Papers by James Breckinridge
Italics denote improvements relative to DRM1 BOLD improvement denotes unique WFIRST-2.4 capabilit... more Italics denote improvements relative to DRM1 BOLD improvement denotes unique WFIRST-2.4 capability Red denotes capability that requires joint JWST + WFIRST-2.4 operations DISCOVERY SCIENCE Key Observation Improvement over DRM1 Section Identification and characterization of nearby habitable exoplanets Characterize tens of Jupiter-like planets around nearby stars.
AOPC 2020: Optics Ultra Precision Manufacturing and Testing
Future large aperture telescopes and high contrast imaging systems will often include segment gap... more Future large aperture telescopes and high contrast imaging systems will often include segment gaps, structural obscurations, along with outer edges which produce diffraction effects that are disadvantageous to high contrast imaging (e.g., for exoplanet detection) or continuous wavefront control across the optical aperture. We present an optimization strategy for several pupil segment topologies for next-generation telescope concepts. Wave propagation results based on diffraction-limited point spread function analyses using Fraunhofer diffraction theory are presented using the Python-based POPPY simulation tool.

Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave
The Coronagraphic Debris Exoplanet Exploring Payload (CDEEP) is a Small-Sat mission concept for h... more The Coronagraphic Debris Exoplanet Exploring Payload (CDEEP) is a Small-Sat mission concept for high contrast imaging of circumstellar disks. CDEEP is designed to observe disks in scattered light at visible wavelengths at a raw contrast level of 10 −7 per resolution element (10 −8 with post processing). This exceptional sensitivity will allow the imaging of transport dominated debris disks, quantifying the albedo, composition, and morphology of these low-surface brightness disks. CDEEP combines an off-axis telescope, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) deformable mirror, and a vector vortex coronagraph (VVC). This system will require rigorous testing and characterization in a space environment. We report on the CDEEP mission concept, and the status of the vacuum-compatible CDEEP prototype testbed currently under development at the University of Arizona, including design development and the results of simulations to estimate performance.
This item was digitized from a paper original and/or a microfilm copy. If you need higher-resolut... more This item was digitized from a paper original and/or a microfilm copy. If you need higher-resolution images for any content in this item, please contact us at [email protected]

Future space telescopes with diameter over 20 m will require in-space assembly. High-precision fo... more Future space telescopes with diameter over 20 m will require in-space assembly. High-precision formation flying has very high cost and may not be able to maintain stable alignment over long periods of time. We believe autonomous assembly is a key enabler for a lower cost approach to large space telescopes. To gain experience, and to provide risk reduction, we propose a demonstration mission to demonstrate all key aspects of autonomous assembly and reconfiguration of a space telescope based on multiple mirror elements. The mission will involve two 3U CubeSat-like nanosatellites (“MirrorSats”) each carrying an electrically actuated adaptive mirror, and each capable of autonomous un-docking and re-docking with a small central “9U” class nanosatellite core, which houses two fixed mirrors and a boom-deployed focal plane assembly. All three spacecraft will be launched as a single ~40kg microsatellite package.

The Habex study, commissioned by NASA in preparation for the 2020 Decadal Survey, is evaluating a... more The Habex study, commissioned by NASA in preparation for the 2020 Decadal Survey, is evaluating a 4 meter space telescope for high contrast imaging and spectral characterization of extrasolar terrestrial planets. Its off-axis configuration, active structural metrology, and low-disturbance pointing control provide an optimal system for coronagraphs. We present predictions of the Habex performance using a charge 6 vortex coronagraph that have been obtained using numerical modeling techniques developed for the WFIRST coronagraph. The models include realistic optical surface and polarization-induced aberrations, pointing jitter, and thermally-induced wavefront variations. Wavefront control using dual deformable mirrors is simulated to create a dark, high-contrast hole around the star. The results show that current technologies can closely approach the Habex performance goals, and with some additional development in key areas (e.g., deformable mirror surface quality, low-polarization coa...
Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1976
The maximum of the probability density distribution of phase fluctuations in the earth's atmosphe... more The maximum of the probability density distribution of phase fluctuations in the earth's atmosphere, as a function of point separation, was measured visually in white light for starlight observed from the ground with a 1.5 m astronomical telescope. A wave-front folding interferometer was used.
Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1975
An analysis is made which shows that if the pupil plane of a large telescope is relayed into a sp... more An analysis is made which shows that if the pupil plane of a large telescope is relayed into a special achromatic prism interferometer of 180° rotational shear and with point symmetry, the second statistical moment of the pupil irradiance fluctuations reveals information about the source two-dimensional mutual coherence function (MCF) at spatial frequencies that, under ordinary conditions, are severely attenuated by propagation through the atmosphere. To obtain a measure of the MCF at points across the telescope pupil simultaneously, it is necessary to use a two-dimensional photo-electronic array detector, with real-time processing.
Optical imaging is important for many NASA science missions. Even though complex optical systems ... more Optical imaging is important for many NASA science missions. Even though complex optical systems have advanced, the optics, based on conventional glass and mirrors, require components that are thick, heavy and expensive. As the need for higher performance expands, glass and mirrors are fast approaching the point where they will be too large, heavy and costly for spacecraft, especially small satellite systems. NASA Langley Research Center is developing a wide range of novel nano-layered synthesized materials that enable the development and fabrication of ultralight weight optical device systems that enable many NASA missions to collect science data imagery using small satellites. In addition to significantly reducing weight, the nano-layered synthesized materials offer advantages in performance, size, and cost.

Optical Systems in Engineering I, 1979
The optical system design of the ATMOS Fourier transform spectrometer to be operated from SpaceLa... more The optical system design of the ATMOS Fourier transform spectrometer to be operated from SpaceLab for the measurement of stratospheric trace molecules contains features which enable it to achieve the required fringe contrast of 80% and spectral resolution of .02 cm-1 (apodized) over a spectral range of 2-16 µm. In particular, the design for high performance and stability is based on the following key features, which alleviate to a substantial degree the usual requirements for alignment precision: 1. "cat's eye" mirror configuration in the two arms of the interferometer for retroreflection stability. 2. tilt-compensated system of beamsplitter, compensator and fold mirrors for wavefront directional stability. 3. paraboloidal "cat's eye" primary mirror for wavefront stability against shear. 4. rotable compensator for matching chromatic dispersion. 5. wedged refractive components to avoid channel spectra due to the Fabry-Perot effect.
Imaging Spectrometry II, 1996
An overview of the physical principals of imaging spectrometry for detailed characterization of r... more An overview of the physical principals of imaging spectrometry for detailed characterization of remote objects and of gas vapors is given. The terms Multi-spectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultra-spectral are defined within the framework of applications and instrument system design approaches. History of the development of imaging spectrometers is reviewed. We are at the threshold of major commercial efforts for these instrument systems.
Applied Optics, 1988
A simple derivation is given for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in images reconstructed from inc... more A simple derivation is given for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in images reconstructed from incoherent holograms. Dependence is shown to be on the hologram SNR, object complexity, and the number of pixels in the detector. Reconstruction of involved objects becomes possible with high dynamic range detectors such as charge-coupled devices. We have produced such white light holograms by means of a rotational shear interferometer combined with a chromatic corrector. A digital inverse transform recreated the object.

Applied Optics, 1972
Change upper case X into lower case x in Eqs. (1), (10), (11), (12), (18), and in adjacent texts.... more Change upper case X into lower case x in Eqs. (1), (10), (11), (12), (18), and in adjacent texts. Figure 8, exchange (a) and (c). Figure 10, exchange (a) and (c); turn all three pictures upsidedown. The lines above Fig. 12: 8(v)-8(v). In Eq. (3) and eleven lines below Fig. 13: AVT-AVF. In Eq. (3) insert; between the two adjacent Avo. Directly below Eq. (3): (Fig. 12)-(Fig. 13). Two lines later: sinA/dsin//d. Line 31 of Sec. II.D should read: defects (from left to right and from top to bottom): ¢ > , 0 < < o, =-40o,k=. Two lines later: far rightlower right. Equation (7), set parenthesis around (27riny/H). the exp argument RAPID COMM UNICA TIONS This section was established to reduce the lead time for the publication of Letters containing new, significant material in rapidly advancing areas of optics judged compelling in their timeliness. The author of such a Letter should have his manuscript reviewed by a OSA Fellow who has similar technical interests and is not a member of the author's institution. The Letter should then be submitted to the Editor, accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the OSA Fellow (who in effect has served as the referee and whose sponsorship will be so indicated in the published Letter) and a commitment from the author's institution to pay the publication charges. The Letter will be published without further refereeing. For more
This volume contains the written contributions corresponding to the oral presentations of about 4... more This volume contains the written contributions corresponding to the oral presentations of about 45 authors at the Coronagraph Workshop 2006. ... Items in DSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. ... If you have any comments or suggestions for this web site, please e-mail Alexander Smith or call 4-4202.

Direct imaging and spectroscopy of terrestrial exoplanets requires the control of vector electrom... more Direct imaging and spectroscopy of terrestrial exoplanets requires the control of vector electromagnetic fields to approximately one part in ten to the fifth over a few milliarc second FOV to achieve the necessary 10-10 intensity contrast levels. Observations using space telescopes are necessary to achieve these levels of diffracted and scattered light control. The highly reflecting metal mirrors and their coatings needed to image these very faint exoplanets introduce polarization into the wavefront, which, in turn affects image quality and reduces exoplanet yield unless corrected. To identify & create the technologies and the electro-optical/mechanical-spacecraft systems models that will achieve these levels, NASA is currently developing two mission concepts, each with their own hardware vision. These are: The Habex, a habitable planet explorer and the LUVOIR, a Large Ultra-Violet Optical-Infrared space telescope system. This paper reports the results of polarization ray-tracing th...
Papers by James Breckinridge