Papers by Professor Alexander Franco, Ph.D.
CamEd Business Review, 2024
CamEd Business Review Vol. 1, No. 1, 2024

Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics, 2023
Colorism is a historical and cultural phenomenon with global dimensions. This phenomenon is credi... more Colorism is a historical and cultural phenomenon with global dimensions. This phenomenon is credited, in part, for the growth and financial success of the skin-lightening industry throughout the world. In Thailand, dark skin is often associated with lower-income classes, including farm labor. As a pioneering effort, this study sought to empirically identify colorism in a way that would minimize social desirability bias. Three groups in an MBA program at an international university in Bangkok-Thais with Chinese ancestry, non-Chinese Thais, and non-Thai foreigners-were asked to identify socioeconomic status ("rich" or "poor") by examining photographs of male and female Thais with dark, medium, and light skin tones. An analysis was conducted using the demographic variables of ethnicity, gender, and age. The study found significant differences wherein Thai-Chinese associated light skin tone with wealth and dark skin tone with poverty. Non-Chinese Thais followed in this assessment, but foreigners did not. Regarding marriage, both Thai-Chinese and non-Chinese Thais chose photographs of individuals with light skin to marry, but they were significantly different than the foreigners where skin tone was not a factor. There was no significant difference regarding gender. However, age was significant in that the younger group in the study (ages 20 to 27) identified dark skin tones as indicating poverty more than the older group in the study (ages 28 to 48).

Southeast Asian Journal of Economics, 2023
The phenomenon of job displacement by robots, in general, and potentially by humanoid robots has ... more The phenomenon of job displacement by robots, in general, and potentially by humanoid robots has generated a growing body of academic literature as well as studies from business-funded think tanks. Because of the infancy of its development as a technology, much of the literature on humanoid robotics is speculative, focusing mostly on psychometric factors regarding receptivity and not on workers'perception of job displacement or human-robot interaction in future workplaces. This economics study regarding future employment trends is an original, pioneering effort in examining the perceptions of job displacement and future human-robot work interaction in Thailand. It surveyed students in an English-medium MBA program at an international university in Bangkok, Thailand. Perceptions of job displacement were examined using the demographic variables of gender, age, employment status, and ethnic background. The study found partial support regarding all fourof the demographic variables studied, with more significant differences regarding gender and ethnicity.

ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation, 2023
Despite the rapid advances in the development of humanoid robots (HRs), inquiries regarding their... more Despite the rapid advances in the development of humanoid robots (HRs), inquiries regarding their receptivity (user acceptance) by humans is still quite limited with no studies involving a substantial number of respondents being conducted in Southeast Asia and, specifically, Thailand. Therefore, this a pioneering study that examined students in the MBA program of an English-medium division within an international university in Bangkok, Thailand. A selfadministered, anonymous questionnaire was developed to generate data. A typology of receptivity to humanoid robots was then created by using a factor analysis that generated four significant factors (HRs viewed as beneficial, viewed as potential friends, viewed with fear, and viewed as potential sex partners) which were then used for a multivariate cluster analysis with demographic classifications. The results indicated that none of the clusters displayed significant difference in demographic make-up. However, the groupings involving gender and nationality were close to significance and may be worthy of further examination in subsequent studies.

Thammasat Review, 2023
The exploration of the degree of cultural receptivity (potential workplace acceptance) of humanoi... more The exploration of the degree of cultural receptivity (potential workplace acceptance) of humanoid robots is important for the design of robotic agents and factors into the intricate and complex relationship between culture and human-robot interaction. The body of academic literature on potential user acceptance and culture has grown in anticipation of the inevitability of widespread use of humanoid robots. This includes studies that have examined components of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model regarding humanoid robots. However, while such inquiries have been examined in many countries, the nation of Thailand has been neglected. Therefore, this exploratory study is a pioneering effort in that respect and, while most studies have narrowly focused on psychometric considerations such as anxiety and fear, this study is unique in comprehensively examining perceptions of receptivity within the workplace. Graduate students (Thai and non-Thai) from the English-medium division of an MBA program at an international university in Bangkok, comprised the sample population, thus allowing for in-group and between group comparisons. Receptivity was examined utilizing hypotheses with the independent demographic variables of gender, marital status, age, employment status, and ethnicity. Findings indicated partial support for all the independent variables, with ethnicity revealing the most statistically significant differences. The examination of ethnicity revealed, not only significant differences between Thais and non-Thais, but also differences between Chinese Thai and Thais of non-Chinese ancestry. Also, gender significantly affected perceived usefulness as per the TAM and UTAUT models.
Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 2022
A review of Martin Ford's book.

Journal of Supply Chain Management: Research & Practice, 2021
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020-2021 wreaked havoc on supply chains around the world.... more The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020-2021 wreaked havoc on supply chains around the world. The forest products industry and, specifically, the lumber industry have been no exception with the price of lumber rising in the United States to levels not seen since the housing boom of the post-World War II period. The rise has also affected downstream industries such as the creation of single and multi-family housing and transportation products such as pallets. This study examined empirical evidence to determine if the lumber industry crisis qualified as a super disruption versus an instantaneous disruption by examining the four criteria of impact, scope, recovery, and timing. The study found that the lumber industry met all four of these characteristics as they relate to a super disruption or a supply chain crisis. An outline is then presented to develop a responsive and dynamic supply chain management business model that attempts to integrate resilience and adaption at different stages of an outbreak or crisis.
Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 2021
Both Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and public relations suffer from definitional difficul... more Both Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and public relations suffer from definitional difficulties and, therefore, are often cynically perceived by academicians and the public alike. This study sought to examine the nature of CSR activities within 50 companies rewarded for outstanding performance regarding CSR in order to determine the extent to which these companies incorporated public relations within their CSR activities. It found that most of the activities indicated as CSR were actually philanthropic in nature and not focused on providing restitution or assistance for the negative impacts or negative consequences brought about by the firm in creating its product or service. Corporate philanthropy, which historically fell within the management of public relations, was shifted to within the purview of CSR.
Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences, 2021
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) continues in its six-decade evolution as a concept and in s... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) continues in its six-decade evolution as a concept and in search of a concrete definition. The colorations of its evolution have been reflective of social and political trends throughout its timeframe, the most contemporary consisting of adoption of the primary tenets of stakeholder theory. This work seeks to develop a viable and workable definition based on the fundamental characteristics of private property and the distinguishing features of the corporate form. It argues that these provide grounding for a deontological-principled and consequentialist-practical solution to CSR by way of restitution for damage caused by a corporation in the creation of a product or performance of a service.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2017
The primary goal of this study was to determine the factors related to accounting anxiety among M... more The primary goal of this study was to determine the factors related to accounting anxiety among MBA students who utilize English as a second language (ESL). The analysis included components within the learning environment and also differentiations as to demographic variables such as gender, age, ethnicity, and any prior undergraduate exposure to the study of accounting. A secondary goal of the study was to determine perception of anxiety among ESL students in an MBA program regarding quantitative courses as opposed to qualitative courses. Finally, the study examined different strategies used by ESL students to deal with accounting anxiety. The study found that there were significant differences in accounting anxiety based on gender, ethnicity, and exposure to undergraduate accounting. However, age was not a factor. In addition, the study supported the hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between levels of English proficiency and accounting anxiety. It also supported the ...

International Journal of Business & Management Research , 2018
░ Abstract: The globalization of Chinese products has been accompanied by questions as to their r... more ░ Abstract: The globalization of Chinese products has been accompanied by questions as to their receptivity in different markets around the world. The body of academic literature on the issue of receptivity of Chinese products has grown with a focus on the consumer perception factors of country-of-origin, consumer nationalism, price sensitivity and quality of product. Prior research findings regarding receptivity, as per these perception factors, has been quite diverse but with studies about Western nations providing the most negative responses. The originality and value of this study is that this is the first academic wor k performed to assess receptivity of Chinese products by consumers in Myanmar. Applying convenience sampling, students at a national educational institution in Myanmar's principal city, Yangon, were examined by conducting a self-administered questionnaire containing both close-ended and open-ended questions. Null hypotheses were tested for consistency in the presentation of the findings due to the variability of statistical significance discovered in the literature review. The find ings indicated that frequent purchasers of Chinese products were more likely to regard the factors of country-of-origin and consumer nationalism over non-frequent purchases and that no statistically significant differences occurred regarding the perception factors of price sensitivity and product quality. The study also found mixed differentials when assessing by ethnic origins, with Myanmar consumers of Chinese ancestry indicating higher mean differences regarding the perception factors of country-of-origin and product quality over non-Chinese Myanmar. Suggestions for future research were made to provide utilitarian data that will assist practitioners along the supply chain, from manufacturers to retailers.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research, 2017
Abstract. The primary goal of this study was to construct a business course that allows for the l... more Abstract. The primary goal of this study was to construct a business course that allows for the learning of business lessons by watching selected films. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized to obtain empirical verification on the reading and film watching habits of a sample of MBA students at an international university. The results indicated preference for audio-visual products over reading in order to obtain information on business. A course was then designed for the timeframe of a “blended” course where approximately half of the time invested by students consists of self-learning at home while the other half consists of traditional, face-to-face class sessions. A literature review revealed that the following business topics have been extensively addressed in the studying of cinema: cross-cultural management, ethics, entrepreneurship, managerial leadership and lifestyle choices within the business world. The framework of a course syllabus is presented based on these five...
HR: Management & Training Journal
Vol 2, No 2 June, 2018
pp. 11-13.
This article is written... more HR: Management & Training Journal
Vol 2, No 2 June, 2018
pp. 11-13.
This article is written in the Myanmar language in the country's top human resources journal.
Center for International Business and Educational Research, 2018
Version written in the Myanmar language

Center for International Business and Educational Research, 2018
As a successful businessman and unique innovator, Elon Musk has already earned a place in the ann... more As a successful businessman and unique innovator, Elon Musk has already earned a place in the annals of contemporary business history. With a USD $28,000 loan from his father, Musk co-founded a web software company (Zip2) which was later acquired by Compaq. He took his proceeds from the sale to then create which was subsequently purchased by PayPal. At this point, Musk could have purchased a small island and retired quite comfortably as a rich, young man. Instead, he invested his wealth into developing a series of businesses: SpaceX (2002), a space transport services company focused, in part, on establishing future human colonies on the moon and on Mars; Tesla Inc. (2003), a manufacturer of electric cars; SolarCity (2006), a solar energy services business; OpenAI (2015), a nonprofit created to promote safe artificial intelligence; Neuralink (2016), a company focused on creating brain-computer interfaces, and; The Boring Company (2016), a business that develops transportation infrastructure.
Center for International Business and Educational Research, 2018
On any given day, sociopaths are responsible for 80% to 90% of all conflicts and turmoil in any g... more On any given day, sociopaths are responsible for 80% to 90% of all conflicts and turmoil in any given workplace. They know what they are while most of us are completely ignorant of their true nature. Most
sociopaths deliberately wear a mask – a disguise like that is used like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing – with the understanding that ignorance of who and what they are gives them the advantage in
their predatory behavior against people.

Open Journal of Business and Management, 2018
The ten nation members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) utilize English as t... more The ten nation members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) utilize English as the official working language for the organization. This study focused on the nation of Thailand to examine the assessed level of English proficiency of its workforce in relation to its ability to interact within ASEAN’s economic community (AEC). This is the first academic study to utilize a sample population consisting of human resources personnel from the top 100 private companies in Thailand who are in charge of employee training for learning English. Self-administered questionnaires were used to obtain self-assessments on the issues of level of English proficiency, language training,
resource allocation for communication preparedness in AEC, and overall
perceptions of the importance of mastering English within their respective companies. The results indicate that the acquisition of English as an economic lingua franca was considered important regardless of the demographic factors of the company examined. A majority of the respondents expressed the belief
that their businesses had provided adequate resource allocation for English preparedness and a majority also indicated that their respective workforces possessed adequate English skills. However, a majority also expressed assessments that the employees in their companies did not find it easy to learn English and that Thais in general, and their employees in particular, did not like learning the language.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2017
The primary goal of this study was to determine the factors related to accounting anxiety among M... more The primary goal of this study was to determine the factors related to accounting anxiety among MBA students who utilize English as a second language (ESL). The analysis included components within the learning environment and also differentiations as to demographic variables such as gender, age, ethnicity, and any prior undergraduate exposure to the study of accounting. A secondary goal of the study was to determine perception of anxiety among ESL students in an MBA program regarding quantitative courses as opposed to qualitative courses. Finally, the study examined different strategies used by ESL students to deal with accounting anxiety. The study found that there were significant differences in accounting anxiety based on gender, ethnicity, and exposure to undergraduate accounting. However, age was not a factor. In addition, the study supported the hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between levels of English proficiency and accounting anxiety. It also supported the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between the levels of anxiety with classes involving quantitative subject matter. Finally, the study rejected significant differences in coping strategies by levels of accounting anxiety.
Center for International Business and Educational Research, 2018
Recently, Myanmar’s Ministry of Commerce announced that the country would reached its target of U... more Recently, Myanmar’s Ministry of Commerce announced that the country would reached its target of US$6 billion regarding foreign direct investments (FDI) by the end of the nation’s current fiscal year (2017/18
fiscal year ending March 31 – but note that legislative changes have created a new fiscal year for 2018/19 to begin October 1st.) In fact, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) – a
government agency responsible for the regulation and investment facilitation of FDI projects as well as general promotion and the collection of investment data – indicated as of January 31st of this year that the US$6 billion figure had already been reached regarding the foreign investment of existing enterprises under the government’s FDI program.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2017
The primary goal of this study was to construct a business course that allows for the learning of... more The primary goal of this study was to construct a business course that allows for the learning of business lessons by watching selected films. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized to obtain empirical verification on the reading and film watching habits of a sample of MBA students at an international university. The results indicated preference for audiovisual products over reading in order to obtain information on business. A course was then designed for the timeframe of a " blended " course where approximately half of the time invested by students consists of self-learning at home while the other half consists of traditional, face-to-face class sessions. A literature review revealed that the following business topics have been extensively addressed in the studying of cinema: cross-cultural management, ethics, entrepreneurship, managerial leadership and lifestyle choices within the business world. The framework of a course syllabus is presented based on these five subject areas.
Papers by Professor Alexander Franco, Ph.D.
Vol 2, No 2 June, 2018
pp. 11-13.
This article is written in the Myanmar language in the country's top human resources journal.
sociopaths deliberately wear a mask – a disguise like that is used like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing – with the understanding that ignorance of who and what they are gives them the advantage in
their predatory behavior against people.
(ASEAN) utilize English as the official working language for the organization. This study focused on the nation of Thailand to examine the assessed level of English proficiency of its workforce in relation to its ability to interact within ASEAN’s economic community (AEC). This is the first academic study to utilize a sample population consisting of human resources personnel from the top 100 private companies in Thailand who are in charge of employee training for learning English. Self-administered questionnaires were used to obtain self-assessments on the issues of level of English proficiency, language training,
resource allocation for communication preparedness in AEC, and overall
perceptions of the importance of mastering English within their respective companies. The results indicate that the acquisition of English as an economic lingua franca was considered important regardless of the demographic factors of the company examined. A majority of the respondents expressed the belief
that their businesses had provided adequate resource allocation for English preparedness and a majority also indicated that their respective workforces possessed adequate English skills. However, a majority also expressed assessments that the employees in their companies did not find it easy to learn English and that Thais in general, and their employees in particular, did not like learning the language.
fiscal year ending March 31 – but note that legislative changes have created a new fiscal year for 2018/19 to begin October 1st.) In fact, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) – a
government agency responsible for the regulation and investment facilitation of FDI projects as well as general promotion and the collection of investment data – indicated as of January 31st of this year that the US$6 billion figure had already been reached regarding the foreign investment of existing enterprises under the government’s FDI program.
Vol 2, No 2 June, 2018
pp. 11-13.
This article is written in the Myanmar language in the country's top human resources journal.
sociopaths deliberately wear a mask – a disguise like that is used like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing – with the understanding that ignorance of who and what they are gives them the advantage in
their predatory behavior against people.
(ASEAN) utilize English as the official working language for the organization. This study focused on the nation of Thailand to examine the assessed level of English proficiency of its workforce in relation to its ability to interact within ASEAN’s economic community (AEC). This is the first academic study to utilize a sample population consisting of human resources personnel from the top 100 private companies in Thailand who are in charge of employee training for learning English. Self-administered questionnaires were used to obtain self-assessments on the issues of level of English proficiency, language training,
resource allocation for communication preparedness in AEC, and overall
perceptions of the importance of mastering English within their respective companies. The results indicate that the acquisition of English as an economic lingua franca was considered important regardless of the demographic factors of the company examined. A majority of the respondents expressed the belief
that their businesses had provided adequate resource allocation for English preparedness and a majority also indicated that their respective workforces possessed adequate English skills. However, a majority also expressed assessments that the employees in their companies did not find it easy to learn English and that Thais in general, and their employees in particular, did not like learning the language.
fiscal year ending March 31 – but note that legislative changes have created a new fiscal year for 2018/19 to begin October 1st.) In fact, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) – a
government agency responsible for the regulation and investment facilitation of FDI projects as well as general promotion and the collection of investment data – indicated as of January 31st of this year that the US$6 billion figure had already been reached regarding the foreign investment of existing enterprises under the government’s FDI program.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, deep learning, futurology, job displacement, robots, technology
Alexander Franco, Ph.D. was born in Havana, Cuba. He became the first Cuban-American to receive a doctorate degree in public administration in the history of the United States. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Neil Griffin School of Business, Arkansas State University, Queretaro Campus. This is his third book on Cuba.
Fiscal Crisis of the City of Miami
Alexander Franco
December 2001
Publication Number: 3031605
ProQuest Information and Learning
300 North Zeeb Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346
Alexander Franco & Enrique J. Ventura
The Renaissance Publishing Group, Miami, Florida
December 1996
ISBN-13: 9780964532915
ISBN-10: 0964532913
Alexander Franco
America’s Growth Partners, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
December 1995
ISBN-13: 9780964532908
ISBN-10: 0964532905
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is Southeast Asia's primary multilateral organization, a 10-member grouping of nations with a combined population of 660 million and a combined annual gross domestic product (GDP) of around $3.1 trillion in 2021. Established in 1967, it has grown into one of the world's largest regional fora, representing a strategically important region straddling some of the world's busiest sea lanes, including the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea. Taken collectively, ASEAN would rank as the world's fifth-largest economy and the United States' fourth-largest export market.
The Pandemic Effort: Sixty Experts on Immunizing the Built Environment
Blaine Brownell, editor
Princeton Architectural Press 2023