Cambridge Theological Federation
Westcott House
David Conway contests that “La Juive ... tells us nothing about Jews in nineteenth-century France or any other era; still less is it intended to prompt any serious reflections prompting a liberal view of multi-cultural society.” (Jewry in... more
This study investigates the effectiveness of combining the curricula for Music and Citizenship into the same scheme of work. Students in Year 9 created, in small groups, a piece of music theatre about knife crime, and the engagement of... more
Edward D. Green, "In what ways can the identity politics of Ezra 4 contribute to our understanding of community in crisis?" (Unpublished manuscript, 2021).
This paper sets Awaiting the King against the background of the previous volumes in Smith's Cultural Liturgies trilogy, and outlines this book's argument for readers not familiar with it, bringing out the influence of St Augustine and... more
This contribution addresses pressing questions about English national identity and belonging through exploring Anglican polity and its relationship with place. I argue that the Church of England's 'territorial embeddedness' has resources... more
This contribution addresses pressing questions about English national identity and belonging through exploring Anglican polity and its relationship with place. I argue that the Church of England's 'territorial... more
Throughout his retirement, John Hick, the Philosopher of Religious Pluralism, collated a collection of papers in his home office, which had built up over the course of his career. Until now, the contents of this collection remained... more
Since the publication of Zizioulas' seminal text, Being as Communion (1985), succesive theologians have turned to his work to postulate a social-trinity. The past decade has witnessed a significant repudiation of social-trinitarianism,... more
During the 1980s and 1990s it was common to juxtapose a supposedly Patristic retrieval of a ‘social-trinity’ as opposed to a Latin and Augustinian ‘substantial trinity’- a juxtaposition known as the de Régnon paradigm. This social trinity... more
In this paper, I have challenged the consensus that Zizioulas is a Social Trinitarian. My thesis has made quite a simple point that I believe what Zizioulas seeks to achieve in his eucharistic ecclesiology is different from social... more
Remembering the Future': The Eschatological dimension of Eucharistic anamnesis in Zizioulas' Ecclesiology. A conference paper for the Society for the Study of Theology Conference on Eschatology.
In 2024 I delivered a talk on the eucharist for the Society of Catholic Priests in the Church of England. This talk considers how the modern Orthodox theologian John Zizioulas conceives of the Eucharist as both a participation in the... more
Robert Crouse is a noted Patristic and Medieval scholar, and a teacher and priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. Through his committment to the texts of our spiritual and intellectual tradition, Father Crouse has instilled a deep love... more
It is often assumed that the so-called "apocryphal acts" represent reception history of the canonical Acts of the Apostles. Do they? I revisit the issues.
Scholars of reception history often look to extra-canonical narratives about the apostles for evidence that the canonical Acts of the Apostles influenced later Christian literary output. This is particularly the case for those seeking to... more
This essay discusses political perspectives in several extrabiblical stories about the apostles: the Acts of Peter, Acts of Thekla, Acts of Paul (Ephesus and Martyrdom episodes), and Acts of John at Rome. It investigates the literary... more
Analysis of the portrayal of Jesus in the Acts of Andrew and Matthias.