jillions
Conference Presentations by John A . Jillions
Chapters in Books by John A . Jillions
Published Papers by John A . Jillions
Paul Evdokimov, Anton Kartashev, Lev Zander and Nicholas Zernov.
Paul Evdokimov, Anton Kartashev, Lev Zander and Nicholas Zernov.